van Noort
Simon van Noort is Curator of Entomology at the South African Museum (Iziko Museums of Cape Town). He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in 1988 and his PhD degree on the systematics and phylogeny of sycoecine fig wasps from Rhodes University in 1992. Since then he has been employed by Iziko South African Museum. Simon's research focuses on the systematics, molecular phylogenetics and biology of fig wasps ( species richness and bioinformatics of Hymenoptera ( and the diversity and biology of terrestrial invertebrates. He is an avid collector and has participated in a number of expeditions in Africa including trips to Mkomazi Game Reserve (Tanzania), Brandberg Massif (Namibia), WWF expeditions to Monts Doudou (Gabon) and Dzangha-Sangha (Central African Republic), Kibale Forest (Uganda) and numerous excursions within Southern Africa including field work in Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa.