More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Stomatostigmata Oudemans 1906 | Original name/combination | synonym |
Prostigmata | Original name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Strandtmann R. W., 1967: 51. | key to Antarctic free-living mites |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
none | 2 |
Collecting Method | # of Records |
beating | 1 |
Berlese funnel | 15 |
pan trap | 3 |
washing | 2 |
reared | 1 |
LED light trap | 7 |
vacuuming | 2 |
lab reared | 550 |
Malaise trap | 11 |
flotation | 1 |
sweeping | 35 |
skin scrape | 11 |
pitfall trap | 10 |
light trap | 2 |
dip net | 45 |
none specified | 24354 |
at light | 2 |
detergent wash | 4 |
aspirator | 2 |
dissection of hosts | 9 |
hand | 198 |
well filter extraction | 1 |