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Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Muscidides Motschoulsky | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Gryonini Szabó | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Embidobiini Kozlov | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Baeini Ashmead | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Baryconini Kozlov | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Scelionoidae Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Scelionides Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Anteridini Hellén | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Calliscelionini Masner | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Cremastobaeini Masner | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Scelionini Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Baeinae Ashmead | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Psilanteridini Kozlov | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Baeides Ashmead | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Dyscritobaeini Mineo, O'Connor & Ashe | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Scelionidae Haliday | Original name/combination | |
Scelionini Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Scelionini Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Scelioniniens Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Hadronotellini Szabó | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Doddiellini Masner | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Teleadidae Walker | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Scelioninae Haliday | Subsequent name/combination | |
Scelioninae Haliday | Subsequent name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Johnson N. F., 1992: 333. | cataloged, catalog of world species |
Ashmead W. H., 1903: 87, 90. | diagnosis, keyed, key to genera |
Brues C. T., 1908: 2, 26. | diagnosis, keyed, key to genera |
Kieffer J. J., 1908: 112. | key to genera, keyed |
Kieffer J. J., 1910: 62. | key to genera, keyed |
Kieffer J. J., 1912: 6. | description |
Kieffer J. J., 1913: 219. | description, key to genera |
Kieffer J. J., 1926: 885. | description, keyed, key to genera |
Fouts R. M., 1936: 5. | checklist of species of Oceania |
Mani M. S., 1941: 19. | catalog of species of India, key to genera |
Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1951: 655-718. | catalog of species of U.S. and Canada |
Muesebeck C. F. W., Masner L., 1967: 285-304. | second supplement to Muesebeck & Walkley (1951) |
Szabó J. B., 1969: 351. | key to genera known to the author from the Carpathians |
Kozlov M. A., 1970: 209. | description, tribal classification |
Galloway I. D., 1976: 83. | type of species of Australia |
Masner L., 1976: 5. | description, key to genera, tribal classification |
checklist of species of Britain | |
Masner L., 1979: 1081. | tribal classification |
Masner L., Huggert L., 1979: 1090. | description and key to genera of Aradophagini |
Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. | catalog of species of U.S. and Canada |
De Santis L., 1980: 395. | catalog of species of Brazil |
Masner L., 1980: 11. | key to genera of the Holarctic region |
Masner L., 1983: 127. | key to genera of Gryonini of North America |
Galloway I. D., Austin A. D., 1984: 1. | key to genera of Australia, diagnoses of tribes |
Sarazin M. J., 1986: 971. | primary type material in Canadian National Collection of Insects |
Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V., 1990: 344. | key to tribes and genera of the USSR |
Dodd A. P., 1913: 130. | key to genera of Australia |
checklist of species of Britain | |
Mani M. S., Sharma S. K., 1982: 147. | description, key to tribes and genera |
Galloway I. D., Austin A. D., Masner L., 1992: 524. | list of tribes and genera from Australia, diagnosis of Gryonini |
Masner L., Denis J., 1996: 90. | key to genera of Baeini of America north of Mexico |
Kononova S. V., 2000: 32. | key to genera of Baryconini |
Kononova S. V., Kozlov M. A., 2001: 438. | description of Teleasini, Xenomerini, Idrini, Baeini |
Lê X. H., 2000: 386. | description, keyed, key to genera, description of Baryconini, Calliscelionini, Cremastobaeini, Doddiellini, Gryonini, Palpoteleini, Platyscelionini, Psilanteridini, Scelionini, Sparasionini |
Kononova S. V., Petrov S., 2001: 1468. | description of Gryonini |
Rajmohana K. , 2006: 105, 114, 115. | description, keyed, key to genera of India |
Buhl P. N., 1999: 9. | checklist of species of Denmark |
Díaz N. B., Gallardo F. E., Margaría C. B., Loiácono M. S., 2005: 12. | catalog of Museo de La Plata types |
Loiácono M. S., Margaría C. B., 2002: 557. | catalog of Brazilian species |
O'Connor J. P., Nash R., Notton D. G., Fergusson N. D. M., 2004: 25. | catalog of Irish species |
Kononova S. V., Kozlov M. A., 2008: 489. | description, key to genera of Palearctic region |
Ashmead W. H., 1900: 327. | list of species of West Indies |
Talamas E., Masner L., Johnson N. F., 2011: 53. | key to Paridris, Probaryconus and Anteris |
Rajmohana K. , Peter A., 2012: 20. | key to genera related to Neoduta Rajmohana & Peter |
Chen H., Johnson N. F., Masner L., Xu Z.-F., 2013: 11. | key to genera similar to Macroteleia Kieffer |
Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218. | catalog of species of Cuba |
Rajmohana K., 2014: 6. | keyed, key to genera of rice agroecosystems of north-central Kerala |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) | 152 |
none | 449 |
Dotseth, E. J. (Eric J.) | 1 |
Burks, R. A. (Roger A.) | 25 |
Talamas, E. J. (Elijah Jacob) | 39 |
Early, J. W. (John W.) | 2 |
Yoder, M. J. (Matthew J.) | 1 |
Masner, L. (Lubomír) | 1233 |
Talamas, E. (Elijah) | 725 |
Taekul, C. (Charuwat) | 1 |
Valerio, A. A. (Alejandro A.) | 10 |
Zuparko, R. L. (Robert L.) | 113 |
Musetti, L. (Luciana) | 55 |
Chen, H. (Huayan) | 34 |
Collecting Method | # of Records |
malaise trap/screen sweeping | 1 |
malaise trap/light trap | 7 |
sifting | 25 |
beating | 19 |
Pyrethrum knockdown | 56 |
blue-green pan trap | 41 |
clear pan trap | 36 |
wind vane trap | 2 |
grapamone trap | 2 |
florescent yellow pan trap - ground level | 3 |
sticky trap | 7 |
malaise trap/sweeping | 1 |
sifted guano | 1 |
carrion trap | 1 |
CDC malaise trap | 17 |
red pan trap | 12 |
Berlese funnel | 171 |
flight intercept trap/pitfall trap | 17 |
maxi-net | 445 |
yellow pan trap/flight intercept trap | 50 |
pan trap | 3518 |
canopy trap | 3 |
reared | 79 |
rotary trap | 1 |
screen sweeping | 1330 |
sweeping/at light | 9 |
fogging | 189 |
malaise trap with trough | 15 |
light blue pan trap | 33 |
white pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 1 |
SLAM trap | 273 |
Lindgren funnel | 3 |
plexiglass trap | 4 |
heliothermal trap | 3 |
reared from egg | 356 |
yellow pan trap/blue pan trap/red pan trap | 1 |
blacklight trap | 28 |
malaise trap/pan trap | 560 |
truck trap | 8 |
gutter trap | 3 |
malaise trap/flight intercept trap | 539 |
vacuuming | 11 |
black malaise trap | 9 |
net/hand | 3 |
flight intercept trap with trough | 5 |
fine malaise trap | 105 |
floating yellow pan trap | 5 |
window trap | 45 |
interception trap | 254 |
malaise trap/yellow pan trap | 652 |
ultraviolet light/blacklight trap | 1 |
litter sampling | 8 |
lab reared | 2 |
white pan under black light | 1 |
yellow pan trap/blue pan trap | 115 |
reared from field-captured host | 13 |
blue pan trap | 364 |
blacklight box trap | 4 |
white pan trap | 60 |
florescent yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 2 |
red pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 1 |
hand net | 14 |
malaise trap head | 369 |
yellow pan trap/interception trap | 5 |
Oliver trap | 1 |
yellow cylinder trap | 53 |
Malaise trap | 57312 |
aerial sweeping | 19 |
sifted/Berlese | 1 |
floating pan trap | 1 |
yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
blue trap | 1 |
yellow malaise trap | 122 |
net | 44 |
canopy fogging | 15 |
sieved | 10 |
fine malaise trap/pan trap | 32 |
fine malaise trap head | 27 |
fruit fly trap | 1 |
bait trap | 2 |
sifted litter | 749 |
mega malaise trap | 2 |
D-VAC | 179 |
pan trap/flight intercept trap/malaise trap | 5 |
florescent blue pan trap | 5 |
sweeping | 3651 |
feces trap | 2 |
car net | 10 |
dung trap | 2 |
yellow sticky trap | 14 |
pitfall trap | 988 |
white light | 1 |
canopy malaise trap | 236 |
insecticidal fogging | 1 |
mercury vapor light | 7 |
light trap | 351 |
psychedelic trap | 1 |
maxi winkler litter extraction | 1 |
water trap under malaise trap | 4 |
carrion trap/pan trap | 1 |
malaise trap/SLAM trap | 19 |
flight intercept trap | 6537 |
none specified | 45350 |
chem-baited yellow pan trap | 15 |
band trap | 1 |
yellow pitfall trap | 9 |
litter extraction | 21 |
aerial malaise trap | 1 |
flight intercept trap/gutter trap | 6 |
stick brushing | 1 |
reared from fresh sentinel egg mass | 15 |
JX-net | 3 |
modified malaise trap | 2 |
ultraviolet light | 23 |
at light | 52 |
trap | 34 |
cup trap | 1 |
suction trap | 8 |
interception trap/pitfall trap | 7 |
aspirator | 110 |
florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
barrier pitfall trap | 10 |
water trap | 10 |
BioLure trap | 1 |
pink pan trap | 23 |
beating/sweeping | 5 |
bowl trap | 2 |
at electric light | 1 |
human dung trap | 2 |
sweeping/pooting | 25 |
hand | 7 |
Pyrethrin fogging | 16 |
emergence trap | 122 |
floating malaise trap | 2 |
green pan trap | 25 |
alcohol trap | 3 |
Winkler extraction | 23 |
CDC light trap | 1 |
yellow pan trap | 31152 |
coarse malaise trap | 1 |
flight intercept trap/window trough trap | 97 |
yellow pan trap/white pan trap | 2 |
pan trap/flight intercept trap | 29 |
soil trap | 10 |
plexitray | 1 |
flight intercept trap/yellow pan trap/malaise trap | 87 |