More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Acropyga (Acropyga) moluccana var. occipitalis Stitz | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga flava (Mayr) | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga (Acropyga) acutiventris var. carinata Karavaiev | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga crassicornis Emery | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga acutiventris carinata Karavaiev | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga moluccana opaca Stitz | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga (Acropyga) moluccana papuana Mann | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga moluccana subsp. mysolensis Forel | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga (Acropyga) crassicornis Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Acropyga acutiventris var. flava (Mayr) | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Citation | Annotation |
Roger J., 1862: 243. | original description |
Emery C., 1925: 28. | cataloged, placed in subgenus Acropyga (Acropyga) |
Mayr G., 1897: 432. | distribution in Ceylon |
Mayr G., 1862: 769. | description, possible synonymy |
Bolton B., 1995: 504. | cataloged, placed in subgenus Acropyga (Acropyga) |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |