Taxa: Spilomicrus | Westwood | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Diapria (Spilomicrus) Westwood Subsequent name/combination
                    Linkia Kieffer Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Linkiola Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Hoplopria Ashmead Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Bothriopria Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Loxotropa Förster Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Cologlyptus Crawford Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Eriopria Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Scutellipria Szabó Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Polypria Dodd Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Tritopria Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Loxoptera Förster Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Hoplopriella Dodd Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Chlidonia Herrich-Schäffer Homonym & junior synonym junior_synonym
                    Spilomicrus Westwood Original name/combination
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Johnson N. F., 1992: 209. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Haliday A. H., 1833: 274. keyed
                          Westwood J. O., 1840: 158. description
                          Brullé A., 1846: 680. description
                          Förster A., 1856: 152. diagnosis, keyed
                          Dodd A. P., 1920: 376. transfer of Australian species of Bothriopria
                          Baltazar C. R., 1966: 164. cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Masner L., 1967: 285-304. second supplement to Muesebeck & Walkley (1951)
                          Sundholm A., 1970: 314. description
                          Kozlov M. A., 1971: 20. keyed
                          checklist of species of Britain
                          Kozlov M. A., 1978: 538-664. description, key to species of the European USSR
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Sharma S. K., 1979: 44. key to species of India
                          Szabó J. B., 1979: 273. keyed
                          Early J. W., 1980: 154. keyed
                          Nixon G. E. J., 1980: 11, 15. diagnosis, key to species of Britain, keyed
                          Mani M. S., Sharma S. K., 1982: 225, 226, 227, 228, 237. description, key to species of India, keyed
                          Masner L., 1991: 109. keyed, division into species groups, relationships, description, key to species of U.S. and Canada
                          Thomson C. G., 1858: 359, 369. description, keyed
                          Marshall T. A., 1868: 201. description
                          Marshall T. A., 1873: 27. catalog of species of Britain
                          Walker F., 1874: 29, 30. keyed
                          Vollenhoven S. C., 1879: description
                          Provancher L., 1881: 260, 262. description, keyed
                          Provancher L., 1883: 153-813. description, keyed
                          Howard L. O., 1886: 175, 176. keyed
                          Cresson E. T., 1887: 86, 251. keyed, catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Ashmead W. H., 1893: 386, 396. description, keyed, key to species of U.S. and Canada
                          Ashmead W. H., 1894: 246. key to species of St. Vincent
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1898: 598. catalog of species
                          Ashmead W. H., 1903: 29, 30. keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1905: 35, 39. keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 333. description
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 39. key to new species described
                          Kieffer J. J., 1911: 772. description, key to species of Europe and Algeria
                          Kieffer J. J., 1912: 4, 6, 11, 22. description, list of species, keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1913: 438. key to species of the Philippines
                          Kieffer J. J., 1914: 302. key to species of the Philippines
                          Dodd A. P., 1915: 399. keyed
                          Brues C. T., 1916: 529-577. keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1916: 627. description, keyed, key to species
                          Morley C., 1929: 44. catalog of species of Britain
                          Jansson A., 1945: 143. description
                          Tomsík B., 1947: 33, 40. diagnosis, key to species
                          Risbec J., 1950: 511-639. keyed
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1951: 655-718. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1956: 400. citation of type species
                          Hellén W., 1963: 5, 7. key to species of Finland, keyed
                          Masner L., 1964: 81. synonymy
                          De Santis L., 1980: 395. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Westwood J. O., 1832: 129. original description. Type: Spilomicrus stigmaticalis Westwood, by monotypy
                          Jansson A., 1939: 167, 168, 170. keyed
                          Mani M. S., 1941: 39, 40, 41, 49. catalog of species of India, keyed
                          Kozlov M. A., 1995: 45-57. keyed
                          Masner L., García R. J. L., 2002: 15, 17, 23, 25, 57. description, keyed, synonymy
                          Notton D. G., 1999: 130, 132. description, description of formosus group, key to species of formosus species group in northwest Europe
                          Rajmohana K. , Narendran T. C., 2000: 28. keyed
                          Rajmohana K. , Narendran T. C., 2000: 194. description
                          Rajmohana K. , 2004: 519-526. keyed
                          Blanchard E., 1840: 672. junior synonym of Paramesius Westwood
                          Rajmohana K. , 2006: 23, 24, 26, 67, 68. description, keyed, key to species of India
                          Yoder M. J., 2007: 49. keyed
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 324. list of species of West Indies
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 694,700,702,703,717. keyed
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          pan trap 4
                          screen sweeping 3
                          Malaise trap 13
                          sweeping 52
                          light trap 2
                          flight intercept trap 17
                          none specified 206
                          yellow pan trap 195
                          flight intercept trap/window trough trap 1
                          Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) [1], Kovarik, P. W. (Peter W.) [2], Pucci, T. M. (Thomas M.) [3], Darling, D. C. (D. Christopher) [4], Condit, J. (John) [5], Woolley, J. B. (James B.) [6], LaSalle, J. (John) [7], Johnson, J. B. [8], Dahms, E. C. (Edward C.) [9], Lee, C.-F. (Chi-Feng) [10], Ivie, M. A. (Michael A.) [11], Bickel, D. J. (Daniel J.) [12], Clebsch, H. (Hans) [13], Ivie, L. L. (LaDonna L.) [14], Hamerski, M. R. [15], Rawlins, J. E. (John E.) [16], Noyes, J. S. (John S.) [17], Coleman, B. K. (Barbara K.) [18], Coleman [19], Schuster, J. C. [20], Aguiar, A. P. (Alexandre P.) [21], Dias, J. [22], Muchmore, W. B. (William B.) [23], Arias, J. [24], Archangelsky, M. (Miguel) [25], Masner, L. (Lubomír) [26], Camposeco, F. (Faustino) [27], et al. [28], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [29], Weir, T. [30], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [31], Jones, R. [32], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [33], Keiper, J. [34], Lawrence, J. [35], Hubley, B. (Brad) [36], Webb [37], Schlinger [38], Boutin [39], Hespenheide, H. A. (Henry A.) [40], Johnson, M.-L. (Marie-Louise) [41], Kovarik, P. [42]