Taxa: Chrysis | Linnaeus | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Crhysis Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Pyrochloris Klug Invalid junior_synonym
                    Heptachrysis Mocsáry Invalid junior_synonym
                    Dichrysis Lichtenstein Invalid junior_synonym
                    Platycelia Dahlbom Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysis badakschensis Dahlbom Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Poeciloechroa Dahlbom Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Splintharis Klug Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Nemophora Dahlbom Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Chrysis (Chrysis) syriaca Guérin-Méneville Subsequent name/combination
                    Poecilochroa Dahlbom Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Gonodontochrysis Semenov-Tian-Shanskij Invalid junior_synonym
                    Tetrachrysis Lichtenstein Invalid junior_synonym
                    Eurychrysis Bischoff Invalid junior_synonym
                    Papuachrysis Linsenmaier Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysus Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Ghrysis Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Chrysogona Förster Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Spintharis Klug Invalid junior_synonym
                    Pseudogonochrysis Bischoff Invalid junior_synonym
                    Pseudotetrachrysis Bischoff Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chyrisis Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Tetraschrysi Lichtenstein Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Pyrosoma Dahlbom Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Cymatochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysis (Hexachrysis) Lichtenstein Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Octochrysis Mocsáry Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysidium Brauns Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysis (Tetrachrysis) Lichtenstein Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Chrysis effulgens Leach Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Tetrachysis Lichtenstein Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Crysogona Förster Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Chrysaspis Saussure Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Cephalochrysis Semenov-Tian-Shanskij Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysugona Förster Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Pyria Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau & Audinet-Serville Invalid junior_synonym
                    Acanthochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Pseudohexachrysis Bischoff Invalid junior_synonym
                    Platycoelia Dahlbom Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Calliste Common name junior_synonym
                    Actinochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Dhrysis Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Hexachrysis Lichtenstein Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Chrysis Linnaeus Original name/combination
                    Ischnochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Cornuchrysis Balthasar Invalid junior_synonym
                    Tetrachrsis Lichtenstein Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Heterochrysis Brauns Invalid junior_synonym
                    Crysis Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Glossochrysis Semenov-Tian-Shanskij Invalid junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Bohart R. M., Kimsey L. S., 1982: 86, 87, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 108, 109, 112, 117, 120, 121, 124, 125, 135. description, keyed, key to unique species and subgenera of America north of Mexico, description of venusta group, key to species of venusta group of America north of Mexico, description of antennalis group, key to species of antennalis group of America north of Mexico, description of dorsalis group, key to species of dorsalis group of America north of Mexico, description of propria group, key to species of propria group of America north of Mexico, description of lauta group, key to species of lauta group of America north of Mexico, description of oreadis group, key to species of oreadis group of America north of Mexico, description of pattoni group, key to species of pattoni group of America north of Mexico, description of coerulans group, key to species of coerulans group of America north of Mexico, description of smaragdula group, key to species of smaragdula group of America north of Mexico
                          Provancher L., 1881: 299, 300. description, keyed, key to species of Canada
                          Dahlbom A. G., 1845: 21. keyed, key to species
                          Dahlbom A. G., 1854: 412. description, keyed, key to species
                          Mocsáry A., 1889: 643. keyed
                          Mocsáry A., 1889: 643. description, keyed, synonymy
                          Chevrier F., 1862: 134. description, keyed
                          Kimsey L. S., Bohart R. M., 1981: 87, 90. keyed
                          Edney E. B., 1947: 173. keyed
                          Radoszkowski O., 1877: 8, 9, 11. keyed, key to species of group 1, key to species of group 2, key to species of group 3, key to species of group 4, key to species of group 5
                          Linsenmaier W., 1968: 78, 91, 96. key to species of viridissima group, description of pallidicornis group, description of ignita group
                          Semenow A., 1892: 483. keyed
                          Rosa P., Wei N., Xu Z.-F., 2017: 67, 70, 76, 81. description of antennata group, description of capitalis group, key to species of capitalis group of China, description of elegans group, description of maculicornis group
                          Paukkunen J., Berg A., Soon V., Ødegaard F., Rosa P., 2015: 9, 48. description, keyed, key to species of Nordic and Baltic countries
                          Trautmann W., 1927: 196. description, keyed
                          Villers C. J. de., 1789: 657. description
                          De-Stefani T., 1888: 93. keyed
                          Eversmann E., 1857: 553. description
                          Fabricius J. C., 1798: 572. description
                          Olivier A.-G., 1790: 669. description, list of species
                          Panzer G. W. F., 1806: 271. description
                          Christ J. L., 1791: 535. description
                          Jurine L., 1807: 319. description
                          Labram J. D., Imhoff L., 1842: 161. description
                          Rosa P., Wei N., Xu Z.-F., 2014: 38. checklist of species of China
                          Ha S., Lee S. G., Kim J.-K., 2008: 72. keyed
                          De-Stefani T., 1888: 122, 123, 124. description, key to species groups of Sicily, key to species of virides group of Sicily
                          De-Stefani T., 1888: 140, 143. key to species of zonatae group of Sicily, key to species of bicolores group of Sicily
                          De-Stefani T., 1888: 177. key to species of aurate group of Sicily
                          Gogorza J., 1887: 31, 47, 48. description, keyed, key to species in Madrid region
                          Linsenmaier W., 1987: 150. key to species of viridula group
                          Brullé A., 1846: 680. description
                          Rossi P., 1790: 348. description
                          Dahlbom A. G., 1831: 14. description, species of Sweden
                          Radoszkovsky O., 1866: 302. species of Russia
                          Zimmermann S., 1959: 10, 11. description of pallidicornis group, description of xanthocera group, key to species of pallidicornis group, key to species of xanthocera group
                          Nadig A., 1935: 19. distribution
                          Bingham C. T., 1903: 506. description, keyed, key to species of British India
                          Harris M., 1776: 166. description
                          Harris M., 1782: 166. description
                          Enslin E., 1950: 666. description of taczanowskyi group, description of ignita group
                          Fabricius J. C., 1787: 348. description
                          Dahlbom A. G., 1829: 19. description
                          Schenck A., 1856: 23, 25, 27, 40, 74. description, keyed, key to species of Nassau, Germany, key to species of Germany
                          Moore C. G., 1966: 1126, 1127. description, description of coerulans group, key to species of coerulans group of Nearctic region
                          Linsenmaier W., 1959: 13, 74, 75, 76, 91, 94, 98, 99, 100, 101, 103, 105, 106, 117, 118, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 134, 136, 138, 140, 141, 142, 145, 149, 150, 162, 163, 188, 189. description, keyed, description of Incisicornia division, description of Simplicicornia division, description of Abbrevicornis division, key to subgenera, nominate subgenus placed in Simplicicornis division, nominate subgenus keyed, synonymy, key to species groups of nominate subgenus, description of austriaca group, key to species of austriaca group, description of millenaris group, key to species of millenaris group, description of subsinuata group, key to species of subsinuata group, description of hydropica group, description of versicolor group, key to species of versicolor group, description of pulchella group, key to species of pulchella group, description of facialis group, key to species of facialis group, description of succincta group, key to species of succincta group, description of leachii group, key to species of leachii group, description bucculenta group, description of aestiva group, key to species of aestiva group, description of viridula group, key to species of scutellaris group, key to species of viridissima group, key to species of splendidula group, key to species of virudula group, description of coeruleiventris group, description of sybarita group, key to species of sybarita group, description of emarginatula group, description of elegans group, key to species of elegans group, description of incisa group, key to species of incisa group, description of bihamata group, key to species of bihamata group, description of pallidicornis group, key to species of pallidicornis group, description of comparata group, key to species of comparata group, description of megerlei group, description of incisipennis group, description of ignita group, key to species of ignita group, description of fasciata group, description of sexdentata group, key to species of sexdentata group, list of species, list of species of nominate subgenus
                          Linsenmaier W., 1951: 4, 34, 35, 36, 37, 70. description, keyed, key to subgenera of Europe, nominate subgenus described, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus of Europe, description of inaequalis group, description of ignita group, description of cyanea group, description of Megerlei group, description of sexdentata group
                          Bohart R. M., 1964: 223, 228, 233. description of lauta group, description of propria group, description of venusta group
                          Blanchard E., 1840: 672. description
                          Shuckard W. E., 1836: 157, 160. description, keyed
                          Buysson R. du, 1895: 584. key to species of auratae section of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Buysson R. du, 1896: 631, 635, 637, 643, 660, 664. description of quinquedentatae group, key to species of virides section of quinquedentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of zonatae section of quinquedentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of bicolores section of quinquedentatae group of Europe and Algeria, description of sexdentatae group, key to species of virides section of sexdentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of bicolores section of sexdentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of auratae section of sexdentatae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Linsenmaier W., 1969: 355, 358. list of species of Palestine, list of species of Palestine of nominate subgenus
                          Rossi P., 1792: 148. description
                          Buysson R. du, 1896: 467, 468, 469, 471, 475, 477. keyed, key to species groups (phalanges, sections) of Asia, key to species of integerrimae group of Asia, key to species of tridentatae group of Asia, key to species of quadridentatae group of Asia, key to species of quinquedentatae group of Asia, key to species of sexdentatae group of Asia
                          Haupt H., 1956: 37, 67, 71, 75, 100. description, keyed, key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of central Europe of nominate subgenus
                          Nurse C. G., 1903: 10. key to quadridentate species of India
                          Linsenmaier W., 1982: 337, 338. description of novarae group, description of microtrema group
                          Buysson R. du, 1895: 404, 415, 423, 425, 427, 433, 438, 440, 444. key to species of auratae section of inaequales group of Europe and Algeria, description, of unidentatae group, key to species of auratae section of unidentatae group of Europe and Algeria, description of bidentatae group, key to species of virides section of bidentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of zonatae section of bidentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of bicolores section of bidentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of auratae section of bidentatae group of Europe and Algeria, description of tridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of virides section of tridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of auratae section of tridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, description of quadridentatae group, key to sections of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to spcies of obscuratae section of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to spcies of virides section of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Bischoff H., 1913: 34, 36. description, keyed, key to groups ("Gruppe")
                          Bohart R. M., 1985: 91, 92. description of gibba group, key to species of gibba group
                          Bohart R. M., 1962: 362. description, description of propria group, description of smaragdula group, description of tenuicornis group, description of Chrysis group, key to hexadentate species of America north of Mexico
                          Buysson R. du, 1895: 491, 537. key to species of zonatae section of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of bicolores section of quadridentatae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Bohart R. M., 1985: 47. key to species of Australia
                          Linnaeus C., 1761: 579. original description. Type: Sphex ignita Linnaeus, designated by Latreille (1810)
                          Latreille P. A., 1810: 444. description, designation of type species
                          Latreille P. A., 1809: 399. list of species
                          Gmelin J. F., 1790: 796. description
                          Balthasar V., 1953: 40, 70, 71. description, keyed, key to species of Palestine and bordering countries
                          Madl M., Rosa P., 2012: 15. catalog of species of Afrotropical region
                          Edney E. B., 1940: 35. keyed
                          Ducke A., 1902: 101. key to species of Chrysis (Hexachrysis)
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1951: 718-726. catalog of species of America north of Mexico, catalog of species of America north of Mexico of nominate subgenus
                          Buysson R. du, 1893: 231, 259, 264, 265, 266, 270. description, keyed, key to species groups of Europe and Algeria, description of integerrimae group, key to sections of integerrimae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of obscuratae section of integerrimae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of virides section of integerrimae group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of zonatae section of integerrimae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Mocsáry S., 1882: 94. description, keyed, key to species groups, species of Hungary
                          Ducke A., 1911: 103. key to species of Tetrachrysis Lichtenstein of Brazil
                          Thomson C. G., 1870: 102, 105. species of Sweden
                          Kunz P. X., 1994: 46, 56. keyed, key to species of Germany
                          Linsenmaier W., 1997: 277. emendation of key of Linsenmaier (1987)
                          Balthasar V., 1946: 245. description
                          Fabricius J. C., 1793: 519. description
                          Frey-Gessner E., 1887: 89. description, keyed, key to species of Switzerland
                          Schmiedeknecht O., 1880: 195. key to species of Phalanx I with blue or green head and thorax and gold-colored abdoment
                          Buysson R. du, 1910: 129. synonymy
                          Sulzer J. H., 1776: 274. description
                          Spinola M., 1806: 159. description
                          Linsenmaier W., 1994: 483. key to species of ignita group in North America
                          Schenck A., 1870: 1-18. keyed, list of species of Germany, key to species of Nassau, Germany
                          Latreille P. A., 1796: 208. description
                          Latreille P. A., 1802: 467. description
                          Strumia F., Fallahzadeh M., 2015: 3, 13. description of millenaris group, description of facialis group
                          Linsenmaier W., 1994: 149, 167, 168, 170, 172, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, 187. keyed, key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed, description of nominate subgenus, key to species groups of nominate subgenus, description of millenaris group of nominate subgenus, description of subsinuata group of nominate subgenus, description of versicolor group of nominate subgenus, key to species of versicolor group of nominate subgenus, description of cavernosa group of nominate subgenus, description of pulchella group of nominate subgenus, description of facialis group of nominal subgenus, description of succincta group of nominate subgenus, description of leachii group of nominate subgenus, description of bucculenta group of nominate subgenus, description of viridula group of nominate subgenus, key to species of viridula group of nominate subspecies, description of bihamata group of nominate subgenus, key to species of bihamata group of nominate subgenus, description of pallidicornis group of nominate subgenus, key to species of pallidicornis group of nominate subgenus
                          Dours J. A., 1874: 119. list of species of France
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1892: 118. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Arens W., 2002: 948. key to species of dichroa group of Peloponnes with broad temples
                          Rosa P., 2004: 311. description of rubricata group
                          Abeille de Perrin E., 1879: 15, 41, 45, 54, 75, 87. keyed, synonymy, key to sections of genus, key to species of virides section of France, key to species of section zonatae of France, key to species of section bicolores of France, key to species of section auratae of France
                          Ducke A., 1913: 15. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Kimsey L. S., 2006: 131, 184, 185. description, keyed, key to species of California
                          Fabricius J. C., 1804: 439. description
                          Spinola M., 1851: 153-560. description
                          Förster A., 1853: 304. key to species
                          Latreille P. A., Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. L., Serville J. G. A., Guérin-Méneville F. É., 1825: 833. keyed
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1939: 125, 133. citation of type species, synonymy
                          Buysson R. du, 1904: 273. key to Chrysis Friseana Ducke, Chrysis Genbergi Dahlbom, Chrysis Klugi Dahlbom, Chrysis obidensis Ducke, Chrysis lateralis Brullé
                          Ashmead W. H., 1902: 226. keyed, citation of type species
                          Kimsey L. S., Bohart R. M., 1991: 652. description, keyed, synonymy, key to species groups of Old World, description of aestiva group, description of alternans group, description of amneris group, description of angolensis group, description of antennata group, description of aureomaculata group, description of bihamata group, description of caeruleiventris group, description of capensis group, description of capitalis group, descriptions of ceciliae group, description of cerastes group, description of comparata group, description of comparata group, description of cuprata group, description of delicatula group, description of ehrenbergi group, description of elegans group, description of exornata group, description of exsecata group, description of extensa group, description of facialis group, description of graelsii group, description of heymonsi group, description of hydropica group, description of impostor group, description of inaequalis group, description of insolita group, description of interceptor group, description of lincea group, description of longicollis group, description of maculicornis group, description of maindroni group, description of meadewaldoi group, description of millenaris group, description of oculata group, description of oxygona group, description of pallidicornis group, description of porphyrophana group, description of pulchella group, description of rubricata group, description of rufitarsis group, description of sabulosa group, description of smaragdula group, description of somaliae group, description of splendens group, description of splendidula group, description of subsinuata group, description of succincta group, description of taczanovskii group, description of varidens group, description of viridissima group, description of viridula group, description of wahlbergi group, description of westermanni group, description of zuluana group, key to species groups of New World, description of antennalis group, description of crotema group, description of dugesi group, description of grandis group, description of intricans group, description of nisseri group, description of oreadis group, description of pattoni group, description of pellucidula group, description of propria group, description of remissa group, description of tenuicornis group, description of varia group, description of venusta group, list of species
                          Edney E. B., 1952: 413. description, key to subgenera
                          Costa A., 1864: 68. distribution
                          Bischoff H., 1910: 435. description
                          Aaron S. F., 1885: 225, 229, 231. 232, 239. description, keyed, key to subgenera of America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus A in America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus B in America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus D in America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus E in America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus F in America north of Mexico, key to species of subgenus G in America north of Mexico
                          Linsenmaier W., 1999: 7, 101, 102, 103, 116, 120, 127, 129, 137, 139, 141, 144, 148, 149, 150, 161, 166, 169, 171, 171, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 194, 204, 205, 213, 215, 217. description, keyed, key to subgenera of northern Africa, nominate subgenus keyed, description of nominate subgenus, key to species groups of nominate subgenus, description of austriaca group, key to species of austriaca group of northern Africa, description of rubricata group, description of millenaris group, key to species of millenaris group of northern Africa, description of tegularis group, description of subsinuata group, key to species of subsinuata group of northern Africa, description of versicolor group, key to species of versicolor group, description of hydropica-pulchella group, key to species of hydropica-pulchella group of northern Africa, description of facialis group, key to species of facialis group of northern Africa, description of succincta group, key to species of succincta group of northern Africa, description of leachii group, key to species of leachii group of northern Africa, description of aestiva group, key to species of aestiva group of northern Africa, description of exceptionis group, description of viridula group, key to species of viridula group of northern Africa, description of viridual group, key to species of viridual group of northern Africa, description of graelsii group, key to species of graelsii group of northern Africa, description of emarginatula group, description of elegans group, key to species of elegans group of northern Africa, description of incisa group, key to species of incisa group of northern Africa, description of bihamata group, key to species of bihamata group of northern Africa, description of pallidicornis group, key to species of pallidicornis group of northern Africa, description of comparata group, key to species of comparata group of northern Africa, description of latifacies group, description of fuscipennis group, description of ignita group, key to species of ignita group of northern Africa
                          Rosa P., 2006: 362. description, keyed, key to species of Valle d'Aosta
                          Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. L., 1806: 124. description
                          Curtis J., 1824: 3. description
                          Curtis J., 1830: 7. description
                          Wesmael C., 1839: 168, 174. description, keyed, species of Belgium
                          Linné C. a, 1767: 795. description
                          Marquet C., 1879: 157. species of Midi, France
                          Tarbinsky Yu. S., 2000: 193. description of ignita group, key to species of ignita group of Tian Shan and adjacent territories
                          Buysson R. du, 1908: 29, 34. description, keyed, key to species of Egypt
                          Buysson R. du, 1894: 278. key to species of bicolores section of integerrimae group of Europe and Algeria
                          Buysson R. du, 1894: 388, 391, 393. description of inaequales group, key to species of obscuratae section of inaequales group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of virides section of inaequales group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of zonatae section of inaequales group of Europe and Algeria, key to species of bicolores section of inaequales group of Europe and Algeria
                          Niehuis O., 2000: 184, 185. description of angustula aggregate, key to species of angustula aggregate
                          Arens W., 2001: 1160, 1177, 1178. description of dichroa group subgroup B, key to species of subgroup B of dichroa group of Europe
                          Linsenmaier W., 1997: 140. description, keyed, key to species of Switzerland, description of nominate subgenus, description of austriaca group, description of subsinuata group, description of versicolor group, description of pulchella group, description of succincta group, description of leachii group, description of aestiva group, description of viridula group, description of graelsii group, description of comparata group, description of ignita group
                          Norton E., 1879: 233, 239, 241, 242. keyed, key to species of section I of North America, key to species of section II of North America, key to species of section III of North America
                          Ducke A., 1904: 19, 33. keyed, key to species of Pará
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          reared 6
                          Malaise trap 172
                          sweeping 1
                          flight intercept trap 7
                          none specified 150
                          yellow pan trap 3
                          Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [1], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [2], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [3], Borror, D. J. (Donald J.) [4], Zahrobsky [5], Knowlton, G. F. (George F.) [6], Kennedy, C. H. (Clarence Hamilton) [7], Gillaspy, J. E. [8], Parker, F. D. [9], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [10], Pucci, T. M. (Thomas M.) [11], Hudson, J. [12], Meszoros, G. (Gary) [13], Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) [14], Rafael, J. A. (José Albertino) [15], Cartwright, O. [16], et al. [17], Hine, J. S. (James Stewart) [18], Pallister, J. C. (John C.) [19], Deyrup, M. (Mark) [20], Svenson, G. J. (Gavin J.) [21], Osburn, R. C. (Raymond Carroll) [22], Marler, J. (Jeff) [23], Nastasi, L. F. (Louis F.) [24], Waller, A. E. [25], Spitzer, C. H. [26], Meyer, A. (Andrew) [27], Haber, V. R. (Vernon Raymond) [28], Wysocki, L. (Lynn) [29], MacKeigan, P. [30], Spitzer, S. R. [31], Angalet, G. W. [32], Stevens, L. E. [33], Longhurst, J. C. [34], Dean, R. [35], Miller, W. E. (William E.) [36], Watson, T. [37], Smith, T. R. (Trevor Randall) [38], Rozen Jr., J. G. [39], Guseman, J. [40]