Smith F., 1860: 72.
original description. Type: Strumigenys mandibularis Smith, by monotypy |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1955: 135.
description |
Zhou S.-Y., Xu Z.-H., 2003: 737.
key to species of mainland China (workers) |
Rigato F., 2006: 107.
emendation of key to species of Afrotropical region of Bolton (2000) |
Lin C.-C., Wu W.-J., 1996: 139.
description of godeffroyi group, key to species of Taiwan |
Bolton B., 2003: 191, 282.
systematic references, description |
Forel A., 1899: 169.
species of Mexico and Central America |
Emery C., 1895: 770.
placed in subfamily Myrmicini, tribe Dacetii |
Forel A., 1917: 246.
placed in tribe Dacetini, section Rhagomyrmicinae of subfamily Myrmicini |
Creighton W. S., 1950: 83, 298, 301, 303.
keyed, species of North America, key to species of North America |
Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289.
catalog of world species |
Ashmead W. H., 1905: 383.
placed in Cryptoceridae, Dacetonini |
Mayr G., 1865: 119.
description |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 455.
catalog of world species |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 917.
catalog of species of Ethiopian region, synonymy |
Roger J., 1863: 40, 50.
catalog of world species, description |
Smith F., 1871: 334.
catalog of species of India and East Indies, placed in family Myrmicidae |
Baroni Urbani C., de Andrade M. L., 2007: 101, 132.
description, synonymy, keyed |
Cresson E. T., 1887: 98, 100, 262.
keyed, catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Forel A., 1892: 344.
placed in tribe Dacetonini, subfamily Myrmicidae |
Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 464.
catalog of species of Europe |
Forel A., 1886: 212, 216.
description, key to species |
André E., 1882: 261.
keyed |
Emery C., 1877: 81.
placed in Cryptoceridae |
Bingham C. T., 1903: 506.
description, keyed, key to species of India, Ceylon and Burma |
Forel A., 1895: 135.
catalog of species of Brazil |
Emery C., 1895: 325.
key to species of North America |
Forel A., 1893: 164.
placed in tribe Dacetonii, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Emery C., 1902: 716.
keyed |
Emery C., 1896: 181.
keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Myrmicinae |
Emery C., 1893: 218.
description, placed in Dacetini |
Ashmead W. H., 1900: 320.
list of species of West Indies |
Mayr G., 1887: 567, 568.
keyed, description, key to species of South America |
Forel A., 1902: 520.
keyed |
King G. B., 1901: 262.
distribution |
Forel A., 1903: 707.
key to species of India and Ceylon |
Dahl F., 1901: 7, 11.
keyed, key to species of Bismarck Archipelago |
Wheeler W. M., 1911: 173.
citation of type species |
Wheeler W. M., 1910: 141, 558, 567.
keyed, list of species of North America, placed in tribe Dacetonii, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Yano M., 1910: 420.
distribution |
Gallardo A., 1915: 33.
keyed |
Emery C., 1914: 42.
placed in tribe Dacetini, section Eumyrmicinae, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Wheeler W. M., 1908: 146.
key to species of America |
Arnold G., 1916: 170.
keyed |
Arnold G., 1917: 372, 373.
description, key to species of southern Africa |
Wheeler W. M., 1916: 577-601.
keyed |
Bruch C., 1915: 529.
catalog of species of Argentina |
Bruch C., 1914: 217.
catalog of species of Argentina |
Wheeler W. M., 1917: 490.
included in list of world genera |
Bondroit J., 1918: 90, 93, 167.
description, keyed, species of France and Belgium |
Mann W. M., 1921: 467.
key to species of Fiji |
Emery C., 1921: 18.
keyed |
Emery C., 1916: 112, 116, 203, 205.
description, keyed, key to species of Italy |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 668.
keyed, nominate subgenus keyed |
Emery C., 1924: 313, 314, 319, 320.
description, keyed, description of nominate subenus, catalog of species of nominate subgenus |
Müller G., 1923: 37, 107.
keyed, species of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatia |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 1034.
catalog of species of Malagasy region, catalog of species of nominate subgenus of Malagasy region |
Smith M. R., 1931: 688.
description, key to subgenera of America north of Mexico, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of nominate subgenus of America north of Mexico |
Teranishi C., 1930: 21.
key to subgenera of Palearctic part of Japan, nominate subgenus keyed |
Borgmeier T., 1927: 121.
catalog of species of Brazil |
Buren W. F., 1944: 281, 290.
keyed, key to species of Iowa |
Zimmermann S., 1935: 40.
species of South Dalmatia |
Gregg R. E., 1945: 460, 461.
keyed, species of area of Chicago, Illinois |
Cole A. C., 1940: 39, 58.
description, keyed, species of Great Smoky Mountains National Park |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 729.
citation of type species, placed in tribe Dacetini, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Smith M. R., 1947: 545, 585.
description, keyed, nominate subgenus keyed, list of species of nominate subgenus of the United States |
Brown W. L., 1949: 14, 21.
description, synonymy, keyed |
Chapman J. W., Capco S. R., 1951: 106.
species of Asia |
Brown W. L., 1948: 108, 127.
description, description of nominate subgenus, keyed, nominate subgenus keyed |
Brown W. L., 1954: 465.
placed in subtribe Strumigeniti |
Smith M. R., 1951: 778-875.
catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Kusnezov N., Golbach R., 1952: 423, 424.
keyed, list of species of Argentina |
Bernard F., 1953: 253.
species of Mt. Nimba, species of Mt. Nimba of the nominate subgenus |
Brown W. L., 1953: 16.
placed in Strumigenys complex of genera |
Brown W. L., 1954: 160.
description of doriae group |
Brown W. L., 1954: 9, 16.
key to species of Ethiopian and Malagasy regions, description of undescribed species |
Brown W. L., 1958: 217.
description of cordovensis group |
Kusnezov N., 1956: 17.
keyed |
Brown W. L., 1962: 251, 253, 257.
discussion of relationships among species, description, key to species of New World |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1960: 109.
keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1960: 25, 26, 27.
description |
Brown W. L., 1961: 58, 61.
description of specimens similar to Strumigenys micretes Brown and Strumigenys lacacoca Brown, description of lanuginosa group, distribution |
Brown W. L., 1960: 37, 40, 51.
description of gundlachi group, list of species of gundlachi group, key to species of gundlachi group, synonymy |
Wilson E. O., Hunt G. L., 1967: 566, 575.
distribution |
Ross H. H., Rotramel G. L., LaBerge W. E., 1971: 8, 14, 16, 19.
keyed |
Lin C.-C., Wu W.-J., 2001: 166.
key to species of Taiwan |
Terayama M., 2009: 132, 141, 142.
description, keyed, list of species of Taiwan, key to species of Taiwan |
Brown W. L., 1973: 260, 264, 267.
description of horvathi group, description of mayri group, description of wallacei group |
Bolton B., 1973: 325, 345.
description, keyed |
Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218.
catalog of species of Cuba |
Kempf W. W., 1976: 43.
emendation of key to species of Neotropical region of Brown (1962) |
Baltazar C. R., 1966: 252.
cataloged, catalog of species of nominate subgenus of the Philippines |
Kempf W. W., 1972: 242.
catalog of species of Neotropical region |
Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185.
distribution, synonymy |
Deyrup M., Trager J. C., 1985: 515.
key to species of Florida |
Baroni Urbani C., 1984: 77.
keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 74.
keyed |
Medler J. T., 1980: 487.
species of Nigeria |
Paik W. H., 1983: 70.
keyed |
Taylor R. W., Brown D. R., 1985: 1-149.
cataloged, catalog of species of Australia |
Bolton B., 1983: 273, 358, 360.
description, keyed, list of species of Afrotropical region, key to species of Afrotropical region |
Taylor R. W., 1987: 76.
checklist of species of Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258.
placed in tribe Dacetini of subfamily Myrmicinae |
Deyrup M. A., Johnson C., Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1989: 98.
list of species of Florida |
Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732.
placed in tribe Dacetini, subfamily Myrmicinae, keyed |
Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467.
cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Kusnezov N., 1978: 148.
keyed, key to species of Aragentina |
Bolton B., 1981: 254.
keyed |
Mackay W. P., Vinson S. B., 1989: 28.
published keys for species identification |
Bolton B., 1994: 222.
keyed, placed in tribe Dacetonini, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144.
placed in tribe Dacetini, subfamily Myrmicinae, distribution through geological time |
Dlussky G. M., 1993: 57, 61, 62.
description of godeffroyi group, description of szalayi group, description of rogeri group |
Terayama M., Kubota S., 1989: 779, 780.
keyed, key to species of Taiwan |
Brandão C. R. F., 1991: 380.
addendum to catalog of Kempf (1972), cataloged |
Jaffé Carbonell K., 2004: 148.
keyed |
Baroni Urbani C., de Andrade M. L., 1994: 12, 32, 65.
description, keyed, synonymy |
Tiwari R. N., 1999: 37.
keyed |
Tiwari R. N., 1999: 52.
species of southern India |
Ogata K., 1991: 73, 128.
description, keyed, list of species of Japan |
Shattuck S. O., 1999: 41, 167.
description, keyed, list of species of Australia |
Bolton B., 1999: 1673, 1683.
description, keyed |
Kim B.-J., Kim K.-G., Ryu D.-P., Kim J. H., 1995: 103.
keyed |
Lattke J., Goitía W., 1997: 370.
key to species of Neotropical region |
Tang J., Li S., Huang E., Zhang B., Chen Y., 1995: 47, 84.
description, keyed, species of economic importance of China |
Andersen A. N., 2000: 106.
description, keyed, species of northern Australia |
Varghese T., 2004: 170.
key to species of India |
Lyu D.-P., Choi B.-M., Cho S., 2001: 231.
keyed |
Olson D. M., Ward P. S., 1996: 161-164.
distribution |
Poole R. W., 1996: 793.
checklist of species of North America |
Serna C. F. J., Vergara N. E. V., 2001: 15.
keyed |
Yoshimura M., Onoyama K., 2002: 436.
keyed |
Fernández F., 2003: 307-330.
description |
Fernández F., Sendoya S., 2004: 13, 54.
list of species of Neotropical region |
Morisita M., Kubota M., Onoyama K., Ogata K., Terayama M., Yamauchi K., Sonobe R., Kondoh M., 1992: 94.
description, keyed, key to species of Japan |
Bolton B., 2000: 15, 492, 494, 496, 508, 509, 512, 519, 522, 526, 529, 541, 543, 545, 546, 549, 562, 563, 564, 566, 567, 581, 583, 590, 599, 600, 606, 613, 614, 623, 625, 637, 645, 647, 655, 656, 670, 711, 716, 747, 750, 753, 767, 771, 778, 781, 784, 785, 832, 834, 857, 858, 867, 877, 894, 895, 869, 899, 900, 902, 908, 910, 912, 915, 940, 941, 948, 954, 972, 977, 983, 985.
description, keyed, list of species of Neotropical-Nearctic region, list of species of Afrotropical region, list of species of Malagasy region, description of species of Malesian-Oriental-East Palearctic region, list of species of Austral region, key to species of Neotropical-Nearctic region, key to species of Afrotropical region, key to species of Malagasy region, key to species of Malesian-Oriental-East Palearctic regions, key to species of Austral region, description of deltisquama group, description of elongata group, description of emeryi group, description of hindenburgi group, description of louisianae group, description of ludia group, description of mandibularis group, description of marginiventris group, description of ogloblini group, description of platyscapa group, description of precava group, description of silvestrii group, description of smilax group, description of tococae group, description of trinidadensis group, description of trudifera group, description of arnoldi group, description of marleyi group, description of rogeri group, description of scotti group, description of adsita group, description of apios group, description of dexis group, description of godeffroyi group, description of grandidieri group, description of koningsbergeri group, description of akalles group, description of biroi group, description of caniophanes group, description of chapmani group, description of decollata group, description of doriae group, description of eurycera group, description of frivaldszkyi group, description of fuarda group, description of horvathi group, description of leptodeira group, description of loriae group, description of lyroessa group, description of mayri group, description of monoropa group, description of ochosa group, description of omopyx group, description of sisyrata group, description of szalayi group, description of trioxdens group, description of wallacei group, description of yaleopleura group, description of zapyx group, description of emmae group |
Zhou S.-Y., 2001: 255.
description, keyed, key to species of China |
Imai H. T., Kihara A., Kondoh M., Kubota M., Kuribayashi S., Ogata K., Onoyama K., Taylor R. W., Terayama M., Tsukii Y., Yoshimura M., Ugawa Y., 2003: 224.
keyed, description, distribution |
Palacio E. E., Fernández F., 2003: 233-260.
keyed |
Arillo A., Ortuño V. M., 2005: 35.
catalog of species from Dominican amber |
Ward P. S., 2005: 21, 37.
keyed, species of California |
Mackay W., Mackay E., 2002: 400.
description, species of New Mexico |
Hita Garcia F., Fischer G., Peters M. K., Snelling R. R., Wägele J. W., 2009: 163.
distribution |
Heterick B. E., 2009: 37, 176.
description, keyed, key to species of South-West Botanical Province, Australia |
Alatorre-Bracamontes C. E., Vásquez-Bolaños M., 2010: 23.
description |
Radchenko A., 2005: 148, 184, 186.
keyed, species of North Korea |
Lyu D.-P., 2007: 119.
key to species of Korea |
Mathew R., Tiwari R. N., 2000: 297, 334.
description, species of Meghalaya |
Fisher B. L., Cover S. P., 2007: 194.
description, keyed |
Sarnat E. M., Economo E. P., 2012: 17, 123, 124, 135, 136.
description, keyed, key to species of Fiji, distribution |
Sosa-Calvo J., Schultz T. R., LaPolla J. S., 2010: 29, 34.
emendation of key to species of Neotropical region of Bolton (2000) |
Sharaf M. R., Fisher B. L., Aldawood A. S., 2014: 294.
key to species of Arabia |
Bharti H., Akbar S. A., 2013: 391.
key to species of India (workers) |
Wild A. L., 2007: 37.
species of Paraguay, distribution |
Eguchi K., Bui T. V., Yamane S., 2011: 8, 29.
description, keyed, list of species of Vietnam |
General D. M., Alpert G. D., 2012: 62, 73.
keyed, species of Philippines, distribution |
Yoshimura M., Onoyama K., 2007: 664-690.
list of species of Japan, key to species of Japan |
Vergara-Navarro E. V., Sánchez H. E., Serna Cardona F. J., 2007: 505.
distribution |
Wang W., Shen Z., Zhao Y., 2009: 210.
description, keyed, species of Hubei |
Yamane S., Ikudome S., Terayama M., 1999: 831.
description, keyed, species of Nansei Islands, Japan, distribution |
Coovert G. A., 2005: 15, 86.
description, keyed, species of Ohio |
Fisher B. L., Bolton B., 2016: 503.
description, keyed, list of species of Afrotropical region, list of species of Malagasy region |