More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Ponera libani Tohmé | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Mutillariae Latreille | Original name/combination | |
Mutillidae Latreille | Subsequent name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Pitts J. P., Wilson J. S., Williams K. A., Boehme N. F., 2009: 48,50. | key to species from Algodones Sand Dunes for males, key to species from Algodones Sand Dunes for females |
Pitts J. P., Wilson J. S., Williams K. A., Boehme N. F., 2010: 29. | key to nocturnal species from Deep Canyon for males |
Manley D. G., Pitts J. P., 2002: 80. | key to genera and subgenera of America north of Mexico |
Boehme N. F., Tanner D. A., Williams K. A., Pitts J. P., 2012: 40. | key to species of Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge for males |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
none | 975 |
Griebenow, Z. H. (Zachary Hayes) | 141 |
none specified | 16 |
Majewski, H. R. (Hailey R.) | 1 |
Talamas, E. J. (Elijah Jacob) | 1 |
Keiper, J. B. (Joseph B.) | 2 |
Yoder, M. J. (Matthew J.) | 1 |
Koehn, L. C. | 1 |
Talamas, E. (Elijah) | 55 |
Valerio, A. A. (Alejandro A.) | 168 |
Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) | 51 |
Nastasi, L. F. (Louis F.) | 3 |
McKenzie, H. (Hannah) | 34 |
Collecting Method | # of Records |
florescent yellow pan trap - ground level | 2 |
CDC malaise trap | 1 |
yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 1 |
pan trap | 7 |
screen sweeping | 1 |
yellow pan trap - ground level | 4 |
blue pan trap - ground level | 1 |
blacklight trap | 1 |
net/hand | 35 |
interception trap | 1 |
ultraviolet light/blacklight trap | 25 |
red pan trap - ground level | 1 |
blue pan trap | 2 |
Malaise trap | 9588 |
yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
green pan trap - ground level | 2 |
florescent blue pan trap - ground level | 3 |
net | 2 |
white pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
insect flight trap | 9 |
blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
sweeping | 13 |
florescent blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 3 |
pitfall trap | 138 |
light trap | 1 |
flight intercept trap | 180 |
none specified | 2679 |
black pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 4 |
ultraviolet light | 3 |
at light | 80 |
trap | 23 |
white pan trap - ground level | 7 |
florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 1 |
hand | 1 |
yellow pan trap | 169 |