Taxa: Gnamptogenys | Roger | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Gnamptogenys (Gnamptogenys) Roger Subsequent name/combination
                    Ectatomma (Stictoponera) Mayr Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Guamtogenys Roger Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Ectatomma (Tammoteca) Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Ectatomma (Poneracantha) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Emeryella Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Spaniopone Wheeler & Mann Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Gnamptogenys (Parectatomma) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Tammoteca Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Commateta Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Ectatomma (Gnamptogenys) Roger Subsequent name/combination
                    Wheeleripone Mann Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Parectatomma Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Rhopalopone Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Molcoponera Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Gnamtogenys Roger Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Ectatomma (Parectatomma) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Gnamptogenys Roger Original name/combination
                    Barbourella Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Poneracantha Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Sictoponera Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Holcoponera Mayr Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Alfaria Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Stictoponera Mayr Original name/combination junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Roger J., 1863: 174. original description. Type: Ectatomma (Gnamptogenys) tornatum (Roger), designated by Emery (1911)
                          Lattke J. E., 2004: 23, 45, 54, 72, 75, 155, 179, 183, 216. phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species of southeast Asia and Australasia, description, list of species of southeast Asia and Australasia, key to species groups of Old World, key to species of albiclava group, key to species of taivanensis group, description of albiclava group, description of coxalis group, key to species of coxalis group, description of epinotalis group, key to species of epinotalis group of Old World, description of laevior group, key to species of laevior group, description of taivanensis group
                          Bolton B., 2003: 173, 281, 291. systematic references, description, earliest appearance in fossil record
                          Forel A., 1899: 169. species of Mexico and Central America, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith
                          Forel A., 1917: 236. placed in tribe Ectatommini, section Taraxoponerinae, subfamily Ponerinae
                          Ashmead W. H., 1905: 382. placed in Poneridae, Pachycondylinae, Ectatommini
                          Mayr G. L., 1863: 422. catalog of world species
                          Mayr G., 1870: 963. key to species
                          Roger J., 1863: 19. catalog of world species
                          Mayr G., 1866: 892. description
                          Emery C., 1896: 44. treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith, key to species
                          Mayr G., 1887: 540. description, list of species
                          Forel A., 1895: 113. catalog of species of Brazil, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith
                          Wheeler W. M., 1911: 164. designation of type species
                          Emery C., 1911: 42, 44. description, keyed, designation of type species, catalog of species
                          Forel A., 1908: 64. list of species of Ceará, Brazil, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith
                          Wheeler W. M., 1913: 79. correction of type species designation
                          Gallardo A., 1918: 28, 42. description, keyed, citation of type species
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 644. keyed, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith
                          Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 647. citation of type species, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith, placed in tribe Ectatomminin, subfamily Ponerinae
                          Brown W. L., Nutting W. L., 1950: 126. description
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1952: 134. description, treated as subgenus of Ectatomma Smith
                          Brown W. L., 1958: 187, 211, 227, 230. description, keyed, synonymy, list of species, key to species
                          Smith M. R., 1967: 343-374. second supplement to catalog of species of America north of Mexico
                          Kempf W. W., 1972: 111. catalog of species of Neotropical region
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1964: 450, 461. description, keyed
                          Dlussky G. M., 2009: 1061. description
                          Terayama M., 2009: 99. description, list of species of Taiwan
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 73. keyed
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 43. description
                          Taylor R. W., Brown D. R., 1985: 1-149. cataloged, catalog of species of Australia
                          Baroni Urbani C., 1984: 75. keyed
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 256. placed in tribe Ectatommini of subfamily Ponerinae
                          Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185. distribution, synonymy
                          Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732. placed in tribe Ectatommini, subfamily Ponerinae, keyed
                          Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144. placed in tribe Ectatommini, subfamily Ponerinae, distribution through geological time
                          Kusnezov N., 1978: 148. keyed, key to species of Argentina
                          Mackay W. P., Vinson S. B., 1989: 17. published keys for species identification
                          Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467. cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico
                          Deyrup M. A., Johnson C., Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1989: 93. list of species of Florida
                          Bolton B., 1994: 222. keyed, placed in tribe Amblyoponini, subfamily Ponerinae
                          Kugler C., 1991: 159. phylogenetic analysis basaed on sting apparatus
                          Taylor R. W., 1987: 28. checklist of species of Australia
                          Lattke J. E., 1994: 109. placed in Ectatomma group of genera
                          Carpenter F. M., 1992: 655. distribution in fossil record
                          Jaffé Carbonell K., 2004: 148. keyed
                          Lattke J. E., 1992: 123, 125. description of minuta group, key to species of minuta group
                          Wu J., Wang C., 1995: 214. description, keyed, key to species of China
                          Lattke J. E., 1995: 139, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149. description, description of striatula group, description of rastrata group, description of mordax group, description of sulcata group, description of concinna group, description of minuta group, phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species, list of species, key to species of New World
                          Shattuck S. O., 1999: 55, 185. description, keyed, list of species of Australia
                          Lattke J. E., 1990: 4, 22. description, list of species of Venezuela, key to species of Venezuela
                          Brandão C. R. F., 1991: 344. addendum to catalog of Kempf (1972), cataloged
                          Lattke J. E., 2002: 138. key to species of Dominican amber
                          Fernández F., Sendoya S., 2004: 11, 39. list of species of Neotropical region
                          Serna C. F. J., Vergara N. E. V., 2001: 21. keyed
                          Morgan C., Mackay W., Pacheco J., 2003: 554. emendation of key to species of Lattke (1995)
                          Lattke J. E., 2003: 261-276. description
                          Poole R. W., 1996: 793. checklist of species of North America
                          Pacheco J., Mackay W., Morgan C., 2004: 435. emendation of key to species of Lattke (1995)
                          Xu Z.-H., Zhang W., 1996: 56. key to species of China
                          Zhou S.-Y., 2001: 255. description, keyed, key to species of Guangxi
                          Palacio E. E., Fernández F., 2003: 233-260. keyed
                          Arillo A., Ortuño V. M., 2005: 36. catalog of species from Dominican amber
                          Wild A. L., 2007: 27. species of Paraguay
                          Mathew R., Tiwari R. N., 2000: 271. description, keyed, species of Meghalaya
                          Fisher B. L., Cover S. P., 2007: 194. description, keyed
                          Sarnat E. M., Economo E. P., 2012: 12, 41. description, keyed, species of Fiji
                          General D. M., Alpert G. D., 2012: 30, 71. keyed, species of Philippines, distribution
                          Eguchi K., Bui T. V., Yamane S., 2014: 41. description, list of species of Vietnam
                          Lattke J. E., Fernández F., Palacio G. E. E., 2007: 254-270. key to species of New World
                          Lattke J. E., Fernández F., Arias-Penna T. M., Palacio E. E., Mackay W., Mackay E., 2008: 66-105. description, key to species of Colombia
                          Wang W., Shen Z., Zhao Y., 2009: 210. description, keyed, key to species of Hubei
                          Ghosh S. N., Sheela S., Kundu B. G., Roychowdhury S., Tiwari R. N., 2006: 369-398. keyed, species of Arunachal Pradesh
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          Berlese funnel 2
                          sifted litter 1
                          none specified 170
                          Brown Jr., W. L. (William L.) [1], Darlington, P. F. [2], Ward, P. S. (Philip S.) [3], Lattke, J. (John) [4], Cover, S. P. (Stefan P.) [5], Mann, W. M. (William M.) [6], Weber, N. A. (Neal Albert) [7], Ross, E. S. (Edward S.) [8], Tobin, J. [9], Schlinger, E. I. (Evert Irving) [10], Peck, J. (Jarmila) [11], Peck, S. (Stuart) [12], Brown, D. (Doris) [13], Poole, R. W. (Robert W.) [14], Wheeler, W. M. (William Morton) [15], Kempf, W. W. (Walter W.) [16], Levings, S. C. [17], Zetek, J. [18], Borgmeier, T. (Thomasz) [19], Kugler, C. (Charles) [20], Alpert, G. D. (Gary D.) [21], Lopez [22], Lent [23], Gaige, F. M. (Frederick M.) [24], Plaumann, F. (Fritz) [25], Baker [26], de Polania, I. [27], Pratt, S. [28], Haskins, C. P. [29], Celavijo, J. A. [30], Emerson, A. [31], Smith, Do. (Donald) [32], Arnold [33], Lang, H. O. [34], Barbour, C. H. (Catherine H.) [35], Hölldobler, B. (Bert) [36], Kloss [37], Bickel, P. [38], Garling, L. [39], Gochfeld, M. (Michael) [40], Lopes, H. S. [41], Schubart [42], Schwarzmaier [43], Banks, N. (Nathan) [44], Lattke, J. E. (John E.) [45], Kusnezov, N. (Nicolás) [46], Buck [47], Peck, S. B. (Stuart B.) [48], Sherbrooke, W. [49], Nevermann, F. [50]