Taxa: Colletes | Latreille | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Nanocolletes Warncke Junior synonym junior_synonym
                    Ptilopoda Friese Invalid junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Rhinocolletes) Cockerell Invalid junior_synonym
                    Monidia Cockerell Invalid junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Simcolletes) Warncke Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Pachycolletes Bischoff Invalid junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Colletes) Latreille Subsequent name/combination
                    Colletes (Denticolletes) Noskiewicz Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Evodia Panzer Invalid junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Elecolletes) Warncke Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Simcolletes Warncke Junior synonym junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Puncticolletes) Noskiewicz Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Albocolletes Warncke Junior synonym junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Ptilopoda) Friese Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Colletes Latreille Valid
                    Rhynchocolletes Moure Invalid junior_synonym
                    Elecolletes Warncke Junior synonym junior_synonym
                    Denticolletes Noskiewicz Invalid junior_synonym
                    Puncticolletes Noskiewicz Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Nanocolletes) Warncke Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Monia Westwood Junior homonym junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Albocolletes) Warncke Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Colletes (Pachycolletes) Bischoff Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Rhinocolletes Cockerell Invalid junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Noskiewicz J., 1936: 532. description, division into subgenera and species groups, key to species of Palearctic
                          Toro H., Cabezas V., 1977: 46. keyed
                          Latreille P. A., 1802: 445. original description. Type: Apis succincta Linnaeus, by monotypy
                          Stephen W. P., 1954: 170, 171, 174. description, species groupings, key to species
                          Mitchell T. B., 1960: 23, 24. description, keyed, key to species of eastern United States
                          Michener C. D., 2000: 913. description, keyed
                          Michener C. D., 1954: 14. keyed
                          Dalla Torre K. W. von, 1896: 643. catalog of world species
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          florescent yellow pan trap - ground level 5
                          ramp trap 2
                          dug from burrow 2
                          yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground 8
                          pan trap 68
                          Lindgren funnel 1
                          yellow pan trap - ground level 2
                          blue pan trap - ground level 5
                          vacuuming 1
                          net/hand 87
                          white pan trap 10
                          florescent yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground 5
                          hand net 1
                          Malaise trap 1165
                          yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 4
                          CO2 trap 2
                          net 1
                          white pan trap - 1 ft above ground 1
                          Steiner trap 2
                          insect flight trap 6
                          fruit fly trap 1
                          malt trap 1
                          D-VAC 2
                          florescent blue pan trap 7
                          sweeping 22
                          pitfall trap 26
                          light trap 4
                          flight intercept trap 76
                          none specified 3505
                          trap 33
                          white pan trap - ground level 1
                          florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 11
                          bowl trap 1
                          hand 1
                          Flight trap 1
                          yellow pan trap 16
                          Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [1], Porter, C. C. (Charles C.) [2], Stange, L. A. (Lionel A.) [3], Deyrup [4], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [5], Weems Jr., H. V. (Howard V.) [6], Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) [7], Lenberger, S. (Stephen) [8], O'Neill, T. [9], Calmbacher, C. [10], Sutton [11], Steck, G. [12], Kennedy, C. H. (Clarence Hamilton) [13], Matta, A. [14], Wiley, J. R. (James R.) [15], none specified [16], Davis Jr., L. R. (Lloyd R.) [17], Knowlton, G. F. (George F.) [18], Miller, R. [19], Morse, R. A. [20], Santana, F. J. [21], Parker, F. D. (Frank D.) [22], Snelling, R. R. (Roy R.) [23], Dasch, C. [24], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [25], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [26], Miller, R. B. [27], Fairchild, G. B. [28], Fidalgo, P. [29], Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) [30], H.E.B. [31], Leavengood Jr., J. M. (John M.) [32], Super [33], Sims, T. C. (Travis C.) [34], Dunham, W. E. [35], Vargas, J. A. [36], Dambach, C. A. (Charles A.) [37], Sherberger, F. (Fred) [38], UCFC Spring students [39], Muller, G. [40], Revay, E. [41], Sutton, B. D. [42], Reinert, J. F. (John F.) [43], Miller, R. M. [44], Woodruff, R. E. (Robert E.) [45], King, K. [46], Miller, W.D. [47], Edirisinghe [48], Halkin, S. (Sylvia) [49], Stephan, K. (Karl) [50], Zeiger, S. L. (Sandra) [51], Rozen, J. G. [52], Osburn, R. C. (Raymond Carroll) [53], Dasch, B. (Betty) [54], Diaz, G. [55], Steck, G. J. [56], Vargas, H. [57], S., J. G. [58], Townes, M. (Marjorie) [59], Townes, H. (Henry) [60], Zeiger, C. F. (Charles F.) [61], Tomberlin, B. [62], Hine, J. S. (James Stewart) [63], Pearson, J. [64], Ray, M. [65], Mead, F. W. (Frank W.) [66], Brattain, R. M. [67], Hung, K. J. (K. James) [68], Deyrup, M. A. (Mark Amidon) [69], Deyrup, L. D. (Leif D.) [70], Heppner, J. B. [71], Norden [72], Chance, S. J. (Steven) [73], Peterson, A. [74], Lenberger, G. [75], Poe, S. [76], Dodge, H. R. (H. Rooney) [77], Pace-Aldana, B. (Beatriz) [78], Thomas, P. A. (Paul) [79], Dasch, G. (Gregory) [80], Mahary, K. J. [81], Zahrobsky [82], Mitchell, T. B. (Theodore B.) [83], Ross, G.N. [84], Mills, C. W. [85], Shumate [86], Neff, J. L. (John L.) [87], Lampert Jr., L. L. [88], Denmark, H. A. [89], Miller, W. [90], Almquist, DT [91], Nastasi, L. F. (Louis F.) [92], Heard, L. [93], Almquist, LD [94], Youtsey, C. O. [95], Timberlake, P. H. (Philip Hunter) [96], Schreffler [97], Preserve Staff [98], Strandtmann, R. W. (Russell W.) [99], Halkins, S. [100]