Taxa: Camponotus herculeanus | (Linnaeus) | Valid |

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        Camponotus herculeanus
        Subsequent name/combination, Valid

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Formica intermedia Zetterstedt Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus causasicus Arnol'di Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotos herculeanus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Formica herculanea Linnaeus Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. montanus Ruzsky Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. shitkowi var. intermedius Ruzsky Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Formica Herculeana Linnaeus Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus Herculaneus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) herculeanus herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. herculeana (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Formica rufa Linnaeus Unavailable, suppressed by ruling
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. Whymperi Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus intermedia (Zetterstedt) Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus vagus-herculeanus Nadig Unavailable, nomen nudum junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus shitkovi var. intermeidius Ruzsky Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Camponotus nadigi Menozzi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) helcureanus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus herculeanus whymperi Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Formica atra Zetterstedt Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. whymperi Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. nadigi Menozzi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) herculeanus var. montana Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. Shitkowi Ruzsky Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. caucasicus Arnol'di Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Formica herculeana Linnaeus Original name/combination
                    Camponotus castanea (Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau) Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus caucasicus Arnol'di Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. shitkowi Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus montanus Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus herculeanus r. herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus montanus Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camptonotus herculaneus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus herculeanus shitkovi Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Formica castanea Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus herculeanus var. whymperi Forel Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Camponotus atra (Zetterstedt) Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus eudokiae Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeana (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. montana Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus whymperi Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeaneus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus eudokiae Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. eudokiae Ruzsky Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. freya Nylander Unavailable, nomen nudum
                    Camponotus shitkowi Ruzsky Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculaneus var. whymperi Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus vagusherculeanus Nadig Unavailable, nomen nudum junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. Nadigi Menozzi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculaneus (Linnaeus) Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. shitkovi Ruzsky Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus var. wymperi Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus herculeanus subsp. pennsylvanicus var. whymperi Forel Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) vagusherculeanus Nadig Unavailable, nomen nudum junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) herculeanus subsp. shitkowi var. intermedius Ruzsky Unavailable, other junior_synonym
                    Camponotus Herculeanus (Linnaeus) Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) herculeanus var. whymperi Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus vagus var. vagus-herculeanus Nadig Unavailable, nomen nudum junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Emery C., 1896: 372. catalogued, placed in herculeanus group
                          Emery C., 1925: 72. cataloged, synonymy, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Emery C., 1920: 255. placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1953: 185. description of larva
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289. cataloged
                          Forel A., 1914: 266. placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Bolton B., 1995: 504. cataloged, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Radchenko A. G., 1996: 1202. keyed
                          Forel A., 1892: 306. distribution
                          Emery C., 1908: 182, 183. description, key to subspecies
                          Forel A., 1915: 77. keyed, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Roger J., 1863: 1. cataloged
                          Mayr G. L., 1863: 399. cataloged, synonymy
                          Mayr G., 1861: 80. distribution, keyed, generic transfer
                          Creighton W. S., 1950: 365, 366. keyed, distribution, synonymy, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Forel A., 1874: 39, 41, 42, 213. keyed, distribution
                          Emery C., 1898: 127. distribution
                          Emery C., 1893: 668, 674. description, keyed
                          Mayr G., 1886: 419. distribution
                          Forel A., 1879: 56, 57. description, synonymy
                          Dours J. A., 1874: 164. cataloged
                          Emery C., 1878: 44. distribution
                          André E., 1884: 8. description
                          Adlerz G., 1886: 294, 295, 307. keyed, distribution
                          Mantero G., 1898: 159. cataloged, distribution
                          Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 447. cataloged
                          Ruzsky M., 1896: 67. distribution
                          Scherdlin P., 1909: 108. distribution
                          Karawajew W., 1910: 268. distribution
                          Dalla Torre K. W. von, 1908: 170. distribution
                          Escherich K., 1906: 232. keyed, description
                          King G. B., 1901: 261. distribution
                          Forel A., 1907: 19. distribution
                          Wheeler W. M., 1908: 625. distribution
                          Forel A., 1904: 381. distribution
                          Ruzsky M., 1903: 205. distribution
                          Wheeler W. M., 1906: 22. distribution
                          Santschi F., 1911: 7. distribution
                          Ruzsky M., 1905: 186, 214, 215. description, keyed, distribution
                          Bondroit J., 1910: 486, 487. keyed, list of races and varieties of Belgium
                          Bondroit J., 1912: 352. distribution
                          Karawajew W., 1912: 592. distribution
                          Stitz H., 1914: 3-111. description, keyed, distribution
                          Emery C., 1916: 230, 234, 235. keyed
                          Ruzsky M., 1915: 4. distribution
                          Ruzsky M., 1914: 100. description, distribution
                          Bondroit J., 1919: 69. distribution
                          Escherich K., 1917: 348. keyed
                          Bondroit J., 1918: 67, 68, 69, 70. description, keyed, distribution
                          Menozzi C., 1922: 142, 144, 145. description, keyed
                          Wheeler W. M., 1916: 577-601. keyed
                          Vashkevich A. F., 1924: 146. distribution
                          Ruzsky M., 1925: 287. distribution
                          Hayes W. P., 1925: 72. distribution
                          Kiseleva E. F., 1925: 73. distribution
                          Menozzi C., 1927: 92. distribution
                          Ruzsky M., 1926: 108. distribution
                          Kuznetsov N. N., 1923: 241. distribution
                          Soudek S., 1922: 100. keyed
                          Stitz H., 1934: 4. distribution
                          Müller G., 1923: 153, 159, 174. keyed, distribution, placed in herculeanus group
                          Kuznetzov-Ugamskij N. N., 1929: 36. distribution
                          Grandi G., 1935: 102. distribution
                          Begdon J., 1933: 62, 82. distribution
                          Záleský M., 1932: 55. distribution
                          Karawajew W., 1936: 176. keyed
                          Bogoescu C., 1941: 12. distribution
                          Ruzsky M. D., 1936: 89. distribution
                          Stitz H., 1936: 195, 197, 203, 205. description
                          Stärcke A., 1944: 60. keyed
                          Holgersen H., 1942: 10, 22, 28. keyed, distribution
                          Jacobson H., 1940: 146. distribution
                          Jacobson H., 1936: 155. distribution
                          Holgersen H., 1944: 179, 199. keyed, distribution
                          Holgersen H., 1943: 174. keyed
                          Ruzsky M., 1946: 69. distribution
                          van Boven J., 1949: 139. distribution
                          Wing M. W., 1939: 163. distribution
                          Brown W. L., 1949: 99. distribution
                          Sadil J. V., 1945: 15. distribution
                          Azuma M., 1950: 47. key to subspecies
                          Röszler P., 1950: 210. distribution
                          Kratochvíl J., 1949: 19, 20. distribution
                          Weber N. A., 1950: 188. distribution
                          Maavara V., 1953: 28. keyed
                          Consani M., Zangheri P., 1952: 43. distribution
                          Stitz H., 1939: 428. description, keyed
                          Forsslund K.-H., 1957: 74. distribution
                          Yasumatsu K., Brown W. L., 1957: 46. description, synonymy, distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., 1956: 108. distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., 1964: 105. description
                          Gösswald K., Halberstadt K., 1961: 33. distribution
                          Dlussky G. M., 1962: 181. distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., 1962: 220. description, distribution
                          Gregg R. E., 1963: 808. keyed, distribution
                          Bernard F., 1967: 411. description, keyed
                          Arnol'di K. V., 1967: 1817, 1818, 1819. description, keyed, synonymy
                          Collingwood C. A., 1961: 191. distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., 1959: 81. distribution
                          Parapura E., Pisarski B., 1971: 336. distribution
                          Banert P., Pisarski B., 1972: 347, 352. 0
                          Letendre M., Francoeur A., Béique R., Pilon J.-G., 1971: 600. distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., Yarrow I. H. H., 1969: 81. distribution
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1963: 326. description, keyed, distribution
                          Paraschivescu D., 1972: 494. distribution
                          Paraschivescu D., 1972: 216. distribution
                          Boven J. K. A. van, 1977: 131. description, keyed
                          Tarbinsky Yu. S., 1976: 217. description, keyed, distribution
                          Kutter H., 1975: 404. distribution
                          Baroni Urbani C., 1971: 175. cataloged, quotation of original description, distribution
                          Francoeur A., 1977: 207. distribution
                          Yensen N. P., Clark W. H., Francoeur A., 1977: 183. distribution
                          Arnol'di K. V., Dlussky G. M., 1978: 519-556. keyed
                          Collingwood C. A., 1978: 72, 91. keyed, distribution
                          Francoeur A., 1983: 178. distribution
                          Kutter H., 1977: 192, 193, 194, 205. keyed, distribution
                          Aktaç N., 1977: 125. distribution
                          Dethier M., Cherix D., 1982: 130. distribution
                          Allred D. M., 1982: 445, 454. keyed, distribution
                          MacKay W. P., Lowrie D., Fisher A., MacKay E. E., Barnes F., Lowrie D., 1988: 79-131. keyed, distribution
                          Wang C., Xiao G., Wu J., 1989: 224. keyed
                          Collingwood C. A., 1979: 87, 88, 90. description, keyed
                          Agosti D., Collingwood C. A., 1987: 283. keyed
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., Galloway T. D., Ayre G. L., 1989: 42. distribution
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1988: 234. distribution
                          Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467. cataloged, distribution
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1987: 203. distribution
                          Agosti D., Collingwood C. A., 1987: 58. distribution
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1988: 106. distribution
                          Seifert B., 1989: 128. description, distribution
                          Arakelian G. R., 1994: 153. keyed, synonymy, distribution
                          Wang M., 1993: 677-682. distribution
                          Wang C., Wu J., 1994: 31. keyed
                          Radchenko A. G., 1997: 555. synonymy, placed in herculeanus group of Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 138. description, keyed, synonymy, distribution
                          Seifert B., 1994: 14, 37. distribution
                          Espadaler X., 1997: 27. distribution
                          Zhang W., Zheng Z., 2002: 218. distribution
                          Wu J., Wang C., 1995: 214. description, keyed, distribution
                          Werner P., Wiezik M., 2007: 143. distribution
                          Seifert B., 1996: 352. keyed
                          Ruzsky M., 1902: 5. distribution
                          Mackay W., Mackay E., 2002: 400. description, keyed, distribution
                          Lapeva-Gjonova A., Antonova V., Radchenko A. G., Atanasova M., 2010: 43. distribution
                          Suchocka H., Czechowski W., Radchenko A., 2008: 12. keyed
                          Borowiec M. L., Borowiec L., Csosz S., Radchenko A., 2009: 369. distribution
                          Petrov I. Z., 2006: 109. keyed
                          Radchenko A., 2007: 38. distribution
                          Karaman M. G., 2011: 141. distribution
                          Glasier J. R. N., Acorn J. H., Nielsen S. E., Proctor H., 2013: 49. keyed
                          Wang W., Shen Z., Zhao Y., 2009: 210. description, keyed, distribution
                          Seifert B., 2007: 368. keyed
                          Hansen L. D., Klotz J. H., 2005: 224. description, keyed
                          Czechowski W., Radchenko A. G., Czechowska W., 2002: 200. keyed, distribution
                          Glasier J. R. N., Nielsen S., Acorn J. H., Borysenko L. H., Radtke T., 2016: 43. distribution
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          Wheeler, W. M. (William Morton) 6
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          none specified 6
                          Rowe, S. A. [1], Buenting, O. [2], Smith, C. F. [3]