Taxa: Elateridae | Leach | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Elateridae Leach Subsequent name/combination
                    Elaterides Leach Original name/combination
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          sifting 3
                          beating 53
                          wind vane trap 1
                          florescent yellow pan trap - ground level 1
                          sticky trap 1
                          yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground 1
                          pan trap 34
                          net/at light 3
                          blue pan trap - 3 ft above ground 4
                          Lindgren funnel 21
                          yellow pan trap - ground level 9
                          blue pan trap - ground level 3
                          blacklight trap 78
                          net/hand 33
                          ultraviolet light/blacklight trap 2316
                          red pan trap - ground level 1
                          blue pan trap 2
                          white pan trap 3
                          black pan trap - ground level 1
                          hand net 3
                          green pan trap - 1 ft above ground 2
                          Malaise trap 3435
                          yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 2
                          beating at night 36
                          green pan trap - ground level 5
                          canopy fogging 25
                          white pan trap - 1 ft above ground 1
                          insect flight trap 52
                          green pan trap - 3 ft above ground 1
                          bait trap 3
                          blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground 4
                          florescent blue pan trap 5
                          sweeping 18
                          adhesive treated tree wrap paper 18
                          black pan trap - 3 ft above ground 2
                          pitfall trap 81
                          mercury vapor light 14
                          light trap 49
                          flight intercept trap 38
                          none specified 5108
                          black pan trap - 1 ft above ground 1
                          ultraviolet light 303
                          at light 103
                          trap 201
                          white pan trap - ground level 6
                          florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 1
                          hand 2
                          light trap/trap 1
                          yellow pan trap 131
                          New Jersey light trap 29
                          red pan trap - 1 ft above ground 1
                          Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [1], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [2], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [3], Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) [4], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [5], Dasch, C. [6], Miller, S. E. (Scott E.) [7], Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) [8], Zoll, E. (Ed) [9], Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) [10], Miller, P. M. [11], Preserve Staff [12], Onore, G. (Giovanni) [13], Shurtz, R. [14], Wolda, H. (Henk) [15], Dasch, B. (Betty) [16], Gochnour, B. (Benjamin) [17], Almquist, D. (David) [18], Becker, V. O. (Vitor O.) [19], Dasch [20], Deyrup, M. (Mark) [21], Ivie, M. A. (Michael A.) [22], Wenzel, H. W. (Henry W.) [23], Pace-Aldana, B. (Beatriz) [24], Peterson, A. [25], Triplehorn, C. A. (Charles A.) [26], Wheeler, Q. D. (Quentin D.) [27], Cambre, L. A. [28], UCFC [29], Song Lab [30], Carey, M. [31], Stahl, D. [32], Longhurst, J. C. [33], Smith, T. R. (Trevor Randall) [34], Bradley, J. [35], Hammond, A. [36], Dunlap, J. [37], Deyrup, N. (Nancy) [38], Knowlton, G. F. (George F.) [39], Pogue, M. G. [40], Sims, T. C. (Travis C.) [41], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [42], Watrous, L. E. (Larry E.) [43], Moore, F. J. (Frank J.) [44], Miller, R. S. (Richard S.) [45], Paul, R. A. (Richard A.) [46], Johnson, N. (Norman) [47], Stahl, C. [48], Beutenmuller [49], Kovarik, P. [50], Triplehorn, W. E. (Wanda Elaine) [51], Bartlett, C. R. (Charles R.) [52], Cryan, J. R. (Jason Robert) [53], Nichols, A. (Anne) [54], Gardiner, M. M. (Mary Margaret) [55], Dasch, G. (Gregory) [56], Herms, D. A. (Daniel A.) [57], TNC members [58], Wenzel, H. A. (Harry A.) [59], Hemly, S. (Sara) [60], McCarthy, S. (Sean) [61], Miller, G. R. [62], King, J. R. (Joshua R.) [63], Dearborn, K. [64], Harlan, H. J. (Harold J.) [65], Keaveny, D. F. [66], Kirk, V. M. [67], Lewis [68], Parker, F. D. (Frank D.) [69], Dampman, J. [70], Boblitz, J. [71], Mahary, K. J. [72], Muchmore, W. B. (William B.) [73], Caldwell, D. L. (Douglas) [74], King, K. [75], Otte, H. [76], Kovarik, P. W. (Peter W.) [77], May, A. [78], Vasquez, J. D. [79], Freeman, C. T. (Creighton T.) [80], O'Connell, C. [81], Gosselin, M. (Max) [82], et al. [83], Nathan, T. R. S. [84], Stanley, B. (Bruce) [85], Beatty, H. A. [86], UCFC Spring students [87], Miller, A. C. [88], Dotseth, E. J. (Eric J.) [89], Philips, T. K. (T. Keith) [90], Mills, J. (Jeff) [91], Cameron, M. [92], Michailovskaya, M. V. [93], Snelling, R. R. (Roy R.) [94], Stephens, H. (Hanna) [95], Onore, K. [96], McIntyre, T. D. [97], Digman, D. (Dan) [98], Song, H. (Hojun) [99], Dolan, A. C. (Amelia C.) [100]