Taxa: Trissolcus | Ashmead | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Microphanurus Kieffer Replacement name junior_synonym
                    Latonius planus Kononova Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Kozlotelenomus Mineo, O'Connor & Ashe Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Latonius Kononova Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Immsia Cameron Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Trissolcus Ashmead Original name/combination
                    Telenomus (Aphanurus) Kieffer Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Aphanurus Kieffer Junior homonym junior_synonym
                    Asolcus Nakagawa Original name/combination junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Johnson N. F., 1992: 620. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1898: 598. catalog of species
                          Brues C. T., 1908: 2, 3, 10. diagnosis, keyed, list of species
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 105. keyed
                          Dodd A. P., 1913: 158. keyed
                          Brues C. T., 1916: 529-577. key to species of Connecticut, keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1926: 885. description, keyed, key to species
                          Risbec J., 1950: 511-639. keyed
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1951: 655-718. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1956: 406. citation of type species
                          Masner L., 1964: 145. synonymy, variation
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Masner L., 1967: 285-304. second supplement to Muesebeck & Walkley (1951)
                          Viktorov G. A., 1967: 271. keyed
                          Kozlov M. A., 1968: 197. description, keyed, key to species of Palearctic
                          Safavi M., 1968: 413, 418. key to "principal" species, parasitized eggs of Scutelleridae, keyed
                          Kozlov M. A., 1971: 33. keyed
                          Fabritius K., 1972: 29. key to species of Romania
                          Huggert L., 1974: 66. synonymy
                          Szabó J. B., 1975: 265, 266. key to species, keyed
                          Masner L., 1976: 76. description, keyed
                          Kozlov M. A., Lê X. H., 1976: 657. description, key to species of the flavipes group
                          Kozlov M. A., Lê X. H., 1977: 502. diagnosis, key to species of the Palearctic
                          checklist of species of Britain
                          Kozlov M. A., 1978: 538-664. key to species of Palearctic region
                          De Santis L., Vidal Sarmiento J. A., 1979: 149. description
                          Lê X. H., 1979: 25, 26. diagnosis, keyed
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Masner L., 1980: 10. keyed
                          Kozlov M. A., 1981: 186-187. description
                          Mani M. S., Sharma S. K., 1982: 138, 143. description
                          Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V., 1983: 336. description, division into species groups, key to species of Palearctic region
                          Lê X. H., 1983: 24. key to species of Vietnam
                          Fergusson N. D. M., 1984: 229. type of species of Britain
                          Ryu J., Hirashima Y., 1984: 35. description, key to species of Japan and Korea
                          Johnson N. F., 1984: 62, 64. keyed
                          Johnson N. F., 1985: 111. key to species of thyantae group of the New World
                          Johnson N. F., 1985: 432. key to species groups, species of basalis group of New World
                          Johnson N. F., 1987: 285. relationships, key to species of flavipes group of the Neotropical region
                          Johnson N. F., 1991: 211, 212, 213,214. diagnosis, key to species of Australia, New Zealand, southwest Pacific
                          Ashmead W. H., 1903: 87. keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1912: 8, 19. description, key to species of Europe and Algeria
                          De Santis L., 1967: 337. catalog of species of Argentina
                          De Santis L., 1980: 395. catalog of species of Brazil
                          New T. R., 1984: 193-204. keyed
                          Johnson N. F., 1984: 798. key to species of flavipes group of the Nearctic region
                          Kononova S. V., 1995: 57-121. keyed, diagnosis, key to species of Russian Far East
                          Ashmead W. H., 1893: 161. original description. Type: Telenomus brochymenae Ashmead, by original designation. Key to species
                          Petrov S., 1994: 275. keyed
                          Lê X. H., 2000: 386. description, keyed, key to species
                          Austin A. D., Field S. A., 1997: 49, 68. structure of ovipositor system, discussion of phylogenetic relationships
                          Rajmohana K. , 2006: 105, 108. description, keyed
                          Koçak E., Kilinçer N., 2003: 302. key to species of Turkey
                          Loiácono M. S., Margaría C. B., 2002: 556. catalog of Brazilian species
                          Rajmohana K. , Narendran T. C., 2007: 102. key to species of India
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 326. list of species of West Indies
                          Maneval H., 1940: 93-118. keyed
                          Mineo G., O'Connor J. P., Ashe P., 2010: 27. discussion of Trissolcus pierrot group
                          Marchiori C. H., 2002: 260. host association
                          He J.-H., Chen X.-X., Fan J.-J., Li Q., Liu C.-M., Lou X.-M., Ma Y., Wang S.-F., Wu Y.-R., Xu Z.-H., Xu Z.-F., Yao J., 2004: 1373. keyed
                          Ghahari H., Buhl P. N., Kocak E., 2011: 594. checklist of species from Iran
                          Voegelé J., 1969: 147,149,154. key to species of Aelia egg parasites, keyed
                          Radjabi G., 2001: 111. key to species near Trissolcus esmailii Radjabi
                          Koçak E., Kilinçer N., 2000: 171. description
                          Popovici O. A., Johnson N. F., 2012: 384. description of internal genitalia
                          Ali W. H., 2011: 10. diagnosis, key to species from northern governorates of Iraq, keyed
                          Petrov S., 2013: 324. description, key to Bulgarian species
                          Taekul C., Valerio A. A., Austin A. D., Klompen H., Johnson N. F., 2014: 32. discussion
                          Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218. catalog of species of Cuba
                          Kononova S. V., 2014: 1019. description, diagnosis
                          Kononova S. V., 2014: 743. description
                          Talamas E. J., Johnson N. F., Buffington M., 2015: 52,53. key to Nearctic species, keyed
                          Kononova S. V., 2014: 1420. key to species of flavipes group
                          Kononova S. V., 2015: 257. key to species of the flavipes group
                          Talamas E. J., Buffington M., 2015: 113. synonymy
                          Nesheim K. C., Masner L., Johnson N. F., 2017: 74, 75. keyed
                          Talamas E. J., Buffington M. L., Hoelmer K., 2017: 13, 14, 15, 21. description of basalis grouop, description of flavipes group, description of thyantae group, key to species of Europe, key to species of Palearctic region
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          beating 2
                          Pyrethrum knockdown 4
                          wind vane trap 1
                          sticky trap 2
                          Berlese funnel 2
                          maxi-net 1
                          pan trap 257
                          reared 236
                          screen sweeping 67
                          Lindgren funnel 8
                          reared from sentinel egg mass 3
                          reared from egg 1566
                          blacklight trap 1
                          malaise trap/pan trap 12
                          truck trap 2
                          BMT 8
                          yellow water trap 2
                          Manitoba trap 2
                          malaise trap/flight intercept trap 24
                          vacuuming 14
                          net/hand 2
                          fine malaise trap 1
                          window trap 3
                          interception trap 4
                          malaise trap/yellow pan trap 11
                          lab reared 51
                          hand net 1
                          malaise trap head 1
                          yellow pan trap/interception trap 1
                          FIT 1
                          yellow cylinder trap 1
                          Malaise trap 1485
                          yellow malaise trap 13
                          reared from frozen sentinel egg mass 33
                          net 7
                          fine malaise trap/pan trap 4
                          fine malaise trap head 1
                          D-VAC 92
                          pheromone trap 10
                          sweeping 420
                          car net 1
                          dung trap 2
                          yellow sticky trap 2
                          pitfall trap 8
                          canopy malaise trap 9
                          light trap 16
                          flight intercept trap 78
                          none specified 11035
                          reared from fresh sentinel egg mass 22
                          aerial net 2
                          at light 1
                          trap 1
                          aspirator 14
                          water trap 6
                          beating/sweeping 10
                          tray trap 2
                          dissection of hosts 3
                          Pyrethrin fogging 1
                          photocollector 1
                          yellow pan trap 268
                          flight intercept trap/window trough trap 9
                          pan trap/flight intercept trap 6
                          malaise trap/fogging 14
                          de Faria, A. M. [1], Haye, T. (Timothy) [2], Tavanpour, T. (Tahmineh) [3], Watsham, A. (Anthony) [4], Noyes, J. S. (John S.) [5], Krinski, D. (Diones) [6], Pansa, M. (Marco) [7], Huber, J. T. (John T.) [8], Naumann, I. D. (Ian D.) [9], Sharkey, M. (Michael) [10], Ranjbar (Fateme) [11], Graham, M. W. R. de V. (Marcus William Robert de Vere) [12], Cardale, J. C. (Josephine C.) [13], Woolley, J. B. (James B.) [14], Sharkey, M. J. (Michael J.) [15], Rasplus, J. Y. (Jean Yves) [16], Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) [17], Ferreira, C. [18], Hoelmer, K. (Kim) [19], Pucci, T. M. (Thomas M.) [20], dos Santos, R. L. (Roberta Leme) [21], Galloway, I. D. (Ian D.) [22], Masner, L. (Lubomír) [23], Krauss, N. L. H. [24], Philips, T. K. (T. Keith) [25], Mehmejad, M. R. [26], Tavella, L. (Luciana) [27], Beatriz [28], Parker, H. L. (Harry Lamont) [29], Danielsson, R. [30], James, D. [31], Heraty, J. M. (John M.) [32], Kassebeer, C. [33], Cochereau, P. (Paul) [34], Jones, W. A. [35], Tortorici, F. (Francesco) [36], Peck, J. (Jarmila) [37], McGhee, P. S. [38], Pairoa, H. [39], van Harten, A. (Anthony) [40], Mohammadpour, M. (Marzie) [41], Michailovskaya, M. [42], Parker [43], Loch, A. D. [44], Mavromoustakis, G. [45], Tripotin, P. [46], Tillman, G. (Glynn) [47], Clebsch, H. (Hans) [48], Yamagishi, K. (Kenzo) [49], van Noort, S. (Simon) [50], Hoffman, W. E. (William E.) [51], Harper, G. W. [52], Evans, R. (Robert) [53], LaSalle, J. (John) [54], Sharkov, A. (Andrey) [55], Sanborne, M. (Michael) [56], Kobayashi, T. [57], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [58], Davis, E. W. [59], Hedqvist, K.-J. (Karl-Johan) [60], Copeland, R. (Robert) [61], Orr, D. B. (David B.) [62], Wasbauer, M. [63], Jackson, D. [64], Hooker, C. W. (Charles Edward) [65], Bautista-Martinez, J. [66], Duran, L. [67], Mavromoustakis, G. A. [68], Peck, S. (Stuart) [69], Stocks [70], Aderbratt, S. [71], Petersen [72], Maltese, M. (Matteo) [73], Dodd, A. P. (Alan Parkhurst) [74], Yuksol, M. (Mehmet) [75], Buffington [76], Callan, E. M. (E. McC.) [77], Gauld [78], Michailovskaya, M. V. [79], Janzen [80], Darling, D. C. (D. Christopher) [81], Smith, C. E. (Charles E.) [82], Heraty, J. (John) [83], Townes, H. (Henry) [84], Lubega, M. C. (Morton C.) [85], Busck, A. (August) [86], Pierce, W. D. (W. Dwight) [87], Jellison, W. L. [88], Caffrey, D. J. [89], Olmi, M. (Massimo) [90], Urich, F. W. [91], Noble, L. W. [92], Maa, T.-C. (Tsing-Chao) [93], Lotfalizadeh, H. (Hossein) [94], Ishii, T. (Tei) [95], Priesner, H. (Hermann) [96], Musetti, L. (Luciana) [97], Dahms, E. [98], Peck, O. (Oswald) [99], Nadal, H. [100]