Taxa: Auchenorrhyncha | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Auchenorrhyncha Valid
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          none 18
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          beating 2
                          wind vane trap 1
                          florescent yellow pan trap - ground level 8
                          sticky trap 2
                          yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground 8
                          pan trap 49
                          blue pan trap - 3 ft above ground 1
                          yellow pan trap - ground level 12
                          not specified 1
                          blue pan trap - ground level 3
                          blacklight trap 46
                          net/hand 185
                          ultraviolet light/blacklight trap 354
                          red pan trap - ground level 1
                          white pan trap 4
                          black pan trap - ground level 6
                          florescent yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground 22
                          red pan trap - 3 ft above ground 1
                          hand net 4
                          green pan trap - 1 ft above ground 3
                          Malaise trap 3985
                          yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 6
                          beating at night 2
                          green pan trap - ground level 8
                          florescent blue pan trap - ground level 3
                          net 3
                          white pan trap - 1 ft above ground 2
                          canopy knockdown 2
                          D-VAC 29
                          blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground 3
                          florescent blue pan trap 10
                          sweeping 4971
                          florescent blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground 5
                          pitfall trap 15
                          mercury vapor light 11
                          light trap 184
                          dip net 1
                          flight intercept trap 92
                          none specified 34475
                          ultraviolet light 104
                          at light 2642
                          trap 125
                          white pan trap - ground level 10
                          aspirator 2
                          florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground 8
                          ultraviolet light/mercury vapor light 17
                          CO2-baited ABC trap 3
                          florescent blue pan trap - 3 ft above ground 2
                          dusting 2
                          hand 6
                          CDC light trap 1
                          yellow pan trap 160
                          red pan trap - 1 ft above ground 2
                          Dampf, A. (Alfonso) [1], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [2], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [3], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [4], DeLong [5], et al. [6], Good [7], DeLong, D. M. (Dwight Moore) [8], Osborn, H. (Herbert) [9], Caldwell, J. S. (John Stein) [10], Soto, R. R. (R. Ruiz) [11], Dasch, C. [12], Hershberger [13], Sanders, J. G. (James G.) [14], Plummer [15], Parra, J. (José) [16], Dasch, B. (Betty) [17], Triplehorn, B. W. (Bruce Wayne) [18], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [19], Triplehorn, C. A. (Charles A.) [20], Longhurst, J. C. [21], Breakey, E. P. (Edward Paul) [22], Freytag, P. H. (Paul H.) [23], Knowlton, G. F. (George F.) [24], Auten, M. (Mary) [25], Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) [26], Gibson, L. P. (Lester P.) [27], DeLong, F. M. (Fanny Merchant) [28], none specified [29], Smith, G. L. [30], Dolan, A. C. (Amelia C.) [31], Elliot [32], Drake, C. J. (Carl John) [33], Severin, H. C. [34], Triplehorn, W. E. (Wanda Elaine) [35], Johnson, D. M. (Dorothy M.) [36], Elliott [37], Plummer, C. C. [38], Ball, E. D. (Elmer D.) [39], Rothschild, M. J. (Mark J.) [40], Dasch [41], Foster, D. (Donald) [42], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [43], Titus, E. G. (Edward G.) [44], Miller, A. C. [45], Borror, D. J. (Donald J.) [46], Beamer, R. H. [47], Kovarik, P. W. (Peter W.) [48], Vickery, R. A. [49], O'Brien, C. W. (Charles W.) [50], Quiroz, D. [51], Parker, F. D. (Frank D.) [52], Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) [53], Wolda, H. (Henk) [54], Ross [55], Hofmaster [56], Nastasi, L. F. (Louis F.) [57], Brivio [58], Davis, E. W. [59], Fox, D. E. (David E.) [60], Vasquez, J. D. [61], O'Brien, L. [62], Onore [63], Grimes, D. W. [64], Sims, T. C. (Travis C.) [65], Alexander, R. D. (Richard D.) [66], Thomas, E. S. (Edward S.) [67], Clifton, H. (Hugh) [68], Johnson, D. [69], Kaiser [70], Standish [71], Flores, S. (Salvador) [72], Smith, T. R. (Trevor Randall) [73], UCFC Spring students [74], Wood, T. K. (Thomas K.) [75], Shetlar, D. J. (David J.) [76], Morrison, H. (Harold) [77], Parker, F. H. (Frank Henry) [78], Wildermuth, V. L. [79], Shaw [80], Kovarik, P. [81], Moore, F. J. (Frank J.) [82], Parrar, J. [83], UCFC Summer students [84], McIntyre [85], Preserve Staff [86], Stehr, W. C. (William C.) [87], Steele, D. [88], Kliefoth [89], Dickie, L. [90], Rolsky, C. (Charlie) [91], Reyes, F. (Francisco) [92], Ramos, A. [93], Davidson, R. H. (Ralph H.) [94], Foster, D. (Don) [95], Thomas, J. S. (John S.) [96], Champlain [97], Eger, J. E. (Joe) [98], O'Brien, L. B. (Lois Breimeier) [99], Martinson, C. (Candace) [100]