More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Chrysomelidae Latreille | Original name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Triplehorn, C. A. (Charles A.) | 3141 |
Arduser, M. S. (Michael S.) | 7 |
none | 3327 |
Dasch, C. E. (Clement Eugene) | 1554 |
Keller, O. (Oliver) | 5 |
Heath, J. J. | 7 |
Molotievskiy, N. (Natalia) | 815 |
Dunkle, E. (Ellen) | 81 |
Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) | 1 |
Koehn, L. C. | 2 |
Lord, N. P. (Nathan P.) | 4 |
Lawson, F. (Fred) | 7 |
Ent, A. (Alexandria) | 17 |
Drake, M. E. (Martha Elise) | 5 |
Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) | 154 |
Collecting Method | # of Records |
beating | 146 |
wind vane trap | 1 |
florescent yellow pan trap - ground level | 29 |
sticky trap | 3 |
at night | 1 |
yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 7 |
Berlese funnel | 10 |
pan trap | 224 |
reared | 577 |
screen sweeping | 25 |
white pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 3 |
Lindgren funnel | 2 |
yellow pan trap - ground level | 18 |
blue pan trap - ground level | 21 |
reared from egg | 1 |
medfly trap | 1 |
blacklight trap | 79 |
net/hand | 385 |
ultraviolet light/blacklight trap | 741 |
reared from pupa | 1 |
red pan trap - ground level | 9 |
beating/gleaning | 3 |
blue pan trap | 66 |
white pan trap | 51 |
black pan trap - ground level | 3 |
florescent yellow pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 13 |
red pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 1 |
hand net | 89 |
green pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 15 |
Malaise trap | 5834 |
reared from larva | 10 |
yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 21 |
beating at night | 20 |
green pan trap - ground level | 19 |
florescent blue pan trap - ground level | 15 |
net | 1 |
canopy fogging | 95 |
white pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 4 |
insect flight trap | 9 |
green pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 7 |
quick trap | 2 |
D-VAC | 14 |
blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 3 |
florescent blue pan trap | 80 |
sweeping | 545 |
florescent blue pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 2 |
adhesive treated tree wrap paper | 28 |
black pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 3 |
pitfall trap | 18 |
mercury vapor light | 1 |
light trap | 214 |
dip net | 15 |
flight intercept trap | 186 |
none specified | 15166 |
black pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 2 |
ultraviolet light | 174 |
at light | 116 |
trap | 168 |
white pan trap - ground level | 5 |
florescent yellow pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 14 |
beating/sweeping | 28 |
florescent blue pan trap - 3 ft above ground | 6 |
hand | 6 |
yellow pan trap | 2322 |
New Jersey light trap | 37 |
red pan trap - 1 ft above ground | 4 |