Unique ID | Alt ID | Identified As | Country | State | Collecting Date | Collector(s) | Field Code |
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Child Taxon Name | Original Author | Child Status |
Camponotus oertzeni kappariensis | Dalla Torre | Subsequent name/combination |
Camponotus oertzeni oertzeni | Forel | Original name/combination |
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Camponotus maculatus subsp. Oertzeni var. Pericles Forel | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus rubripes r. Oertzeni Forel | Original name/combination | |
Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) oertzeni Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) aethiops f. clarus Karavaiev | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus maculatus oertzeni Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus (Myrmoturba) aethiops subsp. oertzeni var. pericles Forel | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus aethiops subsp. oertzeni var. pericles Forel | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus aethiops subsp. oertzeni Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus (Camponotus) maculatus subsp. oertzeni var. pericles Forel | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus maculatus Oertzeni Forel | Subsequent name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Emery C., 1925: 97. | cataloged, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |