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Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Plectroctena Smith | Original name/combination | |
Cacopone Santschi | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Plectrotrena Smith | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Plectrotena Smith | Unavailable, literature misspelling |
Citation | Annotation |
Smith F., 1858: 216. | original description. Type: Plectroctena mandibularis Smith, by monotypy |
Bolton B., Brown W. L., 2002: 11. | key to species (workers) |
Bolton B., 2003: 169, 280. | systematic references, description |
Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289. | catalog of world species |
Mayr G., 1862: 713. | keyed |
Forel A., 1917: 238. | placed in subtribe Plectroctenini, tribe Ponerini, section Euponerinae of subfamily Ponerinae |
Emery C., 1895: 767. | placed in subfamily Ponerini, tribe Ponerii |
Ashmead W. H., 1905: 382. | placed in Poneridae, Pachycondylinae, Pachycondylini |
Mayr G., 1865: 119. | description |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 783. | catalog of species of Ethiopian region |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 442. | catalog of world species |
Emery C., 1896: 178. | keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Ponerinae |
Emery C., 1902: 713. | keyed |
Wheeler W. M., 1910: 135. | placed in tribe Ponerii, subfamily Ponerinae |
Wheeler W. M., 1911: 170. | citation of type species |
Emery C., 1911: 55, 57, 94, 95. | description, keyed, catalog of species |
Arnold G., 1915: 37, 84. | description, keyed |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 650, 652. | keyed |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 85. | description |
Santschi F., 1924: 155, 159, 172. | description, taxonomic history, classification, key to species |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 684. | citation of type species, placed in tribe Ponerini, subfamily Ponerinae |
Bernard F., 1953: 209. | distribution |
Schmidt C. A., Shattuck S. O., 2014: 31, 174, 177. | description, keyed, list of species, placed in Plectroctena genus group |
Bolton B., Fisher B. L., 2008: 33. | keyed |
Bolton B., 1973: 324, 339. | description, keyed |
Bolton B., 1974: 313, 317, 318, 319, 321, 325. | description, synonymy, key to species, description of hastifer group, description of minor group, description of mandibularis group |
Taylor B., 1976: 29. | description |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 59. | description |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 256. | placed in tribe Ponerini of subfamily Ponerinae |
Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185. | distribution, synonymy |
Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732. | placed in tribe Ponerini, subfamily Ponerinae, ekeyd |
Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144. | placed in tribe Ponerini, subfamily Ponerinae, distribution through geological time |
Medler J. T., 1980: 486. | species of Nigeria |
Bolton B., 1994: 222. | keyed, placed in tribe Ponerini, subfamily Ponerinae |
Bolton B., Brown W. L., 2002: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. | description, list of species, key to species, description of hasatifera group, description of minor group, description of mandibularis group |
Fisher B. L., Bolton B., 2016: 503. | description, keyed, list of species of Afrotropical region |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |