Mayr G., 1861: 80.
original description. Type: Hypoclinea Frauenfeldi Mayr, by monotypy. Keyed |
Emery C., 1925: 15, 23.
treated as subspecies of Plagiolepis rothneyi described, synonymy, keyed |
Ashmead W. H., 1905: 384.
placed in Formicidae, Formicinae, Plagiolepidini |
Agosti D., 1991: 296.
placed in part in Pseudolasius genus-group |
Forel A., 1917: 249.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidini, section Mesocamponotinae of subfamily Camponotinae |
Forel A., 1912: 88.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidii, section Mesocamponotinae of subfamily Camponotinae |
Emery C., 1895: 771.
placed in subfamily Camponotini, tribe Plagiolepidii |
Mayr G., 1862: 652, 699, 770.
keyed, description |
Forel A., 1886: 212.
placed in tribe Plagiolepisii, subfamily Camponotidae |
Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289.
catalog of world species |
Mayr G., 1865: 119.
description, list of species |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 934.
catalog of species of Ethiopian region |
Roger J., 1863: 11.
catalog of world species |
Collingwood C. A., 1985: 273, 292.
description, keyed, species of Saudi Arabia, key to species of Saudi Arabia |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 394.
catalog of world species |
Forel A., 1892: 41.
key to species |
Forel A., 1894: 411.
key to species |
André E., 1885: 34.
description |
Forel A., 1893: 165.
placed in tribe Plagiolepisii, subfamily Camponotinae |
Forel A., 1878: 378.
description, placed in fifth tribe of subfamily Camponotidae |
André E., 1874: 169, 179, 202.
keyed, key to genera of Europe, catalog of species of Europe |
Forel A., 1892: 222.
keyed |
André E., 1882: 128, 131, 134.
keyed |
Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 453.
catalog of species of Europe |
André E., 1882: 209, 210.
description, key to species of Europe and Algeria |
Forel A., 1891: 8, 95.
description, keyed |
Lowne B. T., 1865: 332.
description |
Emery C., 1902: 722.
keyed |
Mayr G. L., 1867: 50.
keyed |
Emery C., 1896: 188.
keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Camponotinae |
Bingham C. T., 1903: 506.
description, keyed, key to species of India, Ceylon and Burma |
Wheeler W. M., 1911: 157.
citation of type species |
Wheeler W. M., 1910: 143.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidii, subfamily Camponotinae |
Ruzsky M., 1905: 102, 124.
description, keyed |
Emery C., 1916: 217, 218, 220.
description, keyed |
Arnold G., 1920: 551, 552, 554, 555.
description, keyed, key to species of southern Africa, placed in section Mesocamponotinae, subfamily Camponotinae |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 1036.
catalog of species of Malagasy region |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 696.
keyed |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 214.
description |
Santschi F., 1926: 15.
description, description of nominate subgenus |
Müller G., 1923: 113, 115.
keyed, species of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatia |
Kuznetzov-Ugamsky N. N., 1929: 480.
key to species and infraspecific taxa of Turkestan |
Clark J., 1928: 44.
distribution |
Finzi B., 1939: 159.
distribution |
Menozzi C., 1933: 90.
keyed |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 618.
citation of type species, placed in tribe Plagiolepidini, subfamily Formicinae |
Finzi B., 1936: 188.
key to species and infraspecific taxa of Egypt |
Zimmermann S., 1935: 44.
species of South Dalmatia |
Nasonov N. V., 1889: 25, 51, 52, 53, 67.
keyed, species of Russia, placed in Camponotidae, subfamily Formicidae, family Formicariae |
Chapman J. W., Capco S. R., 1951: 209.
species of Asia |
Bernard F., 1950: 291.
description, distribution |
Kusnezov N., 1954: 37.
description |
Bernard F., 1953: 256, 257.
species of Mt. Nimba, species of Mt. Nimba of nominate subgenus, distribution |
Collingwood C. A., 1962: 228.
distribution |
Dlussky G. M., 1967: 236.
keyed |
Cagniant H., 1966: 35.
description |
Bolton B., 1973: 329, 363.
description, keyed |
Pisarski B., 1975: 28.
catalog of species of Poland |
Baroni Urbani C., 1971: 173.
catalog of species of Italy |
Baltazar C. R., 1966: 265.
cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines |
Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185.
distribution |
Tarbinsky Yu. S., 1976: 217.
keyed, key to species of Kirghizia |
Medler J. T., 1980: 484.
species of Nigeria |
Prins A. J., 1983: 10.
keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1980: 540.
description |
Arnol'di K. V., Dlussky G. M., 1978: 519-556.
keyed, species of European part of USSR |
Marsh A. C., 1986: 335, 336, 341.
description, keyed |
Dlussky G. M., Sojunov O. S., Zabelin S. I., 1990: 273.
keyed |
Agosti D., Collingwood C. A., 1987: 279, 281.
keyed, key to species of Balkan region |
Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidini, subfamily Formicinae, distribution through geological time |
Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidini, subfamily Formicinae, keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258.
placed in tribe Plagiolepidini of subfamily Formicinae |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 694.
keyed |
Arakelian G. R., 1994: 153.
keyed, key to species of Armenia |
Tang J., Li S., Huang E., Zhang B., Chen Y., 1995: 94, 95.
description, keyed, species of economic importance of China |
Tiwari R. N., 1999: 67.
species of southern India |
Wu J., Wang C., 1995: 214.
description, keyed, key to species of China |
Mathew R., Tiwari R. N., 2000: 343, 346.
description, keyed, key to species of Meghalaya |
Atanasov N., Dlussky G. M., 1992: 310.
description, keyed, key to species of Bulgaria |