Fabricius J. C., 1804: 439.
original description. Type: Formica cephalotes Linnaeus, designated by Wheeler (1911) |
Bolton B., 2003: 197, 283.
systematic references, description |
Forel A., 1899: 169.
species of Mexico and Central America |
Emery C., 1895: 770.
placed in subfamily Myrmicini, tribe Attii |
Jerdon T. C., 1854: 46, 47.
description |
Forel A., 1917: 247.
placed in tribe Attini, section Mycetomyrmicinae of subfamily Myrmicini |
Ashmead W. H., 1905: 383.
placed in Cryptoceridae, Attinae |
Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289.
catalog of world species |
Forel A., 1885: 378.
placed in tribe Attidae of subfamily Myrmicidae |
Creighton W. S., 1950: 84, 327.
keyed, subgeneric classification, species of North America |
Mayr G., 1865: 119.
description, list of species |
Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. L., 1835: 574.
description |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 395, 458.
catalog of world species, synonymy |
Guérin-Méneville F. É., 1844:
treated as subgenus of Formica Latreille |
Spinola M., 1851: 153-560.
description |
Mayr G., 1855: 292, 391, 394, 396, 459.
description, species of Europe, keyed |
Schenck A., 1852: 16, 113, 122.
description, keyed |
Latreille P. A., 1809: 399.
description, synonymy |
Latreille P. A., 1810: 444.
description, designation of type species |
Jerdon T. C., 1851: 104, 105.
description |
Mayr G., 1861: 80.
description, keyed, key to species |
Westwood J. O., 1840: 587.
description |
Jurine L., 1807: 319.
description |
Förster A., 1850: 74.
keyed |
Förster A., 1850: 74.
keyed |
Heer O., 1850: 106.
keyed |
Mayr G. L., 1853: 387.
description |
Roger J., 1863: 35, 49.
catalog of world species, description, change in concept |
Smith F., 1858: 216.
description |
Smith F., 1871: 333.
catalog of species of India and East Indies, placed in family Myrmicidae |
Morris G. K., 1881: 100.
description, distribution |
André E., 1885: 66.
description |
André E., 1874: 173, 195, 203.
keyed, key to genera of Europe, catalog of species of Europe |
Cresson E. T., 1887: 98, 100, 102, 259.
keyed, catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Norton E., 1868: 66.
description |
Emery C., 1877: 81.
placed in Attidae |
Berg C., 1890: 15.
list of species of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay |
Ashmead W. H., 1900: 320.
list of species of West Indies |
Sharp D., 1893: 209.
description |
Emery C., 1896: 181.
keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Myrmicinae |
Forel A., 1893: 163.
placed in tribe Attii, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Mayr G. L., 1867: 50.
keyed |
Emery C., 1902: 716.
keyed |
Emery C., 1893: 218.
description, placed in informal group Attini gemini |
Forel A., 1895: 138.
catalog of species of Brazil |
Forel A., 1895: 143, 144.
description |
Emery C., 1905: 108.
key to species |
Forel A., 1908: 69.
list of species of Ceará, Brazil |
Wheeler W. M., 1910: 141, 559, 568.
keyed, list of species of North America, placed in tribe Attii, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Wheeler W. M., 1911: 159.
designation of type species |
Emery C., 1913: 255, 259.
description, list of species and infraspecific taxa |
Forel A., 1912: 195.
relationships within Attini |
Emery C., 1914: 42.
placed in tribe Attini, section Eumyrmicinae, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Wheeler W. M., 1916: 577-601.
keyed |
Gallardo A., 1915: 33.
keyed |
Bruch C., 1915: 529.
catalog of species of Argentina |
Smith M. R., 1918: 18.
keyed, species of South Carolina |
Gallardo A., 1916: 318, 339, 340.
description, keyed, key to species of Argentina |
Bruch C., 1914: 216.
catalog of species of Argentina |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 669.
keyed, nominate subgenus keyed |
Emery C., 1924: 333, 352, 353.
description, keyed, catalog of species |
Santschi F., 1929: 91.
description of cephalotes group, key to species and infraspecific taxa of cephalotes group |
Borgmeier T., 1927: 136.
catalog of species of Brazil |
Borgmeier T., 1939: 422.
list of species and infraspecific taxa |
Smith M. R., 1947: 546, 591.
description, keyed, list of species of the United States |
Gonçalves C. R., 1942: 334, 335, 336, 337, 344.
key to species, nominate subgenus keyed, incorrectly indicated as new subgenus, description of nominate subgenus |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 626.
citation of type species, placed in tribe Attini, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Morris R. L., 1944: 212.
species of Indiana |
Smith M. R., 1943: 293, 308.
description, keyed |
Gonçalves C. R., 1947: 184, 185, 186.
description, list of species of Brazil, key to species of central and south Brazil |
Wheeler G. C., 1949: 666, 676.
description, keyed |
Borgmeier T., 1950: 268, 269, 280.
key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed, list of species, description of nominate subgenus, key to species and subspecies of nominate subgenus |
Smith M. R., 1951: 778-875.
catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Borgmeier T., 1950: 242, 254.
key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed, list of species, description of nominate subgenus, key to species and subspecies of nominate subgenus |
Chapman J. W., Capco S. R., 1951: 82.
species of Asia |
Kusnezov N., 1956: 3, 24.
keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1960: 109.
keyed |
Weber N. A., 1958: 8.
synonymy |
Borgmeier T., 1959: 324, 335, 337, 339.
taxonomic history, description, key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species, description of nominate subgenus |
Smith M. R., 1963: 299.
key to species of the United States and Mexico |
Smith M. R., 1958: 108-162.
supplement to catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Ross H. H., Rotramel G. L., LaBerge W. E., 1971: 8, 13, 16, 19.
keyed |
Weber N. A., 1968: 348.
key to species of Panama |
Kempf W. W., 1972: 26.
catalog of species of Neotropical region, catalog of species of nominate subgenus of Neotropical region |
Smith M. R., 1967: 343-374.
second supplement to catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218.
catalog of species of Cuba |
Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185.
distribution, synonymy |
Baroni Urbani C., 1984: 79.
keyed |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 75.
keyed |
Kugler C., 1978: 479.
description |
Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144.
placed in tribe Attini, subfamily Myrmicinae, distribution through geological time |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258.
placed in tribe Attini of subfamily Myrmicinae |
Gonçalves C. R., 1986: 13.
phylogeny within the genus |
Mackay W. P., MacKay E. E., 1988: 23, 25, 27.
description, list of species of Colombia, key to species of Colombia |
Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467.
cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Mackay W. P., Vinson S. B., 1989: 9.
published keys for species identification |
Kusnezov N., 1978: 148.
keyed, key to species of Aragentina |
Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732.
placed in tribe Attini, subfamily Myrmicinae, keyed |
Bolton B., 1994: 222.
keyed, placed in tribe Attini, subfamily Myrmicinae |
Jaffé Carbonell K., 2004: 148.
keyed |
Tiwari R. N., 1999: 36, 65.
keyed, species of southern India |
Poole R. W., 1996: 793.
checklist of species of North America |
Brandão C. R. F., 1991: 328.
addendum to catalog of Kempf (1972), cataloged |
Schultz T. R., Meier R., 1995: 365.
placed in attoid clade of Attini Smith |
Fernández F., Sendoya S., 2004: 12, 43.
list of species of Neotropical region |
Serna C. F. J., Vergara N. E. V., 2001: 17.
keyed |
Fernández F., 2003: 307-330.
description |
Wild A. L., 2007: 30.
species of Paraguay |
Bacci M., Solomon S. E., Mueller U. G., Martins V. G., Carvalho A. O. R., Vieira L. G. E., Silva-Pinhati A. C. O., 2009: 430.
phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species and subgenera |
Alatorre-Bracamontes C. E., Vásquez-Bolaños M., 2010: 21.
description |
Fisher B. L., Cover S. P., 2007: 194.
description, keyed |
Fernández F., Castro-Huertas V., Serna F., 2015: 340.
description, keyed, list of species of Colombia, key to species of Colombia |