Taxa: Mirotelenomus | Dodd | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Mirotelenomus Dodd Original name/combination
                    Microtelenomus Dodd Unavailable, literature misspelling
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Johnson N. F., 1992: 438. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Kieffer J. J., 1926: 885. description, error, keyed
                          Dodd A. P., 1926: 312. description
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1956: 371. citation of type species
                          Masner L., Kozlov M. A., 1965: 293. systematic position, figures
                          Kozlov M. A., 1971: 38. keyed
                          Masner L., 1976: 59. description
                          Kozlov M. A., 1978: 538-664. key to species of European USSR
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Mineo G., Villa L., 1982: 134. taxonomic value of structures on the posterior surface of the head
                          Mineo G., Villa L., 1982: 175. taxonomic value of pleural structures, clypeus, and antennal sensilla
                          Galloway I. D., Austin A. D., 1984: 6, 80. diagnosis, list of species described from Australia, keyed
                          Dodd A. P., 1913: 158, 173. original description. Type: Mirotelenomus abnormis Dodd, by monotypy and original designation. Keyed, synonymized by Mineo & Caleca (1992)
                          Kozlov M. A., 1963: 354, 355. description, key to species, keyed
                          Mineo G., Caleca V., 1992: 11. junior synonym of Dyscritobaeus Perkins
                          Lê X. H., 2000: 386. keyed, description
                          Kozlov M. A., 1963: 660, 663, 664, 666. description, keyed, key to species
                          Mineo G., O'Connor J. P., Ashe P., 2011: 118,127. removed from synonymy with Dyscritobaeus Perkins, keyed
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          Galloway, I. D. (Ian D.) 1
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          Berlese funnel 1
                          none specified 1
                          Hobbler, F. H. [1], Misko, S. [2]