More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Camponotus fallax fallax var. nearcticus Emery | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus nearcticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus caryae caryae tanquaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus tanguaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, literature misspelling | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae var. tanquaryi Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus caryae var. pardus Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus caryae caryae nearcticus Emery | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae var. minuta Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae caryae nearcticus Emery | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus tanquaryi Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus marginatus marginatus var. minuta Emery | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax fallax var. tanquaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) nearcticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus caryae nearcticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus fallax var. nearcticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus caryae var. minutus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Campanotus fallax minutus Emery | Unavailable, literature misspelling | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae caryae tanquaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus pardus Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae var. pardus Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax var. minutus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Campanotus fallax tanquaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, literature misspelling | junior_synonym |
Camponotus caryae minutus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax var. nearticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) caryae nearcticus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | |
Camponotus fallax var. pardus Wheeler | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax fallax var. pardus Wheeler | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus caryae var. tanquaryi Wheeler | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus marginatus marginatus var. nearctica Emery | Unavailable, other | |
Camponotus (Myrmentoma) minutus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus marginatus var. nearcticus Emery | Original name/combination | |
Camponotus fallax var. tanguaryi Wheeler | Unavailable, literature misspelling | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax fallax var. minutus Emery | Unavailable, other | junior_synonym |
Camponotus marginatus var. minutus Emery | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus caryae var. minuta Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus fallax var. tanquaryi Wheeler | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Camponotus (Camponotus) caryae var. minutus Emery | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Citation | Annotation |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1953: 193. | description of larva |
Creighton W. S., 1950: 388. | description, distribution, synonymy, placed in subgenus Camponotus (Myrmentoma) |
Cook T. W., 1953: 462. | description, distribution in California |
Gregg R. E., 1963: 808. | distribution |
Smith M. R., 1967: 343-374. | cataloged |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1963: 326. | description, keyed, distribution |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1987: 203. | distribution |
DuBois M. B., LaBerge W. E., 1988: 133-156. | distribution |
Snelling R. R., 1988: 55-78. | description, keyed, distribution |
MacGown J. A., Brown R. L., Hill J. G., Layton B., 2007: 17. | description, distribution |
MacGown J. A., Brown R. L., 2006: 332. | distribution |
Coovert G. A., 2005: 169, 170. | description, keyed, distribution |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
none | 20 |
none specified | 5 |
Ivanov, K. Y. (Kal Y.) | 3 |
Collecting Method | # of Records |
Malaise trap | 4 |
sweeping | 4 |
pitfall trap | 5 |
maxi winkler litter extraction | 2 |
none specified | 9 |
yellow pan trap | 4 |