More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Camponotus (Camponotus) castaneus (Latreille) | Subsequent name/combination | member |
Campanotus castaneus (Latreille) | Unavailable, literature misspelling | member |
Camponotus clarus Mayr | Original name/combination | |
Camponotus castaneous Wheeler | Unavailable, literature misspelling | member |
Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) castaneus (Latreille) | Subsequent name/combination | member |
Formica castanea Latreille | Original name/combination | member |
Camponotus castaneus (Latreille) | Subsequent name/combination | member |
Camponotus castaneus castaneus (Latreille) | Subsequent name/combination | member |
Citation | Annotation |
Mayr G., 1862: 660. | original description |
Forel A., 1886: 141. | junior synonym of Camponotus castaneus (Latreille) |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 398. | cataloged, synonymy |
Mayr G., 1866: 485. | junior synonym of Camponotus melleus (Say) |
Roger J., 1863: 5. | cataloged |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |