Taxa: Camponotus | Mayr | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Camponotus (Myrmodirachis) Emery Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmotrix Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmodirhachis) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Paramyrmamblis Santschi Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Pseudocolobopsis) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmespera) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Karavaievia) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmophinta Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmemyrnota Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmolrema Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Manniella) Wheeler Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotos Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Hypercolobopsis) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Mirmotrema Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmisolepis Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmoplatis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Orthonotomyrmex Ashmead Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosaulus Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmophaenus Emery Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camptonotus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    carpenter ant Common name
                    Myrnentoma Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Forelophilus Kutter Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopiromis) Wheeler Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Karavajevia) Emery Unjustified emendation junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmeurynota) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Mrymosericus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Campomotus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Myrmontoma Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Orthonotomyrmex) Ashmead Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosphyma Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmeurynota Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosesicus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Campylomyrma Wheeler Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmopiromis Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus Mayr Original name/combination
                    Myrmacrhaphe Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmopytia Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmoscirus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmosphincta Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Dendromyrmex) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmepinotus Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Palaeosminthurus Pierce & Gibron Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmachraphe Santschi Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopelta) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Componotus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Condylomyrma Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmentoma Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmotemnus Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmobrachus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Orthonomyrmex Ashmead Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Paleosminthurus Pierce & Gibron Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmocladoeucus Wheeler Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmocericus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Mrymablys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmopelta Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmaplys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmosericus Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmopsammus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmamblys Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmepinotus) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Condylomyrma) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmaphoenus Emery Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmisolepis) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmosphincta) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmamplys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmachraphe) Santschi Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmensites Emery Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmentoma) Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmeurynotus) Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmomalis) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotas Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Myrmosericus) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Manniella Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotrus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Myrmotrema Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Orthanotomyrmex Ashmead Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmoponis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmospincta Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmamblis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopsammus) Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmeurinota Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopsammus) Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Componatus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Orthonotus Ashmead Junior homonym junior_synonym
                    Rhinomyrmex Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Shanwangella Zhang Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Thlipsepinotus Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmothrix Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmophima Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmonesites Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmomalis Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopytia) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmopalpella Stärcke Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmopomis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Dendromyrmex Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Phasmomyrmex) Stitz Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Paramyrmemblys Santschi Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponatus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Myrmoxygenys) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopalpella) Stärcke Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Campontus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Myrmetoma Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmopsamma Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Paramyrmanblys Santschi Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmotemnus) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosphinctus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Hypercolobopsis Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Tanemyrmex Ashmead Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmoplatypus) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmanblys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmostenus) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmodirachis Emery Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Camponotus) Mayr Subsequent name/combination
                    Camponotus (Myrmotrema) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmoplatys) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmothria Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmothrix) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Thlipsepinotus) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosphinta Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmosaulus) Wheeler Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmempomis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmoxygenys Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Paramyrmamblys Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosericeus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Pseudocolobopsis Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponocus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Myrmenotoma Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmodirhachis Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmobrachys Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Mayramblys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) Ashmead Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmoplatys Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmocsphincta Fore Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmaphaenus) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmamblys) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmocladoecus Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmacrhaphe) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmoplatypus Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmapomis Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmotarsus) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmosaga Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmacrhaphe) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmonesites) Emery Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Phasmomyrmex (Phasmomyrmex) Stitz Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmepomis Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmopsamma) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmomblys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmostenus Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Paramyrmamblys) Santschi Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmocrachys Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmotarsus Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmomalus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmentona Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Myrmocenicus Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmocladoecus) Wheeler Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponutus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Mayria) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Rhinomyrmex) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmepomis) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmaphaenus Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Phasmomyrmex Stitz Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Mayria Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponolus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Myrmophyma Forel Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Campanotus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Tanaemyrmex Ashmead Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmatrema Forel Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
                    Campononotus Mayr Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Camponotus (Myrmosaga) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Camponotus (Myrmophyma) Forel Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Myrmespera Santschi Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Karavaievia Emery Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Tanarmyrmex Ashmead Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Mayr G., 1861: 80. original description. Type: Camponotus ligniperdus (Latreille), designated by Bingham (1903). Keyed, key to species
                          Snelling R. R., 2000: 604, 607. description of montivagus complex, key to species of montivagus complex
                          Cagniant H., 1996: 88, 92. key to species of Morocco (workers), list of species of Morocco
                          Zhang J., 1989: 459. description, key to fossil species from Shanwang, China
                          Bolton B., 2003: 112, 277, 290. systematic references, list of subgenera, description, earliest appearance in fossil record
                          Shattuck S. O., McArthur A. J., 2002: 64, 65. description of wiederkehri group, description of perjurus group, key to workers of the Camponotus wiederkehri species-group
                          McArthur A. J., Shattuck S. O., 2001: 26, 27. description of macrocephalus group, key to species of macrocephalus group of Australia
                          Emery C., 1896: 364, 370. catalog of world species, division into groups of species
                          Snelling R. R., 2006: 84, 96. description of festinatus complex, list of species festinatus complex of United States, key to species of festinatus complex of United States (workers)
                          Shattuck S. O., 2005: 3. description of aureopilus group, key to species of aureopilus group (majors, workers)
                          Mayr G., 1876: 58. key to workers of species of Australian region
                          Emery C., 1925: 54, 59, 63. description, keyed, synonymy, relationships, key to subgenera
                          Ashmead W. H., 1905: 384. placed in Formicidae, Camponotinae, Camponotini
                          Emery C., 1920: 229, 234, 235, 255. internal relationships, classification into subgenera, list of species, description of nominate subgenus, list of species of nominate subgenus
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1968: 216. description of larva
                          Forel A., 1899: 169. species of Mexico and Central America
                          Forel A., 1917: 250. placed in tribe Camponotini, section Eucamponotinae of subfamily Camponotinae
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1953: 181. description of larva
                          Agosti D., 1991: 295. placed in part in Formica genus-group
                          Mayr G., 1867: 34. description
                          Forel A., 1912: 88, 89, 90. placed in tribe Camponotini, section Eucamponotinae of subfamily Camponotinae, intrageneric relationships, division into subgenera
                          Wheeler W. M., 1910: 297. key to species of North America
                          Emery C., 1895: 772. placed in subfamily Camponotini, tribe Camponotii
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289. catalog of world species
                          Dlussky G. M., 1981: 72. description of Miocene specimens
                          Forel A., 1914: 259, 266. division into subgenera, description of nominate subgenus, list of species of nominate subgenus
                          Mayr G., 1862: 652, 653. keyed, description
                          Collingwood C. A., 1985: 273, 275. keyed, species of Saudi Arabia, key to species of Saudi Arabia
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 948. catalog of species of Ethiopian region
                          Creighton W. S., 1950: 355, 359, 362, 363, 364. keyed, subgeneric classification, key to subgenera of North America, key to species of North America of nominate subgenus
                          Emery C., 1920: 8. key to taxa of maculatus superspeices
                          Arnold G., 1922: 610, 612, 614. description, species of southern Africa
                          Mayr G., 1865: 119. description, list of species
                          Radchenko A. G., 1996: 1195. key to species of Asiatic Palearctic
                          Mayr G. L., 1863: 397. catalog of world species
                          Roger J., 1863: 1. catalog of world species
                          Santschi F., 1926: 597. revision of species groups of Emery (1925) within Camponotus (Myrmamblys)
                          Forel A., 1915: 77. description, keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus of Switzerland
                          Forel A., 1874: 22, 25, 27, 37, 38. description, keyed, key to species of Switzerland
                          Emery C., 1893: 267, 268. description
                          Adlerz G., 1886: 256, 257, 292, 294. description, keyed, key to species of Sweden
                          Brodie P. B., 1895: 570. distribution of fossils
                          Cresson E. T., 1887: 94, 96, 255. keyed, catalog of species of America north of Mexico
                          Forel A., 1878: 367. description, placed in first tribe of subfamily Camponotidae
                          Emery C., 1893: 667. key to species of the United States
                          Mayr G. L., 1868: 26. keyed, description, key to species of Baltic amber
                          Berg C., 1890: 27. list of species of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay
                          Dours J. A., 1874: 164. catalog of species of France, placed in subfamily Formicidae
                          Forel A., 1892: 221, 223. keyed, key to species of India and Ceylon
                          André E., 1882: 127, 130, 133, 137. description, keyed, key to species
                          Mayr G., 1878: 869. key to species related to Camponotus Traili Mayr
                          Emery C., 1892: 122. distribution
                          André E., 1884: 7. description
                          Forel A., 1891: 9, 14, 71. description, keyed, key to species of Madagascar
                          Mayr G., 1870: 373. key to species of South America
                          Scudder S. H., 1891: 692. cataloged
                          Emery C., 1902: 722. keyed
                          André E., 1896: 261. distribution
                          Forel A., 1892: 232-280. key to Camponotus putatus Forel, Camponotus imitator Forel, Camponotus Reaumuri Forel
                          Mayr G. L., 1867: 50. keyed
                          André E., 1892: 207. distribution
                          Forel A., 1893: 165. placed in tribe Camponotii, subfamily Camponotinae
                          Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 447. catalog of species of Europe
                          Emery C., 1888: 379. description
                          Emery C., 1896: 159. description, distribution
                          André E., 1874: 167, 175, 201. keyed, key to genera of Europe, catalog of species of Europe
                          Emery C., 1898: 225. catalog of species
                          Forel A., 1895: 101. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Forel A., 1895: 144. description
                          Emery C., 1896: 188. keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Camponotinae
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 321. list of species of West Indies
                          Emery C., 1903: 63. key to species of novogranadensis group
                          Robbins W. W., 1910: 215. keyed
                          Dahl F., 1901: 9, 17. keyed, key to species of Bismarck Archipelago
                          Emery C., 1899: 501. distribution
                          Escherich K., 1906: 232. keyed, key to species of Germany
                          Wheeler W. M., 1909: 343. distribution
                          Handlirsch A., 1907: distribution
                          Bingham C. T., 1903: 506. description, keyed, key to species of India, Ceylon and Burma, designation of type species
                          Emery C., 1913: 580. description of fore wing venation
                          Wasmann E., 1906: 111. keyed
                          Ashmead W. H., 1905: 958. distribution
                          Wheeler W. M., 1910: 144, 560, 571. keyed, list of species of North America, placed in tribe Camponotii, subfamily Camponotinae
                          Ruzsky M., 1905: 101, 111, 185. description, keyed, key to species of Russia
                          Wheeler W. M., 1911: 160. citation of type species
                          Forel A., 1908: 62. list of species of Ceará, Brazil
                          Bondroit J., 1910: 481, 482, 486. keyed, key to species of Belgium
                          Wheeler W. M., 1916: 577-601. keyed, key to species of Connecticut
                          Stitz H., 1914: 3-111. descripton, keyed, key to species of central Europe
                          Emery C., 1916: 217, 218, 222, 227, 233, 235. description, keyed, key to species of Italy
                          Emery C., 1911: 658. distribution
                          Yano M., 1910: 422. distribution
                          Handlirsch A., 1908: distribution
                          Bruch C., 1915: 535. catalog of species of Argentina
                          Gulick L., 1913: 310. keyed
                          Gallardo A., 1915: 29, 35. keyed, distribution
                          Burrill A. C., Smith M. R., 1919: 280. keyed, key to species of Wisconsin
                          Wheeler W. M., 1921: 16, 17. discussion of subgeneric classification, discussion of type species of nominate subgenus
                          Escherich K., 1917: 348. keyed, key to species of Germany
                          Wheeler W. M., 1917: 490. included in list of world genera
                          Bondroit J., 1918: 65, 66, 67. keyed, key to species of France and Belgium
                          Menozzi C., 1922: 144. key to C. herculeanus, C. ligniperda and varieties
                          Arnold G., 1920: 551, 552. description, keyed, placed in section Eucamponotinae, subfamily Camponotinae
                          Emery C., 1922: 72. discussion of phylogeny, classification, distribution
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 1039. catalog of species of Malagasy region, catalog of species of nominate subgenus of Malagasy region
                          Karawajew W., 1927: 273, 274, 275. keyed, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 232. description
                          Lomnicki J., 1925: 153, 154, 155. keyed
                          Forel A., 1920: 333. subgenera, species of Switzerland
                          Bruch C., 1914: 228. cataloged, distribution
                          Smith M. R., 1918: 25. keyed, key to species of South Carolina
                          Müller G., 1923: 113, 151. keyed, key to species of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatia
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 703, 704. keyed, description of nominate subgenus
                          Emery C., 1925: 62. key to species and intraspecific taxa of lateralis group of Palearctic region
                          Finzi B., 1927: 52. key to Camponotus piceus (Leach), C. lateralis (Olivier), C. dalmaticus (Nylander)
                          Soudek S., 1922: 100. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Czechoslovakia
                          Arnol'di K. V., 1933: 594-605. keyed, key to species of Soviet Union
                          Menozzi C., 1933: 81, 90. key to species and infraspecific taxa of Palestine, keyed
                          Teranishi C., 1930: 26. keyed, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Clausen R., 1938: 331. description
                          Cole A. C., 1940: 65, 82. description, keyed, species and infraspecific taxa of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
                          Karawajew W., 1936: 173, 174, 175, 177. description, keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Ukraine, description of nominate subgenus, species of nominate subgenus of Ukraine
                          Menozzi C., 1935: 330. key to species and infraspecific taxa related to Camponotus chilensis (Spinola)
                          Viehmeyer H., 1923: 94. distribution
                          Menozzi C., 1939: 316. key to species and infraspecific taxa of Tibet and the Himalayas
                          Borgmeier T., 1927: 143. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Novák V., Sadil J. V., 1941: 98, 109. keyed, key to subgenera, species and infraspecific taxa of central Europe, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Holgersen H., 1942: 22. keyed
                          Cole A. C., 1942: 373, 386, 387. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Utah
                          van Boven J., 1947: 181. keyed
                          Finzi B., 1936: 190. key to species and infraspecific taxa of Egypt
                          Buren W. F., 1944: 292, 293. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Iowa
                          Zimmermann S., 1935: 54. species of South Dalmatia
                          Gregg R. E., 1945: 469, 477. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of area of Chicago, Illinois, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Ramos J. A., 1946: 66. distribution
                          Holgersen H., 1943: 173, 174. keyed, key to species of Norway
                          Morris R. L., 1944: 220. species of Indiana
                          Smith M. R., 1947: 599, 600, 602. description, keyed, list of species of nominate subgenus of the United States
                          Van Pelt A. F., 1948: 65. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Alachua County, Florida
                          Weber N. A., 1943: 339. description, distribution
                          Weber N. A., 1948: 86. distribution
                          Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 630. citation of type species, placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae
                          Chapman J. W., Capco S. R., 1951: 220. species of Asia
                          Nasonov N. V., 1889: 9, 51, 52, 53, 57. keyed, key to species of Russia, placed in Camponotidae, subfamily Formicidae, family Formicariae
                          Smith M. R., 1951: 778-875. catalog of species of America north of Mexico, catalog of species of America north of Mexico of nominate subgenus
                          Maavara V., 1953: 27. keyed
                          Cook T. W., 1953: 462. description of nominate subgenus
                          Smith M. R., 1954: 13. distribution
                          Kusnezov N., 1953: 111, 117. keyed, systematic position, distribution
                          Bernard F., 1953: 260. species of Mt. Nimba
                          Kusnezov N., 1956: 32. keyed
                          Stitz H., 1939: 428. description, keyed, key to subgenera of Germany and areas bordering the Baltic Sea, nominate subgenus keyed, species of nominate subgenus keyed
                          Kusnezov N., 1952: 188, 192. taxonomic summary, key to subgenera and species of Argentina
                          ICZN , 1956: 218. placed on Official List of Generic Names in Zoology
                          Kusnezov N., 1956: 5. keyed
                          Collingwood C. A., 1964: 104, 105. keyed
                          Brown W. L., 1959: 229. distribution
                          Bernard F., 1967: 411. description, keyed, key to subgenera of western Europe, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus of western Europe
                          Dlussky G. M., 1967: 236. keyed
                          Cole A. C., 1966: 19. keyed, key to species of Nevada Test Site
                          Cagniant H., 1966: 36. key to species of Atlas Mountains of Blida, Algeria
                          Arnol'di K. V., 1967: 1817, 1818. key to species of nominate subgenus
                          Gregg R. E., 1963: 808. keyed, key to species of Colorado
                          Kempf W. W., 1972: 42. catalog of species of Neotropical region
                          Ross H. H., Rotramel G. L., LaBerge W. E., 1971: 8, 12, 15, 18. keyed
                          Hölzel E., 1966: 6. catalog of species of Austria
                          Terayama M., 2009: 202, 215, 216. description, keyed, list of species of Taiwan, key to species of Taiwan
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1963: 326. keyed, key to subgenera of North Dakota, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus
                          Bolton B., 1973: 330, 360. description, keyed
                          Antropov A. V., Belokobylskij S. A., Compton S. G., Dlussky G. M., Khalaim A. I., Kolyada V. A., Kozlov M. A., Perfilieva K. S., Rasnitsyn A. P., 2014: 84. description
                          Boven J. K. A. van, 1977: 128, 129, 130. keyed, key to species of Belgium
                          Baroni Urbani C., 1971: 175. catalog of species of Italy
                          Pisarski B., 1975: 29. catalog of species of Poland
                          Snelling R. R., Hunt J. H., 1976: 104, 117. keyed, key to species of Chile
                          Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185. distribution, synonymy
                          Baltazar C. R., 1966: 268. cataloged, catalog of species of nominate subgenus of the Philippines
                          Tarbinsky Yu. S., 1976: 217. keyed, key to species of Kirghizia
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1973: 162. keyed, key to subgenera of Deep Canyon, California; nominate subgenus keyed
                          Taylor R. W., Brown D. R., 1985: 1-149. cataloged, catalog of species of Australia
                          Medler J. T., 1980: 484. species of Nigeria
                          Collingwood C. A., 1978: 88, 90. keyed, key to species of Iberian Peninsula
                          Prins A. J., 1983: 10. keyed
                          Kutter H., 1977: 183, 184, 190, 191, 192, 194, 204. description, keyed, key to species of Switzerland, species of Switzerland of nominate subgenus
                          Baroni Urbani C., 1984: 81. keyed
                          Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218. catalog of species of Cuba
                          Paik W. H., 1983: 71. keyed
                          Allred D. M., 1982: 444, 445. keyed, key to species in Utah
                          Arnol'di K. V., Dlussky G. M., 1978: 519-556. keyed, key to species of European part of USSR
                          Johnson C., 1986: 245. distribution
                          Marsh A. C., 1986: 335, 336. keyed
                          Deyrup M. A., Johnson C., Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1989: 100. list of species of Florida
                          Barquín Diez J., 1981: 360, 361, 385. keyed
                          Wang C., Xiao G., Wu J., 1989: 222. key to species of China
                          Dlussky G. M., Sojunov O. S., Zabelin S. I., 1990: 273. keyed, key to species of Turkmenistan
                          Collingwood C. A., 1979: 85, 86. description, keyed, key to species of Fennoscandia and Denmark
                          Agosti D., Collingwood C. A., 1987: 279, 282. keyed, key to species of Balkan region
                          Mackay W. P., Vinson S. B., 1989: 11. published keys for species identification
                          MacKay W. P., Lowrie D., Fisher A., MacKay E. E., Barnes F., Lowrie D., 1988: 79-131. keyed, key to species of Los Alamos County, New Mexico
                          Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144. placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae, distribution through geological time
                          Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467. cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico, nominate subgenus cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico of nominate subgenus
                          Kusnezov N., 1978: 148. keyed, key to species of Argentina
                          Bolton B., 1994: 222. keyed, placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae
                          Kupyanskaya A. N., 1990: 258. description, description of nominate subgenus, keyed, key to species of Soviet Far East
                          DuBois M. B., LaBerge W. E., 1988: 133-156. species of Illinois
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258. placed in tribe Camponotini of subfamily Formicinae
                          Taylor R. W., 1987: 10, 16. checklist of species of Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand
                          Cagniant H., Espadaler X., 1993: 435, 436. description of latrealis group, key to species of lateralis group
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 692. keyed
                          Arakelian G. R., 1994: 153. keyed, key to species of Armenia
                          Jaffé Carbonell K., 2004: 148. keyed
                          Carpenter F. M., 1992: 655. distribution in fossil record
                          Tiwari R. N., 1999: 68. key to species of southern India
                          Poole R. W., 1996: 793. checklist of species of North America
                          McArthur A. J., Adams M., 1996: 17, 18. description of nigriceps group, key to species of nigriceps group
                          Wang C., Wu J., 1994: 28. key to species of China
                          Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732. placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae, keyed
                          Radchenko A. G., 1997: 554, 557, 558, 561. review of Palearctic species, description of herculeanus group, description of ligniperdus group, description of vagus group, description of yessensis group, relationships among species of Camponotus (Camponotus)
                          Andersen A. N., 2000: 106. keyed, species of northern Australia, key to species groups of northern Australia
                          Robertson H. G., Zachariades C., 1997: 2. key to species of fulvopilosus group
                          Collingwood C. A., Agosti D., 1996: 361, 370. keyed, key to species of Arabia
                          Shattuck S. O., 1999: 34, 91. description, keyed, list of species of Australia
                          Kim B.-J., Kim K.-G., Ryu D.-P., Kim J. H., 1995: 106. keyed
                          Snelling R. R., Torres J. A., 1998: 9. key to species of Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1990: 754. placed in tribe Camponotini
                          Tang J., Li S., Huang E., Zhang B., Chen Y., 1995: 94, 112, 113. description, keyed, key to species of economic importance of China
                          Terayama M., 1999: 25, 26, 27. description, description of nominate subgenus, key to species of Japan
                          Ghosh S. N., Sheela S., Kundu B. G., 2005: 12. keyed, species of Rabindra Sarovar, Kolkata
                          Dlussky G. M., 1997: 55, 59. keyed, synonymy, species of Baltic amber
                          Mohamed S., Zalat S., Fadl H., Gadalla S., Sharaf M. R., 2001: 43. key to species of Sinai and Dakahliya governates, Egypt
                          Arillo A., Ortuño V. M., 2005: 33. catalog of species from Dominican amber
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 138. keyed, key to subgenera of Nevada, key to species of nominate subgenus of Nevada
                          Mackay W., Mackay E., 2002: 400. description, keyed, key to subgenera of New Mexico, nominate subgenus keyed, key to species of nominate subgenus of New Mexico
                          Fernández F., Sendoya S., 2004: 10, 20. list of species of Neotropical region
                          Zhou S.-Y., 2001: 255. description, keyed, key to species of Guangxi
                          Hong Y.-C., Wu J., 2000: 19. synonymy
                          Morisita M., Kubota M., Onoyama K., Ogata K., Terayama M., Yamauchi K., Sonobe R., Kondoh M., 1991: 56. description, keyed, description of nominate subgenus, key to species of Japan
                          Serna C. F. J., Vergara N. E. V., 2001: 18. keyed
                          Fernández F., 2003: 299-306. description
                          Wu J., Wang C., 1995: 214. description, keyed, key to species of China
                          Yoshimura M., Onoyama K., 2002: 425. keyed
                          Imai H. T., Kihara A., Kondoh M., Kubota M., Kuribayashi S., Ogata K., Onoyama K., Taylor R. W., Terayama M., Tsukii Y., Yoshimura M., Ugawa Y., 2003: 224. keyed, description, distribution
                          Palacio E. E., Fernández F., 2003: 233-260. keyed
                          Mathew R., Tiwari R. N., 2000: 344, 350. description, keyed, key to species of Meghalaya
                          MacGown J. A., Brown R. L., Hill J. G., Layton B., 2007: 4, 9, 11. description, key to species of southeastern United States, description of nominate subgenus
                          McArthur A. J., 2007: 290-351. key to species of Australia, list of species and species groups of Australia, key to species groups of Australia, key to species of macrocephalus group, key to species of nigriceps group, key to species of ephippium group, key to species of whitei group, key to species of intrepidus group, key to species of chalceus group, key to species of sponsorum group, key to species of aeneopilosus group, key to species of subnitidus group, key to species of maculatus group, key to species of darlingtoni group, key to species of scotti group, key to species of esau group, key to species of gibbinotus group, key to species of walkeri group, key to species of armstrongi group, key to species of evae group, key to species of rubiginosus group, key to species of oetkeri group, key to species of claripes group
                          Radchenko A., 2005: 157, 187, 188. keyed, key to species of North Korea
                          Wild A. L., 2007: 27, 29. species of Paraguay, distribution
                          Cagniant H., 2006: 194. species of Morocco
                          Ward P. S., 2005: 24, 28. keyed
                          Ionescu-Hirsch A., 2009: 59. key to species of Israel
                          Seifert B., 1996: 352. keyed, key to species of central Europe
                          Hita Garcia F., Fischer G., Peters M. K., Snelling R. R., Wägele J. W., 2009: 159. distribution
                          Brady S. G., Gadau J., Ward P. S., 2000: 131-139. phylogenetic analysis of relationships among subgenera
                          Heterick B. E., 2009: 31, 60, 85. description, keyed, key to species of South-West Botanical Province, Australia
                          Mackay W., Delsinne T., 2009: 494, 496. description of maculatus complex, key to species of maculatus complex of New World
                          Suchocka H., Czechowski W., Radchenko A., 2008: 11. key to species of Poland
                          Wara A., Rosichon U., Yamane S., 2008: 4, 6. distribution
                          Framenau V. W., Thomas M. L., 2008: 50, 55, 62, 63. description, keyed, distribution
                          Atanasov N., Dlussky G. M., 1992: 310. description, keyed, key to species of Bulgaria, description of nominate subgenus
                          Alatorre-Bracamontes C. E., Vásquez-Bolaños M., 2010: 17. description
                          Markó B., Ionescu-Hirsch A., Szász-Len A., 2009: 37. key to species of Romania
                          Shattuck S. O., Janda M., 2009: 252. key to species of aureopilus group
                          Mohanraj P., Ali M., Veenakumari K., 2010: 6. distribution
                          Petrov I. Z., 2006: 103, 107. keyed, key to species of Serbia and Montenegro
                          McArthur A. J., Leys R., 2006: 99, 103. description of maculatus group, phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species of maculatus group
                          Karaman C., Aktaç N., Kiran K., 2011: 191, 192, 193. key to species of Kuz Mountains, Turkey
                          Fisher B. L., Cover S. P., 2007: 194. description, keyed
                          Bharti H., Wachkoo A. A., 2014: 7. key to species of Shivalid Hills of Indian Himalaya
                          Aibek U., Yamane S., 2009: 98. description, key to species of Mongolia
                          Sarnat E. M., Economo E. P., 2012: 15, 44, 51, 56, 57. description, keyed, key to species of Fiji, description of laminatus complex, distribution
                          Karaman M. G., 2011: 141. catalog of species of Montenegro
                          Clouse R. M., 2007: 185, 201, 202, 215, 216. description, keyed, distribution
                          Dlussky G. M., Putyatina T. S., 2014: 249. description
                          Durán-Ruiz C., Riquelme F., Coutiño-José M., Carbot-Chanona G., Castaño-Meneses G., Ramos-Arias M., 2013: 498. description
                          General D. M., Alpert G. D., 2012: 19, 72. keyed, species of Philippines, distribution
                          Karaman C., Aktaç N., 2013: 49. key to species of Turkey (workers)
                          Kim K.-G., Kim B.-J., 2006: 50. phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species in Korea
                          Pang G.-F., Qin F., Zhou S.-Y., Qin X.-M., 2009: 63. phylogenetic analysis of relationships among species
                          McArthur A. J., 2010: 121. key to species of South Australia
                          Wang W., Shen Z., Zhao Y., 2009: 210. description, keyed, key to species of Hubei
                          Yamane S., Ikudome S., Terayama M., 1999: 831. description, key to species of Nansei Islands, Japan, distribution
                          Collingwood C. A., Agosti D., Sharaf M. R., van Harten A., 2011: 443. keyed, species of United Arab Emirates
                          Karmaly K. A., Narendran T. C., 2006: 166. description, key to species of India, list of species and subspecies of India
                          Ghosh S. N., Sheela S., Kundu B. G., Roychowdhury S., Tiwari R. N., 2006: 369-398. keyed, key to species of Arunachal Pradesh, distribution
                          Seifert B., 2007: 368. keyed, key to species of north and central Europe
                          Hansen L. D., Klotz J. H., 2005: 224. description of nominate subgenus, list of species of nominate subgenus of United States and Canada, key to species of structural and nuisance pests
                          Coovert G. A., 2005: 19, 162. description, keyed, key to subgenera of northeastern North America
                          Czechowski W., Radchenko A. G., Czechowska W., 2002: 200. keyed, key to species of Poland
                          Ward P. S., Blaimer B. B., Fisher B. L., 2016: 349, 351. synonymy, keyed
                          Blaimer B. B., Brady S. G., Schultz T. R., Lloyd M. W., Fisher B. L., Ward P. S., 2015: 6. placed in tribe Camponotini
                          Fisher B. L., Bolton B., 2016: 503. description, keyed, list of species of Afrotropical region, list of species of Malagasy region
                          Glasier J. R. N., Nielsen S., Acorn J. H., Borysenko L. H., Radtke T., 2016: 43. list of species of Saskatchewan
                          Rakotonirina J. C., Csosz S., Fisher B. L., 2016: 93, 99. list of species of edmondi group from Malagasy region, description of edmondi group, key to species of edmondi group of Malagasy region
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          carrion trap 6
                          pan trap 2
                          net/hand 1
                          ultraviolet light/blacklight trap 32
                          Malaise trap 174
                          net 1
                          bait trap 2
                          sweeping 22
                          pitfall trap 251
                          light trap 1
                          maxi winkler litter extraction 20
                          none specified 886
                          ultraviolet light 12
                          trap 13
                          hand 4
                          yellow pan trap 24
                          Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [1], Perry, K. I. (Kayla I.) [2], Herms, D. A. (Daniel A.) [3], Dasch, C. [4], Ivanov, K. Y. (Kal Y.) [5], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [6], none specified [7], Zahrobsky [8], Smith, M. R. (Marion R.) [9], Proffitt, M. R. (Max R.) [10], Parker, F. D. (Frank D.) [11], Cole Jr., A. C. (Arthur Charles) [12], Kennedy, C. H. (Clarence Hamilton) [13], Coovert, G. A. (Gary A.) [14], Pucci, T. M. (Thomas M.) [15], Hauser, M. [16], Longhurst, J. C. [17], Webster, T. H. [18], Freeman, K. E. (Klaire E.) [19], Dolan, A. C. (Amelia C.) [20], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [21], Wymore, F. H. [22], Hine, J. S. (James Stewart) [23], Keiper, J. [24], Kelly, D. A. [25], Lobdell, R. N. [26], Zeigler, H. W. [27], Mallis [28], Coovert, H. K. [29], Seevers, C. H. [30], Almquist, D. (David) [31], Snelling, R. R. (Roy R.) [32], B., W. M. [33], Olson, C. E. [34], Zuparko, R. L. (Robert L.) [35], Mahary, K. J. [36], Miller, A. C. [37], Pallister, J. C. (John C.) [38], Kelly, S. L. (Sandor L.) [39], Dozier, H. L. (Herbert L.) [40], Angalet, G. W. [41], Dahlem, G. (Greg) [42], Haber, V. R. (Vernon Raymond) [43], Pepper, B. B. (Bailey Breazeale) [44], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [45], Kimball, H. H. [46], Uppstrom, K. (Kaitlin) [47], Carroll, S. [48], Kelly, T. T. [49], Flenniken, J. (John) [50], UCFC Spring students [51], Campbell, K. U. (Kaitlin U.) [52], Uppstrom, K. A. (Kaitlin A.) [53], Dasch [54], Dasch, B. (Betty) [55], Rings [56], Cook, C. [57], Sugalski, J. [58], Lu, S. [59], Green, H. [60], UCFC Summer students [61], Facht [62], Sanford, D. (Duncan) [63], Anton, G. [64], Stage, J. I. [65], Barrows, W. M. [66], Clebsch, H. (Hans) [67], Kukowitch, R. F. (R. Frank) [68], Currin [69], Allen [70], Awe, S. J. [71], Charles, K. P. [72], Stage, G. I. [73], Brivio [74], Meszaros, G. (Gary) [75], et al. [76], Moran, K. [77], Osvaldsson, A. (Anna) [78], Pucci, T. (Thomas) [79], Laningham, T. E. [80], Engelman, R. K. (Russell K.) [81], Christian, D. [82], Komant, G. H. [83], Griffith, C. [84], Holt, E. G. [85], Stevens, L. E. [86], Meyer, S. A. [87], Gupta, H. [88], Imbrogno, K. R. [89], North, A. [90], Rings, R. W. (Roy W.) [91], Zhang, G. (Gary) [92], Perry, G. [93], Gunter, N. (Nicole) [94], Neff, E. (Erik) [95], Boone, R. S. [96], Freytag, P. H. (Paul H.) [97], Anderson, M. (Mike) [98], Li, S. (Shihao) [99], Conway, E. M. [100]