Taxa: Chrysura | Dahlbom | Valid |

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        Original name/combination, Valid

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Taeniochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysura Dahlbom Original name/combination
                    Monochrysis Lichtenstein Invalid junior_synonym
                    Chrysis (Holochrysis) Lichtenstein Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Arctochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Holochrysis Lichtenstein Invalid emendation junior_synonym
                    Selenochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Olochrysis Lichtenstein Invalid junior_synonym
                    Conochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
                    Holochrysit Lichtenstein Unavailable, literature misspelling junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Bohart R. M., Kimsey L. S., 1982: 86, 147, 148. description, keyed, description of nominate subgenus, key to species of America north of Mexico
                          Dahlbom A. G., 1845: 21. original description. Type: Chrysis austriaca Fabricius, designated by Bodenstein (1939). Keyed, key to species
                          Kimsey L. S., Bohart R. M., 1991: 652. description, keyed, description of candens group, description of cuprea group, description of dichroa group, description of radians group, list of species
                          Paukkunen J., Berg A., Soon V., Ødegaard F., Rosa P., 2015: 9, 96, 97. description, keyed, key to species of Nordic and Baltic countries
                          Linsenmaier W., 1951: 34, 35, 38. description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, key to species of Europe, description of pustulosa group, description of austriaca group
                          Rosa P., Wei N., Xu Z.-F., 2014: 67. checklist of species of China
                          Ha S., Lee S. G., Kim J.-K., 2008: 72. keyed
                          Linsenmaier W., 1959: 91. junior synonym of Chrysis (Chrysis)
                          Madl M., Rosa P., 2012: 81. catalog of species of Afrotropical region
                          Rosa P., Lotfalizadeh H., 2013: 25, 26. description of radians group, description of baiocchii group
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1951: 718-726. catalog of species of America north of Mexico, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, synonymy
                          Kimsey L. S., 2006: 131, 264, 265. description, keyed, key to species of California
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1939: 125, 133. designation of type species, synonymy
                          Rosa P., 2006: 362. description, keyed, key to species of Valle d'Aosta
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          Nastasi, L. F. (Louis F.) 1
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          none specified 19
                          Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [1], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [2], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [3], Knowlton, G. F. (George F.) [4], Rozen Jr., J. G. [5], Rodock, R. E. (Roy E.) [6], R. F. K. [7], Harmston, F. C. (Fred Carl) [8], Nye, W. P. [9], Deam, C. C. (Charles Clemon) [10], Borror, D. J. (Donald J.) [11]