Taxa: Teleasinae | Walker | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Telesinae Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Teleasinae Walker Subsequent name/combination
                    Teleasides Morley Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Teleasiniens Walker Subsequent name/combination
                    Teleasini Walker Original name/combination
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Ashmead W. H., 1903: 87, 89. diagnosis, keyed, key to genera
                          Brues C. T., 1908: 2, 18. diagnosis, keyed, key to genera
                          Kieffer J. J., 1908: 112, 187. description, key to genera, keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 61, 91. key to genera, keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1912: 6, 109. description, key to genera
                          Dodd A. P., 1914: 75. key to genera
                          Kieffer J. J., 1926: 885. description, keyed, key to genera
                          Dodd A. P., 1930: 42. revision of species of Australia, description, key to genera
                          Nixon G. E. J., 1936: 114. diagnosis, key to genera of Africa
                          Mani M. S., 1941: 3, 18. bibliography, keyed
                          Fouts R. M., 1948: 92. key to genera
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1951: 655-718. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Szabó J. B., 1966: 17. key to Palearctic genera known to the author
                          De Santis L., 1967: 337. catalog of species of Argentina
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Masner L., 1967: 285-304. second supplement to Muesebeck & Walkley (1951)
                          Kozlov M. A., 1970: 214. description, tribal classification
                          Riek E. F., 1970: 867-959. keyed
                          checklist of species of Britain
                          Masner L., 1979: 1097. tribal classification
                          Miyazaki M., Hirashima Y., 1979: 80. description
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          De Santis L., 1980: 395. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Masner L., 1980: 9, 11. key to genera of the Holarctic region, keyed
                          Sharkey M. J., 1981: 908. key to genera of Nearctic region
                          Mani M. S., Sharma S. K., 1982: 138, 144. description, keys to tribes and genera, keyed
                          Sarazin M. J., 1986: 980. primary type material in Canadian National Collection of Insects
                          Johnson N. F., 1992: 511. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Masner L., 1976: 5, 69. description, tribal classification, key to genera, keyed
                          Rajmohana K. , Narendran T. C., 1997: 33. key to genera
                          Kononova S. V., Kozlov M. A., 2001: 438. description, key to genera
                          Lê X. H., 2000: 386. description, keyed, key to genera, description of Teleasini, Xenomerini
                          Choi J.-Y., Kozlov M. A., 2001: 233. description
                          Buhl P. N., 1999: 9. checklist of species of Denmark
                          Rajmohana K. , 2006: 105, 109. description, keyed, key to genera of India
                          Loiácono M. S., Margaría C. B., 2002: 556. catalog of Brazilian species
                          O'Connor J. P., Nash R., Notton D. G., Fergusson N. D. M., 2004: 27. catalog of Irish species
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 326. list of species of West Indies
                          Veenakumari K., Rajmohana K. , Manickavasagam S., Mohanraj P., 2011: 45. key to the genera of India
                          Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218. catalog of species of Cuba
                          Talamas E. J., Mikó I., Copeland R. S., 2016: 6. key to genera with mesoscutellar spines
                          Rajmohana K., 2014: 6, 57. keyed, key to genera of rice agroecosystems of north-central Kerala
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          blue-green pan trap 1
                          clear pan trap 3
                          sticky trap 2
                          carrion trap 1
                          Berlese funnel 28
                          maxi-net 59
                          yellow pan trap/flight intercept trap 1
                          pan trap 28
                          screen sweeping 29
                          sweeping/at light 1
                          fogging 3
                          SLAM trap 45
                          reared from egg 1
                          blacklight trap 3
                          malaise trap/pan trap 34
                          yellow water trap 1
                          vacuuming 12
                          fine malaise trap 37
                          window trap 2
                          interception trap 9
                          malaise trap/yellow pan trap 76
                          litter sampling 1
                          white pan under black light 1
                          yellow pan trap/blue pan trap 73
                          beating/gleaning 1
                          blue pan trap 14
                          white pan trap 3
                          malaise trap head 31
                          yellow pan trap/interception trap 27
                          Malaise trap 3145
                          fine malaise trap/pan trap 2
                          fine malaise trap head 7
                          sifted litter 9
                          D-VAC 53
                          sweeping 255
                          pitfall trap 264
                          canopy malaise trap 6
                          light trap 15
                          flight intercept trap 400
                          none specified 2047
                          at light 4
                          aspirator 1
                          human dung trap 4
                          sweeping/pooting 3
                          emergence trap 5
                          yellow pan trap 2740
                          pan trap/flight intercept trap 1
                          flight intercept trap/yellow pan trap/malaise trap 4
                          Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) [1], Darling, D. C. (D. Christopher) [2], Sharkov, A. (Andrey) [3], Clebsch, H. (Hans) [4], Lopez, A. [5], Ejchel, F. (Flavia) [6], van Noort, S. (Simon) [7], Danielsson, R. [8], Michailovskaya, M. V. [9], et al. [10], Achterberg, C. v. (C. van) [11], de Vries, R. [12], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [13], Newton, A. (Alfred) [14], Garcete, B. (Bolivar) [15], Solodovnikov, A. (Alexey) [16], Aguiar, A. P. (Alexandre P.) [17], Copeland, R. (Robert) [18], Hubley, B. (Brad) [19], Philips, T. K. (T. Keith) [20], Miller, S. E. (Scott E.) [21], Otieno, P. [22], Söderlund, M. (Michael) [23], Musetti, L. (Luciana) [24], Amado, B. [25], Dias, J. [26], Parente, A. [27], Cave, R. [28], Cantillo, J. [29], Thayer, M. (Margaret) [30], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [31], Henriquez, R. [32], Freitas, J. S. [33], Darling [34], Harin'Hala [35], Kovarik, P. W. (Peter W.) [36], Costa, A. C. F. [37], Huggert, L. (Lars) [38], Noyes, J. S. (John S.) [39], Dietrich, C. H. (Christopher H.) [40], Schiefer, T. L. (Terence L.) [41], Schiefer, T. [42], Hanson, P. (Paul) [43], Phillips, T. K. [44], Dotseth, E. J. (Eric J.) [45], Rosichon [46], Dodd, A. P. (Alan Parkhurst) [47], Meske, I. (Ian) [48], Kovarik, P. [49], Areeluck, Y. [50], MacGown, J. [51], Townes, H. (Henry) [52], Talamas, E. (Elijah) [53], Peck [54], Ramel, G. (Gordon) [55], Macedo, A. C. C. (Antonio Carlos Cruz) [56], Greiler [57], Peaslee [58], Cederholm [59], Sustrino [60], Andersson [61], Irwin [62], Brinck [63], Johnson [64], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [65], Musetti [66], Gurko [67], Parker [68], Rhydderch, J. [69], Currie, D. C. [70], MacGown, J. A. (Joseph A.) [71], Perez, J. [72], Lubega, M. C. (Morton C.) [73], Hansson, C. (Christer) [74], Tavares, M. T. (Marcelo T.) [75], Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) [76], Woolley, J. B. (James B.) [77], Schlinger, E. I. (Evert Irving) [78], Oliva, G. [79], Gurko, V. [80], Harin'Hala, R. (Rin'ha) [81], Forchhammer, P. (Per) [82], Sutrisno [83], Fisher [84], Griswold [85], Jones, R. W. (Robert Wallace) [86], Aderbratt, S. [87], Snodgrass, G. L. [88], Hoffmann, W. A. [89], Mai, P. Q. (Phu Quy) [90], Kozlov, M. [91], Wharton, R. (Robert) [92], Gill, J. (Jocelyn) [93], Villemant, C. (Claire) [94], Townes, M. (Marjorie) [95], Adebratt, S. [96], Whittaker, O. (Oscar) [97], Pérez, J. [98], Rosichon, U. (Ubaidillah) [99], Fisher, B. L. (Brian L.) [100]