Taxa: Dolichoderus | Lund | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Dolichpoderus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Dodichederus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Dolicoderus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Dolichoderus (Monacis) Roger Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Dolichoderus Lund Original name/combination
                    Acanthoclinea Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Monoceratoclinea Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Karawajewella Donisthorpe Replacement name junior_synonym
                    Dodichoderus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Dolichoderes Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Dolichiderus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Diceratoclinea Wheeler Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Dolichoderus (Dolichoderus) Lund Subsequent name/combination
                    Diabolus Karavaiev Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Monacis Roger Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Dolichoderus (Diabolus) Karavaiev Junior homonym junior_synonym
                    Dilichoderus Lund Unavailable, literature misspelling
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Lund P. W., 1831: 130. original description. Type: Formica attelaboides Fabricius, by monotypy
                          Xu Z.-H., 2001: 356. key to species of China
                          Xu Z.-H., 1995: 34. key to species of China
                          Bolton B., 2003: 84, 275, 290. systematic references, description, earliest appearance in fossil record
                          Ashmead W. H., 1905: 384. placed in Dolichoderidae
                          Forel A., 1899: 169. species of Mexico and Central America
                          Mann W. M., 1916: 460. key to species of nominate subgenus in Brazil
                          Emery C., 1895: 771. placed in subfamily Dolichoderini
                          Forel A., 1917: 247. placed in tribe Dolichoderini, section Prodolichoderinae of subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1893: 289. catalog of world species
                          Mayr G., 1862: 652, 699. keyed
                          Mayr G., 1865: 119. description, list of species
                          Creighton W. S., 1950: 330, 331. keyed, species of North America
                          Roger J., 1863: 10. catalog of world species
                          Forel A., 1915: 77. keyed
                          Mayr G. L., 1863: 407. catalog of world species
                          Mayr G., 1886: 435. key to species of the United States
                          Mayr G., 1870: 953. relationship with Hypoclinea Mayr
                          Emery C., 1894: 227, 229. description of nominate subgenus, list of species
                          Cresson E. T., 1887: 95, 258. keyed, catalog of species of America north of Mexico
                          Mayr G. L., 1867: 50. keyed
                          André E., 1882: 129, 132, 135. keyed
                          André E., 1882: 224, 225. description
                          Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 455. catalog of species of Europe
                          Forel A., 1878: 386. description, placed in subfamily Dolichoderidae, synonymy
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 320. list of species of West Indies
                          Emery C., 1902: 720. keyed
                          Emery C., 1888: 395. description
                          Provancher L., 1888: 408. description
                          Wasmann E., 1891: 43. keyed
                          Forel A., 1895: 460, 462. keyed, key to species of India and Ceylon
                          Forel A., 1895: 107. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Bingham C. T., 1903: 506. description, keyed, key to species of India, Ceylon and Burma
                          Emery C., 1896: 186. keyed, treated as genus in subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          Escherich K., 1906: 232. keyed, species of Germany
                          Wheeler W. M., 1911: 162. citation of type species
                          Wasmann E., 1906: 115. keyed
                          Ruzsky M., 1905: 103, 129. description, keyed
                          Bondroit J., 1910: 488, 489. keyed
                          Wheeler W. M., 1910: 142, 568. list of species of North America, placed in subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          Forel A., 1908: 63. list of species of Ceará, Brazil
                          Wheeler W. M., 1905: 306, 314. key to species of North America, relationships among species
                          Emery C., 1913: 1-50. description, key to subgenera, keyed, catalog of species of nominate subgenus
                          Wheeler W. M., 1916: 577-601. keyed, species of Connecticut
                          Stitz H., 1914: 3-111. description, keyed
                          Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1917: 201, 202. description, key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Emery C., 1916: 208, 209. description, keyed
                          Forel A., 1920: 333. species of Switzerland
                          Burrill A. C., Smith M. R., 1919: 291. keyed
                          Escherich K., 1917: 348. keyed, species of Germany
                          Bondroit J., 1918: 86, 87. description, keyed, species of Europe
                          Wheeler W. M., 1922: 688. key to subgenera, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Karawajew W., 1927: 271, 272. keyed
                          Smith M. R., 1918: 22, 23. keyed, key to species of South Carolina
                          Müller G., 1923: 108. keyed, species of Venezia-Giulia and Dalmatia
                          Soudek S., 1922: 100. keyed, species of Czechoslovakia
                          Borgmeier T., 1923: 80. cataloged, catalog of species of Brazil
                          Teranishi C., 1930: 23. distribution
                          Arnol'di K. V., 1933: 594-605. keyed, species of Soviet Union
                          Cole A. C., 1940: 59, 60. description, keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of Great Smoky Mountains National Park
                          Novák V., Sadil J. V., 1941: 94. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of central Europe
                          Karawajew W., 1936: 164. description, keyed
                          Smith M. R., 1947: 592. keyed
                          Zimmermann S., 1935: 40. species of South Dalmatia
                          Gregg R. E., 1945: 467. keyed, key to species and infraspecific taxa of area of Chicago, Illinois
                          Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1938: 503. quotation of key to subgenera of Emery (1925), nominate subgenus keyed
                          Morris R. L., 1944: 212. species of Indiana
                          Nasonov N. V., 1889: 27, 51, 52, 53, 68. keyed, species of Russia, placed in Dolichoderidae, subfamily Formicidae, family Formicariae
                          Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 640. citation of type species, placed in tribe Dolichoderini, subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          Brown W. L., 1950: 249. discussion of status of subgenera
                          Chapman J. W., Capco S. R., 1951: 181. species of Asia
                          Smith M. R., 1951: 778-875. catalog of species of America north of Mexico
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1951: 172. description
                          Stitz H., 1939: 428. description, keyed
                          Kusnezov N., 1956: 6, 27. keyed, nominate subgenus keyed
                          Bernard F., 1967: 411. description, keyed
                          Kusnezov N., 1959: 42, 50. keyed, listed
                          Kempf W. W., 1969: 292. key to species of Neotropical region
                          Ross H. H., Rotramel G. L., LaBerge W. E., 1971: 7, 11, 15, 17. keyed
                          Hölzel E., 1966: 5. catalog of species of Austria
                          Terayama M., 2009: 196, 197. description, keyed, list of species of Taiwan
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1966: 726. description
                          Kempf W. W., 1972: 98. catalog of species of Neotropical region
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1963: 326. keyed, key to species of North Dakota
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1974: 396. description
                          Antropov A. V., Belokobylskij S. A., Compton S. G., Dlussky G. M., Khalaim A. I., Kolyada V. A., Kozlov M. A., Perfilieva K. S., Rasnitsyn A. P., 2014: 78. description
                          Pisarski B., 1975: 27. catalog of species of Poland
                          Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185. distribution, synonymy
                          Baltazar C. R., 1966: 262. catalog of species of the Philippines
                          Baroni Urbani C., 1984: 80. keyed
                          Kutter H., 1977: 171. keyed, species of Switzerland
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1976: 74. keyed
                          Paik W. H., 1983: 70. keyed
                          Taylor R. W., Brown D. R., 1985: 1-149. cataloged, catalog of species of Australia
                          Arnol'di K. V., Dlussky G. M., 1978: 519-556. keyed, species of European part of USSR
                          Dlussky G. M., Fedoseeva E. B., 1988: 70-144. placed in tribe Dolichoderini, subfamily Dolichoderinae, distribution through geological time
                          Deyrup M. A., Johnson C., Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1989: 99. list of species of Florida
                          Johnson C., 1989: 5. key to species of North America
                          Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732. placed in tribe Dolichoderini, subfamily Dolichoderinae, keyed
                          Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467. cataloged
                          Mackay W. P., Vinson S. B., 1989: 13. published keys for species identification
                          Zhang J., 1989: 459. description, key to species
                          Kusnezov N., 1978: 148. key to species of Argentina
                          Bolton B., 1994: 222. keyed, placed in tribe Dolichoderini, subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          Kupyanskaya A. N., 1990: 258. description, keyed
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258. placed in tribe Dolichoderini of subfamily Dolichoderinae
                          DuBois M. B., LaBerge W. E., 1988: 133-156. species of Illinois
                          Taylor R. W., 1987: 24. checklist of species of Australia, New Caledonia
                          Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 693. keyed
                          Jaffé Carbonell K., 2004: 148. keyed
                          Shattuck S. O., 1992: 20, 26, 32, 66. description, keyed
                          Mackay W. P., 1993: 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25, 28. description, description of attelaboides group, descirption of bidens group, description of bispinosus group, description of debilis group, description of decollatus group, description of diversus group, description of imitator group, description of laminatus group, description of lugens group, description of quadripunctatus group, description of rugosus group, description of shattucki group, key to species of New World
                          Shattuck S. O., 1994: 39. cataloged, catalog of species
                          Carpenter F. M., 1992: 655. distribution in fossil record
                          Zhang J., Sun B., Zhang X., 1994: 298. key to fossil species of Shanwang, Shandong, China
                          Andersen A. N., 2000: 106. keyed
                          Shattuck S. O., 1999: 28, 68. description, keyed, list of species of Australia
                          Shattuck S. O., 1995: 227. placed in Dolichoderus group of genera
                          Tang J., Li S., Huang E., Zhang B., Chen Y., 1995: 85. description, keyed, key to species of economic importance of China
                          Arillo A., Ortuño V. M., 2005: 32. catalog of species from Dominican amber
                          Dlussky G. M., Perkovsky E. E., 2002: 8. distribution
                          Cuezzo F., 2003: 291-298. description
                          Dlussky G. M., Rasnitsyn A. P., 2003: 416, 430. description, keyed
                          Zhou S.-Y., 2001: 255. description, keyed, key to species of Guangxi
                          Poole R. W., 1996: 793. included in checklist of species of North America
                          Serna C. F. J., Vergara N. E. V., 2001: 17. keyed
                          Yoshimura M., Onoyama K., 2002: 425. keyed
                          Dill M., 2002: 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 58. key to species groups of southeast Asia, description of cuspidatus group, description of monoceros group, description of scabridus group, description of sulcaticeps group, description of thoracicus group, key to species of cuspidatus group, key to species of monoceros group
                          Dlussky G. M., 2002: 55, 59, 61, 63, 66. description of quadripunctatus group, description of balticus group, description of passaloma group, description of sculpturatus group, description of cornutus group
                          Dlussky G. M., 1997: 52, 57. keyed, species of Baltic amber
                          Fernández F., Sendoya S., 2004: 9, 17. list of species of Neotropical region
                          Imai H. T., Kihara A., Kondoh M., Kubota M., Kuribayashi S., Ogata K., Onoyama K., Taylor R. W., Terayama M., Tsukii Y., Yoshimura M., Ugawa Y., 2003: 224. keyed
                          Palacio E. E., Fernández F., 2003: 233-260. keyed
                          Mathew R., Tiwari R. N., 2000: 336, 339, 342. description, keyed, key to species of Meghalaya, distribution
                          Radchenko A., 2005: 154, 186. keyed, species of North Korea
                          Wild A. L., 2007: 24. species of Paraguay
                          Dlussky G. M., 2008: 509, 511. key to species of Late Eocene amber of Europe
                          Heterick B. E., 2009: 28, 45, 46. description, keyed, key to species of South-West Botanical Province, Australia
                          Alatorre-Bracamontes C. E., Vásquez-Bolaños M., 2010: 14. description
                          Mohanraj P., Ali M., Veenakumari K., 2010: 6. distribution
                          Fisher B. L., Cover S. P., 2007: 194. description, keyed
                          Karaman M. G., 2011: 141. catalog of species of Montenegro
                          General D. M., Alpert G. D., 2012: 28, 71. keyed, species of Philippines, distribution
                          Dlussky G. M., Putyatina T. S., 2014: 240. description
                          Ortiz C. M., Fernández F., 2011: 116. description, key to species of Colombia
                          Ortega-De Santiago J. L., Vásquez-Bolaños M., 2012: 1008. key to species of Mexico
                          Shattuck S. O., Marsden S., 2013: 104, 105. description, list of species of Australia, key to species of Australia
                          Wang W., Shen Z., Zhao Y., 2009: 210. description, keyed, key to species of Hubei
                          Yamane S., Ikudome S., Terayama M., 1999: 831. description, species of Nansei Islands, Japan
                          Dlussky G. M., Rasnitsyn A. P., Perfilieva K. S., 2015: 134. description
                          Ghosh S. N., Sheela S., Kundu B. G., Roychowdhury S., Tiwari R. N., 2006: 369-398. keyed, species of Arunachal Pradesh, distribution
                          Coovert G. A., 2005: 18, 102. description, keyed, key to species of Ohio
                          Czechowski W., Radchenko A. G., Czechowska W., 2002: 200. keyed
                          Glasier J. R. N., Nielsen S., Acorn J. H., Borysenko L. H., Radtke T., 2016: 42. list of species of Saskatchewan
                          Perkovsky E. E., 2016: 113. distribution
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          none 1
                          Prusak, Z. A. (Zachary A.) 2
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          Malaise trap 1
                          sweeping 3
                          none specified 80
                          Smith, M. R. (Marion R.) [1], Ivanov, K. Y. (Kal Y.) [2], Breakey, E. P. (Edward Paul) [3], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [4], Coovert, G. A. (Gary A.) [5], Kennedy, C. H. (Clarence Hamilton) [6], Clebsch, H. (Hans) [7], Williams, J. L. (Jon L.) [8], Knull, J. N. (Josef Nissley) [9], Pucci, T. M. (Thomas M.) [10], Thomas, E. S. (Edward S.) [11], Knull, D. J. (Dorothy Johnson) [12], Coovert, H. K. [13]