Taxa: Trichrysis | Lichtenstein | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Trichrysis (Trichrysis) Lichtensteini Subsequent name/combination
                    Trichrysis Lichtenstein Original name/combination
                    Alocochrysis Haupt Invalid junior_synonym
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Bohart R. M., Kimsey L. S., 1982: 86, 158, 159. description, keyed, key to species of America north of Mexico
                          Linsenmaier W., 1968: 107. description, synonymy, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Ha S., Lee S. G., Kim J.-K., 2008: 72. keyed
                          Kimsey L. S., Bohart R. M., 1991: 652. description, keyed, list of species
                          Mocsáry A., 1889: 643. description, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Paukkunen J., Berg A., Soon V., Ødegaard F., Rosa P., 2015: 95. description
                          Linsenmaier W., 1959: 75, 76, 169, 170, 192. description, keyed, placed in Simplicicornia division, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, key to species groups, description of cyanea group, key to species of cyanea group, description of bidenticulata group, description of tridens group, description of lusca group, list of species
                          Rosa P., Wei N., Xu Z.-F., 2014: 75. checklist of species of China
                          Trautmann W., 1927: 196. description, treated as subgenus ("Hilfsgenus") of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Radoszkowski O., 1889: 19. description, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Linsenmaier W., 1984: 196, 197, 203, 206, 207, 217. description, key to speciesof North America and South America, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, description of pumila group, description of silvestrii group, description of cyanea group, description of armata group, description of tridens group
                          Linsenmaier W., 1969: 368. list of species of Palestine, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Bischoff H., 1913: 37, 45. keyed, catalog of species, treated as group ("Gruppe") of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Balthasar V., 1953: 89. key to species of Palestine and bordering countries, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Madl M., Rosa P., 2012: 125. catalog of species of Afrotropical region
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1951: 718-726. catalog of species of America north of Mexico, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Edney E. B., 1953: 532. key to species of southern Africa, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Lichtenstein J., 1876: 27. original description. Type: Chrysis cyanea Linnaeus, by monotypy. Described as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Linsenmaier W., 1994: 167, 168, 192, 193. description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, key to species groups, description of cyanea group
                          Bohart R. M., 1988: 347. key to species
                          Ducke A., 1913: 16. catalog of species of Brazil, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Bodenstein W. G., 1939: 132. citation of type species
                          Ashmead W. H., 1902: 226. keyed, citation of type species
                          Edney E. B., 1952: 413. keyed, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Bischoff H., 1910: 436, 457. description, treated as unranked group of Chrysis Linnaeus, list of species in Berlin Museum
                          Rosa P., 2006: 362. description, keyed, species of Valla d'Aosta
                          Strumia F., 2009: 591. key to species of Mediterranean region
                          Buysson R. du, 1908: 36, 51. keyed, treated as division of Chrysis Linnaeus
                          Linsenmaier W., 1999: 101, 225, 226, 227, 228. description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, key to species of northern Africa, description of pumila group, description of cyanea group, description of lusca-inops group
                          Linsenmaier W., 1997: 140. description, treated as subgenus of Chrysis Linnaeus, description of cyanea group, description of pumila group
                          Determiner(s) # of Records
                          Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) 1
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          flight intercept trap 1