More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Dolichpoderus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Dodichederus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Dolicoderus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Dolichoderus (Monacis) Roger | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Dolichoderus Lund | Original name/combination | |
Acanthoclinea Wheeler | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Monoceratoclinea Wheeler | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Karawajewella Donisthorpe | Replacement name | junior_synonym |
Dodichoderus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Dolichoderes Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Dolichiderus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling | |
Diceratoclinea Wheeler | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Dolichoderus (Dolichoderus) Lund | Subsequent name/combination | |
Diabolus Karavaiev | Subsequent name/combination | junior_synonym |
Monacis Roger | Original name/combination | junior_synonym |
Dolichoderus (Diabolus) Karavaiev | Junior homonym | junior_synonym |
Dilichoderus Lund | Unavailable, literature misspelling |
Citation | Annotation |
Cresson E. T., 1887: 97. | keyed, spelling error |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |