More to come soon!
Taxon | Status | Relationship Type |
Aphaenogaster sagei (Forel) | Subsequent name/combination | |
Stenamma (Aphaenogaster) sagei Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Stenamma Sagei Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Aphaenogaster Sagei (Forel) | Subsequent name/combination | |
Aphaenogaster (Attomyrma) sagei (Forel) | Subsequent name/combination | |
Stenamma (Aphaenogster) Sagei Forel | Subsequent name/combination | |
Stenamma (Aphaenogaster) Sagei Forel | Original name/combination |
Citation | Annotation |
Bolton B., 1995: 504. | cataloged |
Bingham C. T., 1903: 506. | description, keyed, generic transfer, distribution |
Emery C., 1908: 311, 312, 336. | description, keyed, distribution |
Emery C., 1921: 59. | cataloged, placed in subgenus Aphaenogaster (Attomyrma) |
Menozzi C., 1939: 296, 332. | keyed, distribution |
Determiner(s) | # of Records |
Collecting Method | # of Records |