Yamagishi, K. (Kenzo)

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Yamagishi, K. (Kenzo)

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Citation Publication Year PDF File
Fursov V., Shirota Y., Nomiya T., Yamagishi K. 2002; New fossil mymarommatid species, Palaeomymar japonicum sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Mymarommatidae), discovered in Cretaceous amber from Japan. Entomological Science. 5(1):51-54 2002
Hirashima Y., Inokuchi M., Yamagishi K. 1999; Do you believe a "swimming wasp"?. Esakia. 39:9-11 1999
Hirashima Y., Yamagishi K. 1975; Embolemidae of Japan, with description of a new species of Embolemus from Hachijo Island. Esakia. 9:25-30 1975
Hirashima Y., Yamagishi K. 1981; Redescriptions of the types of some Japanese Scelionidae preserved in the United States National Museum (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea). Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. 25:153-159 1981
Yamagishi K. 1980; A new record of Encyrtoscelio apterus (Szelenyi) from Korea (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae). Nature and Life (Kyungopook J. Biol. Sci.). 10(1):17-21 1980
Yamagishi K. 1980; Platygastrid parasites of willow gall midges in Japan (Hymenoptera, Procotrupoidea). Esakia. 15:161-175 1980
Yamagishi K. 1980; A new species of Trichacoides from Japan (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae). Kontyû. 48:95-99 1980
Yamagishi K. 1982; Contribution to the knowledge of the Platygastridae of Japan (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea). Kontyû. 50:88-94 1982
Yamagishi K. 1990; Notes on Archiphanurus minor (Watanabe) (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae). Esakia, Special Issue. 1:193-196 1990
Yamagishi K. 1993; A new Japanese species of Leptoteleia Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), reared from eggs of the green tree cricket. Japanese Journal of Entomology. 61:811-815 1993
Yamagishi K. 1997; A new species of the genus Plutomerus from Japan (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae). Esakia. 37:173-176 1997
Yamagishi K. 2004; [Generic composition of Scelionidae (Hymenoptera) in agricultural lands.]. Japanese Journal of Entomology. 7(2):39-54 2004