et al.

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et al.

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Citation Publication Year PDF File
Viereck H. L., Cockerell T. D. A., et al. . 1904; Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver. The Canadian Entomologist. 36:93-100 1904
Viereck H. L., Cockerell T. D. A., et al. . 1905; Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver. - IV. The Canadian Entomologist. 37:277-287 1905
Viereck H. L., Cockerell T. D. A., et al. . 1905; Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver. - IV. The Canadian Entomologist. 37:313-321 1905
Viereck H. L., Cockerell T. D. A., et al. . 1906; Synopsis of bees of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Vancouver. - V. The Canadian Entomologist. 38:297-304 1906
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Imai H. T., Baroni Urbani C., et al. . 1984; Karyological survey of Indian ants. Japanese Journal of Genetics. 59:1-32 1984
Imai H. T., Brown W. L., et al. . 1984; Chromosome observations on tropical ants from western Malaysia. II. Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics. 34:66-69 1984
Itow T., Kobayashi K., et al. . 1984; The reproductive cycle of the queenless ant Pristomyrmex pungens. Insectes Sociaux. 31:87-102 1984
Imai H. T., Brown W. L., et al. . 1985; Chromosome observations on tropical ants from Indonesia. Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics. 35:46-48 1985
Crozier R. H., Pamilo P., et al. . 1986; Evolutionary patterns in some putative Australian species in the ant genus Rhytidoponera. Australian Journal of Zoology. 34:535-560 1986
Johnson J. B., Miller T. D., et al. . 1986; Observations on the biology of two species of Orasema (Hymenoptera: Eucharitidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 88:542-549 1986
Tjan K. N., Imai H. T., et al. . 1986; Chromosome observations of Sarawak ants. Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics. 36:57-58 1986
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Maschwitz U., Steghaus-Kovac S., et al. . 1989; A southeast Asian ponerine ant of the genus Leptogenys (Hym., Form.) with army ant life habits. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 24:305-316 1989
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Loiselle R., Francoeur A., et al. . 1990; Variations and taxonomic significance of the chromosome numbers in the Nearctic species of the genus Leptothorax (s. s.) (Formicidae: Hymenoptera). Caryologia. 43:321-334 1990
Imai H. T., Taylor R. W., et al. . 1991; Notes on the remarkable karyology of the primitive ant Nothomyrmecia macrops, and of the related genus Myrmecia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche. 97:133-140 1991
Jaisson P., Fresneau D., et al. . 1992; Social organization in some primitive Australian ants. I. Nothomyrmecia macrops Clark. Insectes Sociaux. 39:425-438 1992
Schoenitzer K., Gruenwaldt W., et al. . 1995; Klaerung von Andrena forsterella, mit Hinweisen zu den anderen Arten der Andrena labialis-Gruppe (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Andrenidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge. 27(2):823-850 1995
Algarra A., Ros P., et al. . 1997; Proctotrupidae de unas simples capturados en Santa Coloma, Andorra (Hymenoptera: Proctotrupidae). Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología. 21:111-118 1997
Laurenne N. M., Belshaw R., et al. . 2000; Molecular confirmation of host records for ichneumonoid parasitoids of wood-boring beetle larvae. Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 9:241-245 2000
Belshaw R., Lopez-Vaamonde C., et al. . 2001; Paraphyletic taxa and taxonomic chaining: evaluating the classification of braconine wasps (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) using 28S D2-3 rDNA sequences and morphological characters. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 73:411-424 2001
Fontal-Cazalla F. M., Buffington M. L., et al. . 2002; Phylogeny of the Eucoilinae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea: Figitidae). Cladistics. 18:154-199 2002