Mayr G., 1861: 80.
original description. Type: Colobopsis truncata (Spinola), designated by Bingham (1903). Keyed, key to species |
Emery C., 1920: 247, 259.
description, list of species |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1968: 217.
description of larva |
Forel A., 1917: 251.
treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, tribe Camponotini, section Eucamponotinae of subfamily Camponotinae |
Mayr G., 1867: 68.
description |
Forel A., 1899: 169.
treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Forel A., 1912: 90.
treated as valid subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Emery C., 1896: 376.
equated in part with truncatus group of Camponotus, catalog of world species |
Forel A., 1914: 263, 272.
treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, list of species |
Mayr G., 1862: 652, 691.
keyed, distribution, list of species |
Creighton W. S., 1950: 362, 390.
description, keyed, species of North America, key to species of North America |
Arnold G., 1924: 707.
species of southern Africa |
Arnold G., 1922: 613.
description |
Mayr G., 1865: 119.
description |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 990.
catalog of species of Ethiopian region, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Roger J., 1863: 9.
catalog of world species |
Forel A., 1915: 77.
description, keyed, species of Switzerland |
Forel A., 1874: 22, 25, 27, 43.
description, keyed |
Mayr G. L., 1863: 403.
catalog of world species |
Emery C., 1889: 515.
treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Mayr G., 1866: 492.
description |
André E., 1882: 159, 160.
description, key to species of Europe and Algeria |
Forel A., 1878: 368.
description, placed in first tribe of subfamily Camponotidae |
Mayr G., 1870: 941.
key to species of Asia and Australia |
Cresson E. T., 1887: 94, 96, 255.
keyed, catalog of species of America north of Mexico |
Dours J. A., 1874: 164.
catalog of species of France, placed in subfamily Formicidae |
Forel A., 1892: 221.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
André E., 1882: 127, 131, 133.
keyed |
Emery C., Forel A., 1879: 449.
catalog of species of Europe |
Emery C., 1869: 3.
description |
André E., 1884: 9.
description |
Forel A., 1891: 9, 76.
description, keyed |
Mayr G. L., 1867: 50.
keyed |
Forel A., 1893: 435, 436.
key to species of India and Ceylon |
Forel A., 1895: 105.
catalog of species of Brazil, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
André E., 1874: 168, 178, 201.
keyed, key to genera of Europe, catalog of species of Europe |
Forel A., 1895: 144, 146.
description |
Escherich K., 1906: 232.
keyed, species of Germany |
Bingham C. T., 1903: 506.
description, keyed, key to species of India, Ceylon and Burma, designation of type species |
Wheeler W. M., 1904: 139.
taxonomic history |
Wheeler W. M., 1911: 161.
citation of type species |
Wheeler W. M., 1910: 144, 560.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Ruzsky M., 1905: 101, 118.
description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Bondroit J., 1910: 481, 482.
keyed |
Stitz H., 1914: 3-111.
description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Escherich K., 1917: 348.
keyed, species of Germany |
Bondroit J., 1918: 65, 66.
keyed, species of Europe |
Emery C., 1922: 73.
discussion of phylogeny, classification, distribution |
Mann W. M., 1921: 499.
key to species of Fiji, treated as subgenus of Camponotus (Mayr) |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 1054.
catalog of species of Malagasy region, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Wheeler W. M., 1922: 708.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Soudek S., 1922: 100.
keyed, species of Czechoslovakia |
Müller G., 1923: 72.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Teranishi C., 1930: 26.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Novák V., Sadil J. V., 1941: 97, 111.
keyed, species of Europe |
Zimmermann S., 1935: 60.
species of South Dalmatia, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Smith M. R., 1947: 599, 606.
description, keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, list of species of the United States |
Van Pelt A. F., 1948: 65.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Donisthorpe H. S. J. K., 1943: 634.
citation of type species, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae |
Nasonov N. V., 1889: 13, 51, 52, 53, 60.
keyed, species of Russia, placed in Camponotidae, subfamily Formicidae, family Formicariae |
Smith M. R., 1951: 778-875.
catalog of species of America north of Mexico, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Stitz H., 1939: 428.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Bernard F., 1967: 411.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, keyed |
Collingwood C. A., 1962: 229.
distribution |
Kempf W. W., 1972: 42.
catalog of species of Neotropical region, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Brown W. L., 1973: 161-185.
junior synonym of Camponotus Mayr |
Baroni Urbani C., 1971: 197.
catalog of species of Italy, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Baltazar C. R., 1966: 269.
cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Kutter H., 1977: 207.
species of Switzerland, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1982: 180.
description |
Deyrup M. A., Johnson C., Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1989: 101.
list of species of Florida |
Smith D. R., 1979: 1323-1467.
cataloged, catalog of species of America north of Mexico, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1985: 258.
placed in tribe Camponotini of subfamily Formicinae |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1986: 692.
keyed |
Bolton B., 1994: 222.
listed as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Hölldobler B., Wilson E. O., 1990: 732.
placed in tribe Camponotini, subfamily Formicinae, keyed |
Radchenko A., 1997: 811.
review of species of Palearctic region, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Wheeler G. C., Wheeler J., 1990: 754.
placed in tribe Camponotini |
Terayama M., 1999: 27.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Morisita M., Kubota M., Onoyama K., Ogata K., Terayama M., Yamauchi K., Sonobe R., Kondoh M., 1991: 56.
description |
MacGown J. A., Brown R. L., Hill J. G., Layton B., 2007: 13.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Mackay W., Mackay E., 2002: 400.
keyed, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Atanasov N., Dlussky G. M., 1992: 310.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
McArthur A., 2012: 234.
key to species groups, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr |
Hansen L. D., Klotz J. H., 2005: 224.
description, treated as subgenus of Camponotus Mayr, list of species of United States and Canada |
Coovert G. A., 2005: 19, 172.
description, keyed, key to species of northeastern North America |
Ward P. S., Blaimer B. B., Fisher B. L., 2016: 350, 351.
treated as valid genus, description, synonymy, key to species of New Caledonia and Fiji, keyed |