Taxa: Scelio | Latreille | Valid |

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                    Taxon Status Relationship Type
                    Scelionus Rafinesque Unjustified emendation
                    Scelio Latreille Original name/combination
                    Enneascelio Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Aleria Marshall Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Scelio (Enneascelio) Kieffer Subsequent name/combination junior_synonym
                    Lepidoscelio Kieffer Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Scelio (Scelio) Latreille Subsequent name/combination
                    Caloptenobia Riley Original name/combination junior_synonym
                    Serlion Latreille Unavailable, literature misspelling
                    Bethylus (Scelion) Latreille Unavailable, literature misspelling
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                          Citation Annotation
                          Johnson N. F., 1992: 471. cataloged, catalog of world species
                          Latreille P. A., 1805: 432. original description. Type: Scelio rugosulus Latreille, designated by Latreille (1810)
                          Latreille P. A., 1809: 399. description
                          Latreille P. A., 1810: 444. description, designation of type species
                          Latreille P. A., Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau A. L., Serville J. G. A., Guérin-Méneville F. É., 1825: 833. description
                          Haliday A. H., 1833: 270. keyed
                          Walker F., 1836: 367. description
                          Herrich-Schäffer G. A. W., 1840: 244. diagnosis, catalog of species of Europe
                          Westwood J. O., 1840: 158. description
                          Brullé A., 1846: 680. description
                          Kirchner L., 1856: 222. description
                          Thomson C. G., 1859: 419. description
                          Marshall T. A., 1873: 27. catalog of species of Britain
                          Howard L. O., 1886: 172. keyed
                          Ashmead W. H., 1893: 210, 211, 241. description, key to species of U.S. and Canada
                          Ashmead W. H., 1894: 218. keyed
                          Dalla Torre C. G. de, 1898: 598. catalog of species
                          Ashmead W. H., 1900: 244, 328. key to species of St. Vincent, list of species of West Indies
                          Ashmead W. H., 1903: 93, 94. keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1906: 269. key to species of America studied by Kieffer
                          Brues C. T., 1908: 27, 29, 43. diagnosis, list of species, keyed
                          Kieffer J. J., 1908: 116, 124. description, keyed, key to species
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 303. description, key to species of Brazil
                          Kieffer J. J., 1910: 63, 72. description, key to subgenera, keyed
                          Dodd A. P., 1913: 131. key to species of Australia, keyed
                          Girault A. A., 1913: 7. key to species of Australia
                          Kieffer J. J., 1913: 226, 249. description, key to species of Europe and Algeria
                          Dodd A. P., 1914: 110. key to species of Austalia
                          Kieffer J. J., 1914: 289. key to species of the Philippines
                          Kieffer J. J., 1916: 59. key to new species described from the Philippines
                          Brues C. T., 1916: 529-577. key to species of Connecticut
                          Kieffer J. J., 1926: 885. description, keyed, key to species
                          Ogloblin A. A., 1927: 393. description
                          Dodd A. P., 1927: 128. diagnosis, key to species of Australia
                          Morley C., 1929: 54. catalog of species of Britain
                          Dodd A. P., 1931: 77. comparison with Oxyscelio Kieffer
                          Jansson A., 1939: 172. keyed
                          Mani M. S., 1941: 22. catalog of species of India
                          Risbec J., 1950: 511-639. key to species of Ethiopian region
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1951: 655-718. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Priesner H., 1951: 139. key to species of Egypt
                          Mukerji S., 1953: 212. key to species related to Scelio oviphagus Mukerji
                          Risbec J., 1953: 564. correction of key of Risbec (1950)
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Walkley L. M., 1956: 397. citation of type species
                          Baltazar C. R., 1966: 175. cataloged, catalog of species of the Philippines
                          De Santis L., 1967: 337. catalog of species of Argentina
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., Masner L., 1967: 285-304. second supplement to Muesebeck & Walkley (1951)
                          Sundholm A., 1970: 373. variation
                          Hellén W., 1971: 4, 16. description, key to species of Finland, keyed
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1972: 33. description, key to species of North America
                          Rees N. E., 1973: 79. key to species of U.S. and Canada
                          checklist of species of Britain
                          Muesebeck C. F. W., 1979: 1121-1186. catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Mukerjee M. K., 1979: 89. oriental species
                          De Santis L., 1980: 395. catalog of species of Brazil
                          Mani M. S., Sharma S. K., 1982: 159. description, key to species of Oriental region
                          Galloway I. D., Austin A. D., 1984: 5, 10. diagnosis, list of species described from Australia, keyed
                          Mahmood T. Z., Qazi M. H., Hashmi A. A., 1988: 103. key to species related to S. zafari and S. pakistanicus
                          Kozlov M. A., Kononova S. V., 1990: 344. description, division into species groups, key to species of the USSR, keyed
                          Curtis J., 1830: 3. description
                          Kononova S. V., 1995: 57-121. keyed, diagnosis, key to species of Russian Far East
                          Förster A., 1856: 152. diagnosis, keyed
                          Spinola M., 1811: 150. diagnosis, key to species
                          Nees von Esenbeck C. G., 1834: 448. description, keyed
                          Cresson E. T., 1887: 84, 248, 314. keyed, catalog of species of U.S. and Canada
                          Kieffer J. J., 1908: 28. key to species described
                          Kieffer J. J., 1913: 319. key to species of the Philippines
                          Timberlake P. H., 1932: 157. keys to some species from Indo-Malayan region
                          Watanabe C., 1955: 58. key to species of Japan
                          Nixon G. E. J., 1958: 303. diagnosis, key to species of Africa
                          Kozlov M. A., 1971: 40. keyed
                          Masner L., 1976: 17. description
                          Kozlov M. A., 1978: 538-664. key to species of the European USSR
                          Kozlov M. A., Lê X. H., 1988: 170-189. key to species of Vietnam
                          De Santis L., Loiácono M. S., 1993: 8. key to species of Argentina
                          Lê X. H., 2000: 386. keyed, description, key to species
                          Dangerfield P., Austin A. D., Baker G., 2001: 254. morphology, phylogenetic analysis of Australian species, key to Australian species, description
                          Austin A. D., Field S. A., 1997: 11, 68. structure of ovipositor system, discussion of phylogenetic relationships
                          Blanchard E., 1840: 672. description
                          Rajmohana K. , 2006: 115, 129. description, keyed
                          Loiácono M. S., Margaría C. B., 2002: 558. catalog of Brazilian species
                          Kononova S. V., Kozlov M. A., 2008: 489. description, keyed, key to species of Palearctic region
                          Maneval H., 1940: 93-118. keyed
                          Yoder M. J., Valerio A. A., Polaszek A., Masner L., Johnson N. F., 2009: 57, 61. description of pulchripennis group, key to species of pulchripennis group
                          He J.-H., Chen X.-X., Fan J.-J., Li Q., Liu C.-M., Lou X.-M., Ma Y., Wang S.-F., Wu Y.-R., Xu Z.-H., Xu Z.-F., Yao J., 2004: 1373. keyed
                          Popovici O. A., Johnson N. F., 2012: 380. description of internal genitalia
                          Yoder M. J., Valerio A. A., Polaszek A., van Noort S., Masner L., Johnson N. F., 2014: 14, 18, 19, 50, 52, 113, 114, 127, 128, 137, 141, 142, 148, 150. key to species groups of Afrotropical region, list of species of Afrotropical region, synonymy, description of ernstii group, key to species of ernstii group of Afrotropical region, description of howardi group, key to species of howardi group of Afrotropical region, description of ipomeae group, key to species of ipomeae group of Afrotropical region, description of irwini group, key to species of irwini group of Afrotropical region, description of simoni group, key to species of simoni group, description of walkeri group, key to species of walkeri group of Afrotropical region
                          Sultana R., Wagan Y. S., Naeem M., Wagan M. S., Khatri I., 2013: 2506. key to species from Pakistan
                          Alayo Dalmau P., 1973: 218. catalog of species of Cuba
                          Rajmohana K., 2014: 6, 54. description, keyed
                          Collecting Method # of Records
                          malaise trap/light trap 1
                          beating 4
                          clear pan trap 24
                          wind vane trap 1
                          CDC malaise trap 2
                          red pan trap 3
                          Berlese funnel 4
                          maxi-net 3
                          yellow pan trap/flight intercept trap 1
                          pan trap 893
                          reared 3
                          screen sweeping 192
                          fogging 3
                          malaise trap with trough 1
                          reared from egg 57
                          blacklight trap 9
                          malaise trap/pan trap 130
                          malaise trap/flight intercept trap 232
                          vacuuming 1
                          black malaise trap 2
                          fine malaise trap 8
                          floating yellow pan trap 1
                          window trap 2
                          interception trap 62
                          malaise trap/yellow pan trap 56
                          yellow pan trap/blue pan trap 10
                          blue pan trap 18
                          white pan trap 33
                          malaise trap head 1
                          Oliver trap 1
                          Malaise trap 18526
                          yellow malaise trap 18
                          net 8
                          sieved 1
                          fine malaise trap head 2
                          sifted litter 9
                          D-VAC 4
                          florescent blue pan trap 3
                          sweeping 325
                          pitfall trap 83
                          white light 1
                          canopy malaise trap 39
                          mercury vapor light 2
                          light trap 68
                          flight intercept trap 769
                          none specified 12559
                          chem-baited yellow pan trap 5
                          litter extraction 4
                          JX-net 3
                          modified malaise trap 2
                          at light 6
                          trap 2
                          water trap 6
                          bowl trap 2
                          hand 5
                          emergence trap 41
                          green pan trap 8
                          yellow pan trap 1928
                          coarse malaise trap 1
                          yellow pan trap/white pan trap 2
                          pan trap/flight intercept trap 1
                          Harin'Hala, R. (Rin'ha) [1], Parker, F. (Fred) [2], Irwin, M. (Mike) [3], et al. [4], Irwin, M. E. (Michael E.) [5], Forchhammer, P. (Per) [6], Fullerton, S. M. (Stuart M.) [7], Noyes, J. S. (John S.) [8], Peck, S. (Stuart) [9], Peck, J. (Jarmila) [10], van Noort, S. (Simon) [11], Hibbs, P. (Peter) [12], Watsham, A. (Anthony) [13], Wintrebert, D. [14], Copeland, R. (Robert) [15], Bennett, F. D. (Fred Douglas) [16], Rojas, E. (Elias) [17], Garcia, J. L. (Jose Luis) [18], Sharkov, A. (Andrey) [19], Griswold [20], Fisher [21], Sa-nog, K. (Kratae) [22], Adnafai, B. (Buakaw) [23], Krombein, K. V. (Karl Vorse) [24], Montilla, R. (Rafael) [25], Bennett, E. D. [26], Alvarenga, M. (Moacir) [27], Karunaratne, P. B. [28], van Harten [29], Michailovskaya, M. V. [30], Philips, T. K. (T. Keith) [31], Fisher, B. L. (Brian L.) [32], Schlinger, E. I. (Evert Irving) [33], Sanborne, M. (Michael) [34], Yai [35], Medler, J. T. [36], Amnad [37], Johnson, N. F. (Norman F.) [38], Townes, H. (Henry) [39], Becker, M. [40], Becker, P. [41], Masner, L. (Lubomír) [42], Prinsloo, G. L. (Gerhard L.) [43], Ejchel, F. (Flavia) [44], Sedlacek, J. [45], Howden, H. (Henry) [46], Jaidee, K. (Khamphol) [47], Aguiar, A. P. (Alexandre P.) [48], Dias, J. [49], Hanson, P. (Paul) [50], Lubega, M. C. (Morton C.) [51], Howden, A. [52], Menke, A. S. [53], Guzman, R. [54], Wasbauer, M. [55], van Harten, A. (Anthony) [56], Baker [57], Fullerton, S. [58], Cave, R. [59], Garcete, B. (Bolivar) [60], Darling, D. C. (D. Christopher) [61], Chachumnan, S. (Somchai) [62], Henriquez, R. [63], Porter, C. C. (Charles C.) [64], Drummond III, B. A. (Boyce A.) [65], Holtmann, H. [66], Fonseca, G. [67], Townes, M. (Marjorie) [68], Varela, G. [69], Pemberton [70], Sharkey, M. (Michael) [71], Oliveira, F. M. [72], Hubley, B. (Brad) [73], Boutin [74], Saborio, J. C. [75], Amado, B. [76], Perez, J. [77], Singtong, S. (Saink) [78], Parker, F. D. [79], Pongphan [80], Hespenheide, H. A. (Henry A.) [81], Jackson, D. [82], Paiboon [83], Wongchai, P. (Prasit) [84], Parente, A. [85], Jaruphan, T. (Tawit) [86], Zoll, E. (Ed) [87], Peck [88], Gauld [89], Cochereau, P. (Paul) [90], Heraty, J. (John) [91], Glong-lasae, S. (Sutin) [92], Grissell, E. E. (Eric E.) [93], Prusak, Z. (Zach) [94], Finnamore, A. T. (Albert T.) [95], Howden [96], Segura, M. [97], Russell, P. J. (Phillip J.) [98], Diaz, F. [99], Turner, R. E. (Rowland E.) [100]